Ok, I've searched this thread for information and ALL of it is inconclusive or straight up doesn't work. How in THE HELL do you get the first big goal star when sending Gloria to work for Walters? Her mission stage is well beyond necessary at 24. She's at like 430 or so lewdness or whatever (the lips one) and around 11,000 to 20,000 lust at any given time I try it. I tried clearing her task of being assigned to Walters in order to try to get her to work on paperwork which results in A) no big goal stars and B) a UI warning that Walter's is getting mad she isn't assigned to him. I've tried looking at the monitor in the evening when she's assigned to him, in case that might advance this fucking quest. Fucking her or not, letting her cum or not. NOTHING works. Please, for fucks sakes, how THE FUCK do you get the first motherfucking star?
So far, this has been an outstanding game in every respect, but this particular mission is truly miserable. For this mission and to this point ONLY this mission, I haven't seen this level of "do this forever ad nauseum" level of horseshit since Married Warrior Emma, and I'm totally over it. Can someone pretty please with fucking sugar on top provide advice on how to successfully proceed that actually works? I'm playing the android apk version or I'd have totally cheated this miserable motherfucker already, which is a damn shame, because up until this point this game was absolute gold. Fucking top-tier.
I'd really like to continue it because I think it will still be gold, once this stupid bullshit is successfully advanced.
Any help, people?
Thank you.