I thing i know wich scene you are talking about no ther is no ntr scenes going down , frist guess after i dit see this scene please no rape scene, then second gues was more like hmm maybe cuckhold scene is going down.Why on earth is all the new beach stuff gated behind either Alexis path or Alexis_SecretPath or Layla path? It's totally bizarre that you can be on a solo Erynn playthrough and just get the entire event skipped when she's one of the primary 3 participants....
The only logical thing I can think of is just a hasty dev decision to remove work on conditions, but even that doesn't make sense because much of the dialogue IS conditioned for (if Erynn_Friends == False) - i.e. - you're going for Erynn.
Also what's up with the out-of-place Val-Darryl interactions? By out of place I mean there's little to no backstory - yeah, there was the one time she was talking to him at track meet to try and make MC jealous, but that was it. Why wouldn't she just invite him (mc) along? (Especially after going on morning run with mc). If I had no dialogue to read and no context, I'd be sure I was about to see some ntr scenes go down; the whole thing is just weird.
Anyone else have this reaction?
And i can now say if ther is any rape scene coming in this game with this dam hot girls i am out , i know i know its only are game but even then that is something that go's for me to far because i know some one in rl that happend to her that is why i try to avoid games that use this tage if its avoideble then ok.
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