I don't know if it is because I find I'm able to get hooked / easily entertained onto things easily some people consider bad or just okay when it comes to tv / anime. Or I just don't look that deep into things when it comes to entertainment because of that but I honestly always found her believable to some extent at the very least. Might be because the trauma Erynn suffers from it's easy for me to find some of things believable that others wouldn't. I don't know why I find her believable when others don't to be honest or if it's what I mentioned about earlier about me being easily entertained . Not saying she is or isn't as I believe that is more on a person by person opinion.
What catches our focus plays a huge part.
Can be said in several cases what is relatable by personal experiences.
Be it from observation or direct involvement.
Witnessing trauma of a rape-victim or experiencing it.
Gives different focus of its validity(point of references).
Those whom have not or do not.
Have limited perspectives on aspects being more legit/believable.
Does not make anyone less or more, just different.
However, it says a lot about a person expressing said events.
When it comes to matters in bonding of two vested into each other.
Events there are no mistaking the outcomes of.
More often then not, people peg it with what they know.
Even if it's only observations.
Identify in their focus, believe'ability value.
Of said story in question.
Some inconsistencies are hard-core for those whom lived it.