Up to you bro, but such things aren't something I enjoy to play. I personally don't think I will continue to play this game. It's already deleted from my laptop. Dev have it's own story to tell, even tho I don't like it, I respect it, if he/she/whatever want's to keep with it. Even tho I personally hate few tags here too, it technnicaly isn't that, nor bothered me that much here, since it happened in the meantime, when MC was abroad. Just it isn't my cup of joy. And game as a whole, like pointed in reviews is hot mess. Like dev don't know what he want's with it, full of illogical and mixed stuff. Once if you look you gain points, next time you lose points, like, just pick your darn mind over it, what you want already, lol. Then, if you are free, single guy, ofc you will mess with many girls till you find one which you prefer the most, here you are either forced to some routes, or just 1 small action opens and closes relationships with other potential LI's. Like, why? You aren't in exclusive relationship to be locked in some route, that thing should be done later, much later. Really a hot mess, so, why to waste my time on it then?