I mean yeah just the way he goes about infront of the MC makes me wish we could of tho then the next day he gives her a sneak attack kiss on the Cheek. Erynn even feels bad thinking he of all people has a girlfriend and wants to go find her to apologize
. Just funny cause I didn't think anything of this my first time playing wasn't until his betrayal I hated him. But now I just want to kick his ass before said betrayal
Zach was a walking red flag even before the betrayal IMO.
Calling every girl "babe" because he can't be bothered to remember their names.
The way he speaks to Elena and Layla, after sitting at the table he knows that they usually sit at.
Acting like he owns or has claimed Val because he "saw her first" which I hate.
Going to spy on the girls in the shower/locker room at training camp.
Being an inappropriate cock block when the MC is making out with Layla.
I'm sure that I missed quite a few things there, but you get the idea. He gives off a virgin forever aura and would most likely even reduce the MC's chances with girls if he stayed friends with him.