It's your mind not the game. If you wanna see those "hinting of some developments between MC and his mother" you'll see it. All I see is a good mother-son-relationship. You know, not all guys want to fuck their mom and have still a good relationship.
im not into that stuff. i dont think its needed here, and im glad its not pushed on us like it is in many other avn's. if the catalyst for your post had been someone complaining that its needed, i would have just given you a thumbs up and moved along. but trying to insinuate that someone is a perv for seeing "hints" in the game is a little disingenuous.
its hard to say, i mean maybe
youve caught yourself taking a good hard look at your moms tits while at the pool, found yourself creeping on her while changing, or enjoy telling your mom how sexy you think she is, but i have not! im left wondering if it might be you thats a little pervy, or if im just a shitty son