Ren'Py - Completed - iNSight of you [v1.0] [AdventAnyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Insight of you is a corruption game with main focus put on orgasm control/denial. It includes some other fetishes like domination or exhibitionism. Imo it's one of the best honey select games out there. It's one of those games that you don't want to complete... because you know you will struggle to find a game of similar quality. To summarize, long live AdventAnyx!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    the game other games wish they could be- a true labor of love with alot of player choices and decisions and neat side quests to do. The game systems can be a bit overwhelming and grindy, but once you get the hang of it, the game rewards you with great story and fun characters.

    Only complaint is that of the 2 routes (2 girls or blonde becomes a sex freak). You don't develop into a route, its one clear choice and a fixed path. And the sex freak is more passive and a typical watch her have sex with random ugly guys, as she finds more and more dudes. The redhead doesn't change at all.

    In contrast, the 2 girl or harem route gives you the girls and develop them into your personal playthings- this route is more polished and well done. There's more effort in this route both on the players end and the devs and it shows in the scenes.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, guess this project is mature enough to deserve a review.

    Yes, make no mistake, it is a porn VN with some game mechanics implemented and should be treated as such, with the keyword here being 'porn'. There are some controversies regarding the storyline, with far too many misguided players complaining that the blackmailed and microchip-manipulated female lead becomes a promisucous whore as the story progresses, fucked roughly by anyone who's even half-interested in fucking her... except the strangely possessive player in front of the computer, having this weird idea of a harem of personal exclusive sluts, if such a thing ever existed, even in fiction. And the sick slut is loving it... as much as her nemesis, which is the male MC, loves corrupting her with no remorse. It is not a haremful of devoted slavewives trainer/pseudo econo management game, but more or less linear extreme hardcore whore story (which is what the term 'pornography' actually means), including... well, pretty much everything that got Max Hardore into trouble. Yes! There's even a Max Hardcore cameo appearance! You have been warned boy! If this is not your cup of tea look elsewhere for you daily dose of digital paperdolls who have never met such an exceptionally devilish slut-charmer like you that they will gladly commit all their sexual lust just for you, while you're free to fuck other digital paperdolls.

    Now, those players adult enough to be able to discern between amoral, guilt- and jelaousy-free debauched sex fantasies and realities of the world we live in, will enjoy a decent sexual corruption story, full of juvenile (and self-depreciating) humour, powerful key sex scenes, which work most of the time in terms of teasing our sexual demons in all the right wrong places, despite being verbose at places. The intro could really use some smart compression, as the first time I played it I thought it will take another three million mouse clicks or enter-hits before I get to anything of substance. Fortunately, you may skip this non-interactive part of the game and get straight to business.
    The game and its UI looks pretty innocent at first, you're supposed to share your business hours between working for your bitchy boss, so she hates you less, and working on your goals, which is development of a microchip which allows you to remotely mess with your bitchy boss' desire, starting with controlling her ability to orgasm. If you play your cards right, which is easy to do, as the game contains progress tips within, you'll soon be able to influence more than just her cummies... much much more.

    All this is illustrated with animated scenes using Honey Select models, which are tastefully filthy, sexy and nasty, semi-realistic and grotesque in equal measures. Seems the dev is a devoted, experienced pornographer, which takes years to master to the level he's sharing his sickest fantasies with us. Myself, I have only managed to write one or two pieces of smut in the form of short stories, so I know it's not that easy to convert the lewd contents of your own head into something more tangible, intelligible to others and triggering the expected responses. This game is totally fappable to me and I don't really mind the format, which is a kinetic novel really, despite having some interactive mechanics, stats and unlockable achievements, which slightly change flavors of some scenes.

    The only cons I can think of at the moment is perhaps the music, which becomes monotonous and annoying after a while. Some jokes in the dialogs fail to land, but the overall sense of humour is maintained. It's quite important to be funny, even or perhaps especially when it comes to sex. Too many sex games and sex gamers take themselves too seriously these days.

    Another minor issue I have are changes in UI and the rules of the game. There are at least two or three distinct stages in the progress of Gloria's corruption and these are reflected by addition of some new stats and removal of some other stats. Also, some naughty mindfucking games you could have with your boss become unavailable once the roles are reversed and she becomes your assistant. I don't see why the MC is unable to be able to spank Gloria anymore when she is his subordinate. By perv logic, the repertoire of physical chastisement should be expanded. Similarly, the orgasm control games you could play with your boss Gloria are abandoned or reduced to automated rules with the secretary Gloria, where prolonged denial of Os severely affects her sanity eventually leading to a bad end. What first incentivized the boss to become lewder now hurts the slutty assistant harshly. These denial games could continue safely further, with more interesting scenarios including her becoming so accustomed to edging and constant unsatisfied arousal that she is starting to ask to be denied release herself (at all or with the exception of situations involving the MCs dick), in similar fashion that her anal addiction works once a certain achievement is obtained.

  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Its alright, but has chronically ugly dudes, and the dialogue is so dense that you can hold skip for a minute straight and still be in the same scene. It does have some nice scenes, but the gameplay is grindy and complicated in a way thats not really satisfying. Also pretty difficult to pick up after a patch and try to remember what all the shit on your screen means and which of 17 different buttons youre supposed to click first
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It was good at first. It had a script that appealed to me quite a lot. It was a game that covered many of my fetishes. I love redheads and the game give me a redhead girlfriend with a juicy pussy at the beginning. I love criminal MCs and smart MCs. I love making bad girls fall for me. I love pure and shy blondes. I love harems. I like references to other games. And this game give me all of these.

    As for why I gave it two stars: The game didn't give me the option to add Gloria to my harem. Instead, it forced me to completely destroy her personality, making her a mess and unusable for a harem. I only drop one star because I couldn't get one of the three main girls into my harem. Another reason I'm drop a star is that Eshter and his friend are deflated after a while. Gloria's story leaves them in such a background that after a while I started to quickly skip through their scenes. I have to say, it's pretty repetitive in its part for Gloria. It may be nice to some to see a character's mind broken, but it's annoying to see it repeated over and over again. That's why I drop an another star. Also, I really don't understand why I'm not allowed to add a foreground character like Gloria to my harem. I mean, Gloria's been telling Sam over and over that she wants to be just with him. Sam could also make Gloria dependent on himself without using other people. But perhaps adding these meant doing extra work for the developer.

    I have played version 0.10 of the game but I don't intend to continue the game even if new updates come. As far as I'm concerned, it's a project that can be quite beautiful, but it was wasted because it repeats a lot and doesn't offer enough options.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    iNSight of you [v0.10]
    The best whore trainer game I have played! Love the nasty and total degeneration of whores.

    It have simple story, you have to corrupt characters and train them slowly into total whores while trying to reaching total characters mind degeneration and make them into the brain dead sex addicted whores. Going with a story you will experience how character become more independent from you and start to develop more new sexual fetishes, which only will be going to give you more power over they lives to the point you will be fully in control of them and you will be able to manage they whoring life. It's going to make you feel powerful.

    My hopes to see in upcoming updates.

    More characters that we can corrupt and more sexual interaction options for the player, like letting player personally use fetishes on his trained whores.

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best corruption/powerplay/BDSM/Humiliation games eveeeeer. If any of you are remotely interested in any of the tags then check this game out. I played an early build and even then it had lots of content.
    On the contrary, if you're not into sharing, humiliation, blackmail, corruption then you should probably avoid this game, cause this is basically a slut management simulator.
    Oh yea and did I tell u that everything is animated- trust me, that by itself has got to be one of the most unique features of this game.
    Animation 10/10
    Characters 10/10
    Fappability 1000000/10
    And as another guy has said- I wish the dev shit ton of money, all the very best. Please keep on making degenerate shit like this. Maybe someday use daz models to make a new game and release a new game on steam and I promise you I'd buy 10 copies for my friends.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolute beauty. For those who are into NTR, Corruptio, Sluttificaion and Sexual Degradation it is really a good game to take a look at. Animated H-scenes, lots of side stories, multiple choice options - everything was done at the highest level.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders and sex scenes are the only good thing in this game
    It starts as a vp you can easy skip holding controll
    Then it turns in to weird blackmail the milf your boss game
    No bugs
    To much grind I managed to blackmail the boss and all i could to was spank her
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the best renpy corruption game on this site. Enjoyable scenes, characters have humor that I generally like, meh plot but hey it's a porn game, and pretty good gameplay. Overall, it's a great game. Looking forward to future updates of the game. Harem route ftw
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy the idle animations as scenes. I think more devs should look into using it to keep scenes interesting. Like most games just use static images which is okay, but the animation makes me want to actually read the dialogue (don't ask me why I'm not sure).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite H-games. I have such a hard time finishing it because I always cum after one or two scenes play out; they are that titillating to me. Now, there are some very specific fetishes in here that you have to be amenable to, and judging by how many people on this site whine about NTR content, YMMV with this one as the main content involves corrupting and the whoring out your boss for fun and profit. It's not NTR per-se: this is not a love interest that cheats on you to make you feel jealous. It is about power games and corruption. There is a more vanilla plot-line with MC's actual love interest who will remain faithful and help you on your quest to totally ruin this woman's life. It's actually kind of sweet, the relationship between MC and his girlfriend, in a fucked up way.
    Still, the real meat of the game is with your sex-slave Gloria. If you want to see cum-drenched, sweaty nympho debase herself for an endless slew of Subway gropers, sleazy nightclub goers, and Ugly Bastards then this is definitely the game for you.

    The art and animations are all done through Honey Select, which I know some people are tired of. Let me ask you though: aren't most games done in one of three engines? You've got your Koikatsu, Daz3D, and Honey Select. It's always been the same shit! It's how the creator utilizes these tools that matters. AdventAnyx has done a fantastic job creating sexy scenarios that transcend the familiar feeling of your average HS game. Also, Daz models always look fucked up to me with very few exceptions so I much prefer this method.

    Did I mention that Gloria is an absolute bombshell? She's so much fun to fuck with too, as she starts off insufferable and slowly succumbs to your efforts to make her sex-hungry. Is it morally justifiable? Hell no. If you want your MC to be a Good Guy then you are in the wrong place. He is a terrible human being.

    So yeah, play this one and cum lots. There is an assload of content here, and the mechanics are simple enough to engage with to keep things from feeling overly grindy, but ultimately the "playing" part of the game is very shallow. Just click through the things and follow the journal and watch the sex. Just how I like it.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I would have given it 5 stars. But its a well made dirty game. I mean dirty in the way that you will feel like a real sleaze ball while playing it.
    It has many good smooth animations and every sexual trait is magnified by many times. Morals are just in the garbage bin. Every girl in the game has just one motivation in their life. And for that matter even every man in the game has only one motivation in life. Also , there is lot of humiliating stuff and lot of body fluids going every where. The girls are glittering like strippers in the late game all the time. may be because that's what they are working as strippers

    I don't mean it in a negative way. I am just saying that , if you like this description. You will definitely like the game. Personally , I can't give it 5 stars , because i feel like I am going to hell just because I played it. And I am not even a theist.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v0.9b]

    A fun time dragged down by unnecessary systems and pointless grind. The first time I tried to play this game I was kind of into it up until the point where the UI gets plastered with 20 stats and you have to start "playing." It's just overwhelming and I couldn't be bothered to learn what to do. I picked it up again recently and managed to finish all the current content and there's quite a bit of neat stuff to see, it's just way too much work to get to it.

    The one thing this game has going for it is its humiliation/maledom/fetish content and it's pretty hot if you're into that stuff. There's also a big focus on regularly mentioning body fluids and smells, which can either be a major turnoff or something you wish was in more games (hint, I'm into that sick shit.) If you're into grool and want it shown and/or mentioned constantly, this is the game for you.

    The writing is full of too many outdated memes (okay, some were funny) and waffles between cringe anime style and pretty serviceable. The animations and characters look nice, the idle animations instead of static renders make the game feel more alive. The story is... there? Heir to a mafia empire, trying to restore it to glory, something, something, okay. It does its job as an excuse to meet Esther and get you into corrupting Gloria. The setup with the iNSight chips is pretty clever and opens up fun fetish content when it comes to orgasm denial, pseudo mind control, etc.

    My biggest problem with the game is that behind the veneer of all those stats it's basically just a kinetic novel. You get your stats up and you get the next sex scene and maybe you get to choose between two animations to watch. The only meaningful choice in the game seems to be the route choice for Maya. And even that felt kind of unsatisfying. So she turns into a complete slut but somehow you're the only guy in the game who doesn't get to fuck her anymore? I'm fine with her spreading her legs for every fat hobo in town, but that's kind of lame. I only did the harem route halfway through because it was way too much work and it seemed more vanilla.

    Talking of vanilla, no corruption or domination for your girlfriend in a game like this? Yeah, you call her a slut sometimes, yada yada, but that's kind of it. Gloria kind of suffers from the opposite problem, I actually wished you could show her some affection at times or at least spend some more meaningful alone time with her. I like the characters, I just wish you got more of a choice of what you do with them besides "pussy or ass" or "get stat x up to 400 for the next scene."

    All in all, it's an interesting game worth playing if you're into its main kinks, I just think it could be a lot better.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games currently being developed. Not only does it have great scenes for people into the fetishes it focuses on, but the writing has good pacing and witty humor. I absolutely love it, and if you think it could be up your alley, I highly suggest checking it out.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best corruption games in Ren'Py. The enjoyment you get from slowly corrupting Gloria into a publc cum dump is beyond satisfying, and I adore both Maya's slut and harem routes. If I just had two complaints it would be the spelling and grammar mistakes throughout and the lack of Maya and Esther content in slut route. It would be much more enjoyable if Maya was still close with Esther and Sam and you could fuck them both together plenty still even if Maya got gangbanged on the daily. Esther steals the show, she is adorable and hilarious as the protagonists' girlfriend and partner-in-crime and I hope there's content in the future to hopefully get her into some sharing or airtight/prostitution action so she can indulge in her slutiness with a bunch of men, and get some tender loving and aftercare from Sam afterwards. I really look forward to the finished version of the game and it'll stay permanently installed on my archives.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An incredible slow-burn for fans of corruption. Models are just generic Honey Select, but that also means the author is able to make basically every shot animated instead of a still image.

    Author also understands how to make a porn game. At no point is a little bit of titillation more than 1-2 clicks away. They also jump right into it, with a character that's down to fuck constantly.

    Incredible blend of jumping right into it, while also slow-burning the corruption side. Devs usually go too hard on one and drop the ball on the other, but not here. Strongly recommended if you're a fan of that content.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best corruption games I have played so far. The way the main character corrupts and trains Gloria is sexy and beautiful. The usage of character and forming the sexy relationship between esther and arya is also wonderfully depicted.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.9b

    I'm only a couple hours into this, but I'm incredibly comfortable giving it a 4. While the girls are just your usual Honey Select models and there aren't too many of them, the animations add a lot of character, not to mention sexiness. The real star of the show here, however, is the writing. I think this might be one of the few games I've played where, not only does the MC have charisma, you can see why he gets the girl. I absolutely love his and Esther's banter and relationship and it's refreshing (and rare!) to see a couple be genuinely into each other and have chemistry.

    + Interesting story that breaks away from the norm
    + Great writing with lots of laugh out loud moments
    + Cute main trio of girls with varying personalities
    + Hot situations including some of my fav fetishes (multiple pen and slutification)

    - YMMV on the Honey Select models
    - Gameplay is a little obtuse
    - Some awkward word choice and phrasing here and there, but it doesn't impact the game at all unless you're a real stickler for that kind of thing

    While I'm not in raptures with the gameplay, I haven't felt like I'm fighting it yet and, miracle of miracles, it actually feels fairly well-integrated with the story.

    Note to Devs: I'm really enjoying this and looking forward to seeing what comes next. I hope that you continue to develop Sam and Esther's relationship as it is a clear highlight!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I wont give it 5 stars for the sinmple reason that in between sequences it abuses going to black. Its really annoying.

    And the fact that once again uses default animations taht are kind of burnt after playing 50 Honey slect games. But to compensate for this it makes a good use of them, and dialogues are so entertaining.

    Sounds are a little too much sometimes, kind of over the top, but they way they are used in combination with the dialogues, its good enough to counterbalance this slight annoyance.

    I just hope this level is mantained after this "prologue"

    Graphics are not spectacular, but once again, the way its using and squeezing this boring and dated HS engine, is quite genius i would say.