
Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I think it's understandable for Erynn to do that if she were caught by surprise and wasn't really sure how to handle the situation. She was basically stalling for time until she could think of something to say. She was caught off-guard and made a mistake. I'm not going to hold that against her. The real problem is that she was friends with Ethan at all after knowing that he was bullying a kid. During her flashback of past events, Erynn specifically asks "Why do you always bully him?", which clearly shows that she knows Ethan has been consistently bullying him in the past, and yet she is still hanging out with Ethan daily.

It wasn't stupid for the main character to cut Erynn out of his life. She had been slowly shutting him out to spend time her new friend that bullied him, so the confession scene was a desperate attempt to get her to pay attention to him, and became the straw that broke the camels back. And let's not forget that this all happened on his birthday. That just adds an extra layer to this big shit sandwich he got that day.

Let's all think for a moment about what would've happened if he had talked with Erynn that day (or shortly after) instead of refusing to see to her. She would've explained that she wasn't laughing at him, and then what? She's still going to turn him down since he's only thirteen years old. So what would change? Would she stop being friends with Ethan and start spending more time with him instead?

She already knew that Ethan was bullying him, and she didn't stop spending time with Ethan before, so why would she now? Her continued relationship with Ethan would later cost her every other friend she had (except for Alexis), and she still stayed friends with Ethan. Even after Ethan lied to Erynn about having sex with Alexis, she still stayed friends with him. It wasn't until Ethan blackmailed Erynn with a sextape that she finally realized that he was trash. Knowing all that, is there any reasonable chance that she would follow through with her promise to stop being friends with Ethan if he continued to insult the MC way back then? Of course not. We even saw her fail to do so in that very same conversation.

Erynn: I told you, he and I are friends. And if you continue like this, you and I won't be anymore.
Ethan: Erynn... Just think about it. He's what? Like 8?
Erynn: 13!
Ethan: 13... Makes no difference. You are 3 years older than him. He's still a pathetic little boy.
Erynn: I told you to stop, Ethan!
Ethan: I can do whatever I want. That has nothing to do with you.

She should've stopped being friends with him right then and there. But she didn't. She just kept making more useless ultimatums that Ethan continued to ignore. It's possible that Erynn would've ditched Ethan if she knew that he shoved him to the ground that day. But if she wasn't there to see it happen, would she believe the MC if he told her about it? She didn't believe Alexis when she accused Ethan of lying, so we know she has some sort of a blind spot for Ethan. I would expect Erynn to doubt the MC, then the MC would get even angrier, and the friendship would end just the same.

The main character made a mistake when he thought Erynn was laughing at him, but it was a reasonable misunderstanding. Erynn was a terrible friend to the MC, and she's the one who ruined their relationship. Not for the confession incident, but for everything leading up to it.
I don't believe I'm going to bat in favor of Erynn.

Years ago had a friendship with my next door neighbor, like this story. We hooked up daily. Played house, ball.

All the normie stuff people did before Internet and cellphones.

And like this story we had a age difference too. 2?3? Don't remember exactly but I was younger and she matured first and started mingling with older boys too.

And naturally her focus changed. No more silly games, playing house, hide and seek. That good stuff from innocence.

She was interested in dating, or trying to and even if she liked me(just to make a point). By being younger and naive.

My actions and feelings couldn't follow her maturing psyche and peer pressure from interacting with older boys and girls outside our little backyard.

So slowly but surely. We drifted naturally.

I just don't see how Mc could still be attracted to her, friend sure.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
Now, I have a problem with this explanation. How long did it take to Erynn scold the bully? MC ran off, sit near the house then Alexis came they had heart to heart conversation, kissed then MC went back to home, his mom noticed something was off they talked and MC went back. How long was that scold took to catch him on the way?
Also, after Ethan cost her first love at least a dear friend she still stayed friends with him. So much so, she almost broke her friendship with Alexis because of Ethan. She believed Ethan over Alexis even though Ethan was clearly lying.
Well, given what we saw...
Alexis leaves the 2 arguing almost immediately, there's also not a whole lot of time spent in the Alexis kiss scene, she says something to him, he steals a kiss and runs off to his house, gets to his house his mom asks why he's already back and he goes immediately back out, sounds like less then 10 minutes to me, it's 1 thing leading to another right away.

When he's making his way back to Erynn's backyard Ethan is leaving(and pissed by the argument he just had).

He stayed in the town which is the next house, several weeks after that and she could not find a way? Just wait him outside the house and when he tried to avoid you, tell him you little brat fucking listen to me. Like I mentioned before MC and Alexis weren't on bad terms, tell Alexis to become intermediary, she could have explained him or find a way to make him talk with Erynn. Tell his mom what happened, Emily would have find a way to break the info to him. At least make him talk to Erynn. Erynn should have tried more or be more insisted. Only logical explanation I can think of, she did not know MC was going to move out so she might have waited, not insistent because she probably thought she had time and MC will cool off within time. Even MC did not know, Emily send him to 1 week vacation so he could stop being a brat then Andres offered to MC stay and finish school there.
Again, that's a lot of "shoulda/coulda've done that".
It's said that she tried to find him, but he avoided her, this is what was 100% affirmed in game.
Was he going through the backdoor if he spotted her? Going for an extra walk around the neighborhood? The game never goes into detail about his stalling methods...
Needs to be said she is a teen that needs to go to school and live her life, she won't just stay parked at his front porch 24/7.

Alexis? MC and Alexis didn't have any kind of relationship, there's a reason why he doesn't remember her or the kiss.

Emily could've helped, but she quite possibly was the biggest obstacle, afterall the problems between Emily and her son start at the same moment, with him turning asshole in school right after this event, Emily may have been the one saying "No he's on timeout and no one can see him".

She was 16, she could travel across the country, 16 is not too young for long distance travel. I can see that Melissa paying all the expenses, even travel with her if she knew the reason. I know a few irl examples, not exact situation but travelling long distances to apologize around that ages.

All in all, we have a situation at our hand and none of us has complete knowledge about it. Like I said, I don't like her and it really is not about whole confession, Ethan mess, Alexis mess etc. and if I say I can pinpoint a reason I'd be lying. Though, I stand behind what I said and I still think she is lying about a few thing and I also believe she lied about her reaction to confession. Also there is a secret she shared with Ethan there that none of us know. Could be something small or it might be a huge revelation, we don't know. Yet still, I do have respect to your opinion, so maybe let's agree to disagree.
That's how we get Taken movies lol.

She's a teen, she needs approval, she needs her mom to pay for it and she needs it to fit in her school schedule.
She's never been there, Melissa would need assurance from Andres that he would pick her up at the airport and provide a roof for her during her stay, you don't just send your kid across the country without everything lined up.
Hoping that the cab driver won't scam her, she will find the right address and that they will be home when she gets there...
The story doesn't touch this but given what we heard here's how i imagine this going:
"Your friend Erynn wants to spend a few days with us here, i'll tell her mom we are looking forward to it."
And it gets shut down immediately.

Back when she was an active user of this forum, Nyx said that the scene where Erynn and the MC talk about the confession in the park would be the final time this event would be touched(the discussion around this scene clearly annoyed Nyx) and this would be the accurate retelling of events... she can change her mind of course, but most likely your theories will remain theoretical.
To be honest your theory and suspicions feel like you are creating stuff attempting to place blame on someone you already dislike...
It would be more of a conversation if you said why you dislike her(since it's not about the confession) than discussing the veracity of these theories.
Oct 10, 2022
I think it's understandable for Erynn to do that if she were caught by surprise and wasn't really sure how to handle the situation. She was basically stalling for time until she could think of something to say. She was caught off-guard and made a mistake. I'm not going to hold that against her. The real problem is that she was friends with Ethan at all after knowing that he was bullying a kid. During her flashback of past events, Erynn specifically asks "Why do you always bully him?", which clearly shows that she knows Ethan has been consistently bullying him in the past, and yet she is still hanging out with Ethan daily.

It wasn't stupid for the main character to cut Erynn out of his life. She had been slowly shutting him out to spend time her new friend that bullied him, so the confession scene was a desperate attempt to get her to pay attention to him, and became the straw that broke the camels back. And let's not forget that this all happened on his birthday. That just adds an extra layer to this big shit sandwich he got that day.

Let's all think for a moment about what would've happened if he had talked with Erynn that day (or shortly after) instead of refusing to see to her. She would've explained that she wasn't laughing at him, and then what? She's still going to turn him down since he's only thirteen years old. So what would change? Would she stop being friends with Ethan and start spending more time with him instead?

She already knew that Ethan was bullying him, and she didn't stop spending time with Ethan before, so why would she now? Her continued relationship with Ethan would later cost her every other friend she had (except for Alexis), and she still stayed friends with Ethan. Even after Ethan lied to Erynn about having sex with Alexis, she still stayed friends with him. It wasn't until Ethan blackmailed Erynn with a sextape that she finally realized that he was trash. Knowing all that, is there any reasonable chance that she would follow through with her promise to stop being friends with Ethan if he continued to insult the MC way back then? Of course not. We even saw her fail to do so in that very same conversation.

Erynn: I told you, he and I are friends. And if you continue like this, you and I won't be anymore.
Ethan: Erynn... Just think about it. He's what? Like 8?
Erynn: 13!
Ethan: 13... Makes no difference. You are 3 years older than him. He's still a pathetic little boy.
Erynn: I told you to stop, Ethan!
Ethan: I can do whatever I want. That has nothing to do with you.

She should've stopped being friends with him right then and there. But she didn't. She just kept making more useless ultimatums that Ethan continued to ignore. It's possible that Erynn would've ditched Ethan if she knew that he shoved him to the ground that day. But if she wasn't there to see it happen, would she believe the MC if he told her about it? She didn't believe Alexis when she accused Ethan of lying, so we know she has some sort of a blind spot for Ethan. I would expect Erynn to doubt the MC, then the MC would get even angrier, and the friendship would end just the same.

The main character made a mistake when he thought Erynn was laughing at him, but it was a reasonable misunderstanding. Erynn was a terrible friend to the MC, and she's the one who ruined their relationship. Not for the confession incident, but for everything leading up to it.
Couldn't explain it better, thank you.

Also, iirc there was a scene she was defending Ethan to MC after all happened. So Ethan turned his target to her, he suddenly became a bad guy.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
I think that my issue with Erynn doesn't have anything to do with what she did as a kid. Kids are stupid and mean. It is that as an adult she is still so immature and presumptuous. She has the audacity of a drunken frat boy and half the charm. She has been estranged from her neighbor for the entirety of his teenage years and their last conversation before an awkward encounter - where she tried to horn in on his evening out with friends - involved him getting humiliated and pushed into the dirt and yet she has the unmitigated balls to sneak into his bedroom in the morning and jump on his bed while he is sleeping like they are still 11. He has been ignoring her for years and yet she still hasn't read the room or picked up the hints. No, Erynn. Fuck off. You are overestimating our intimacy by many orders of magnitudes. One of my pet peeves is people who think that they can just pick up a relationship in progress after putting in zero effort for years. If you have ever had an old friend who ghosted you for half a decade and thinks that you are the same person with the same feelings toward them you will feel MC's irritation and mortification with Erynn.

Then again I have issues with MC too because of how he treated his mom. He was being co-parented but couldn't be assed to spend holidays or summer breaks with her or anything. I know the big misunderstanding and estrangement was necessary for the plot but it doesn't exactly cover him in glory. That's your mom, dude. Get your hands off her tits and get her something nice instead of begging for a motorbike after treating her like shit.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
I dunno but these explanations are more of disliking Erynn than making much sense
It's tough and i tell you why, i think for those of us that like her we don't dwell on this scene, some weird convoluted shit happened, everyone tried their best, but things didn't go well... let's zero this account and start a new tab.

I start from zero(almost zero, i do keep a mindset that these people have a past when making choices, a mostly positive past apart from this one event), giving her a fresh start once we meet her in person for the first time, i like her now because of who she is now, what she's been through and what she can be.

There's nothing to be gained dwelling on one bad event from a past that otherwise was great.

And we are spending all this effort rehashing some mistakes made as teens... i suspect to some people here the teens must feel like yesterday(or today :p ) but to me i know that's when people are at their dumbest and i don't hold grudges from that era.

She was innocent and good natured(still is) and tried to be friends with an asshole, not the worst mistake ever commited.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
It's tough and i tell you why, i think for those of us that like her we don't dwell on this scene, some weird convoluted shit happened, everyone tried their best, but things didn't go well... let's zero this account and start a new tab.

I start from zero(almost zero, i do keep a mindset that these people have a past when making choices, a mostly positive past apart from this one event), giving her a fresh start once we meet her in person for the first time, i like her now because of who she is now, what she's been through and what she can be.

There's nothing to be gained dwelling on one bad event from a past that otherwise was great.

And we are spending all this effort rehashing some mistakes made as teens... i suspect to some people here the teens must feel like yesterday(or today :p ) but to me i know that's when people are at their dumbest and i don't hold grudges from that era.

She was innocent and good natured(still is) and tried to be friends with an asshole, not the worst mistake ever commited.
Wish we could tell her to fuck off without ejecting me from the story.

Yeah I know the rewrites, in hindsight we could initially trample on Erynn, now we must help her.

The cock-block drama with Lexi is a big turn off.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
I think it's understandable for Erynn to do that if she were caught by surprise and wasn't really sure how to handle the situation. She was basically stalling for time until she could think of something to say. She was caught off-guard and made a mistake. I'm not going to hold that against her. The real problem is that she was friends with Ethan at all after knowing that he was bullying a kid. During her flashback of past events, Erynn specifically asks "Why do you always bully him?", which clearly shows that she knows Ethan has been consistently bullying him in the past, and yet she is still hanging out with Ethan daily.

It wasn't stupid for the main character to cut Erynn out of his life. She had been slowly shutting him out to spend time her new friend that bullied him, so the confession scene was a desperate attempt to get her to pay attention to him, and became the straw that broke the camels back. And let's not forget that this all happened on his birthday. That just adds an extra layer to this big shit sandwich he got that day.

Let's all think for a moment about what would've happened if he had talked with Erynn that day (or shortly after) instead of refusing to see to her. She would've explained that she wasn't laughing at him, and then what? She's still going to turn him down since he's only thirteen years old. So what would change? Would she stop being friends with Ethan and start spending more time with him instead?

She already knew that Ethan was bullying him, and she didn't stop spending time with Ethan before, so why would she now? Her continued relationship with Ethan would later cost her every other friend she had (except for Alexis), and she still stayed friends with Ethan. Even after Ethan lied to Erynn about having sex with Alexis, she still stayed friends with him. It wasn't until Ethan blackmailed Erynn with a sextape that she finally realized that he was trash. Knowing all that, is there any reasonable chance that she would follow through with her promise to stop being friends with Ethan if he continued to insult the MC way back then? Of course not. We even saw her fail to do so in that very same conversation.

Erynn: I told you, he and I are friends. And if you continue like this, you and I won't be anymore.
Ethan: Erynn... Just think about it. He's what? Like 8?
Erynn: 13!
Ethan: 13... Makes no difference. You are 3 years older than him. He's still a pathetic little boy.
Erynn: I told you to stop, Ethan!
Ethan: I can do whatever I want. That has nothing to do with you.

She should've stopped being friends with him right then and there. But she didn't. She just kept making more useless ultimatums that Ethan continued to ignore. It's possible that Erynn would've ditched Ethan if she knew that he shoved him to the ground that day. But if she wasn't there to see it happen, would she believe the MC if he told her about it? She didn't believe Alexis when she accused Ethan of lying, so we know she has some sort of a blind spot for Ethan. I would expect Erynn to doubt the MC, then the MC would get even angrier, and the friendship would end just the same.

The main character made a mistake when he thought Erynn was laughing at him, but it was a reasonable misunderstanding. Erynn was a terrible friend to the MC, and she's the one who ruined their relationship. Not for the confession incident, but for everything leading up to it.
I do agree she should of stopped being friends with Ethan. But I cant blame her for it either. I recall a convo with Erynn talking about he suddenly changed and started to be nicer and wasnt being a bully around her in an effort to trick her. She was still young at the time and probably still sad about the MC leaving so it makes sense to me she wouldn't be able to see it was all for show and she probably thought he genuinely changed. Then during the same covo she told the MC how he was bullying her friends without her knowing about till the only one that was left was Alexis. All because she wouldnt date him. So having almost no friend I can see why she would stay friends with him until all of that came to light. Cause she did say she stopped being friend with him before prom. The only thing that is missing is a timeline. So because of all of that I cant blame her.

I start from zero(almost zero, i do keep a mindset that these people have a past when making choices, a mostly positive past apart from this one event), giving her a fresh start once we meet her in person for the first time, i like her now because of who she is now, what she's been through and what she can be.
That's the same mindset I had to. I never thought about the person she was I was thinking about the person she currently was when we met her and we the player started to get to know her. Sure I did think of the horrible thing she did go through in the past but nothing beyond that. Since I do think everyone deserves a second chance for mistakes they made especially when they were young. Unless it's something that is horrible and truly unforgiveable which it wasnt here.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I do agree she should of stopped being friends with Ethan. But I cant blame her for it either. I recall a convo with Erynn talking about he suddenly changed and started to be nicer and wasnt being a bully around her in an effort to trick her. She was still young at the time and probably still sad about the MC leaving so it makes sense to me she wouldn't be able to see it was all for show and she probably thought he genuinely changed. Then during the same covo she told the MC how he was bullying her friends without her knowing about till the only one that was left was Alexis. All because she wouldnt date him. So having almost no friend I can see why she would stay friends with him until all of that came to light. Cause she did say she stopped being friend with him before prom. The only thing that is missing is a timeline. So because of all of that I cant blame her.
I find strange that a dumb boy could do all this manipulation esque shit and the girls just took it.

My disbelief in adolescent boys maquiavelism is enormous.

Lol fine keep this notion about pre adolescent teens pulling this con and no one told anything, nada. This is utterly insane.


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
I do agree she should of stopped being friends with Ethan. But I cant blame her for it either. I recall a convo with Erynn talking about he suddenly changed and started to be nicer and wasnt being a bully around her in an effort to trick her. She was still young at the time and probably still sad about the MC leaving so it makes sense to me she wouldn't be able to see it was all for show and she probably thought he genuinely changed. Then during the same covo she told the MC how he was bullying her friends without her knowing about till the only one that was left was Alexis. All because she wouldnt date him. So having almost no friend I can see why she would stay friends with him until all of that came to light. Cause she did say she stopped being friend with him before prom. The only thing that is missing is a timeline. So because of all of that I cant blame her.
Yeah I sometimes wonder if half of the people in this thread have even seen a woman, let alone known them and been in a relationship with them.

To everyone else, let me ask...have you ever, at any point, wondered why some girl you personally know...stays with who you think is a royal prick and wonder what she sees in him? I'm sure you have...we ALL have, this is no different. Happens every day.

Also, bear in mind, we have all this information based purely on people's respective memory as kids. Not exactly reliable information either (which is proven, as everyone has a slightly different recollection of that day). The fact of the matter presented, she tried to make ammends, he brushed off and didn't want to know...then was sent away...she tried again by letter (numerous times)...he ignored her, she stayed friends with a moronic prick (surprise surprise, people tend to actually do that in real life).

ANYTHING else is purely conjecture. Also, as a 16yo girl almost 17, no longer hanging with a 13yo is also not exactly unheard of. She didn't commit some major crime, she grew up. As one other said, their relationship would fracture at some point regardless and the way our idiot MC is written, he'd have blamed her for that too. And that folks is the biggest issue, how these characters are written purely for plot purposes to create drama.
Oct 10, 2022
Back when she was an active user of this forum, Nyx said that the scene where Erynn and the MC talk about the confession in the park would be the final time this event would be touched(the discussion around this scene clearly annoyed Nyx) and this would be the accurate retelling of events... she can change her mind of course, but most likely your theories will remain theoretical.
To be honest your theory and suspicions feel like you are creating stuff attempting to place blame on someone you already dislike...
I haven't seen what Nyx said about this.
I never refused that my dislike towards her effects my judgement on her, I think I said that before also but I also think people who likes her see her with pink glasses and overlook her faults.
Like saying,
"Your friend Erynn wants to spend a few days with us here, i'll tell her mom we are looking forward to it."
And it gets shut down immediately.
is exactly the same with when I say she never tried this method. You have positive bias of her as much as I have negative bias.

It would be more of a conversation if you said why you dislike her(since it's not about the confession) than discussing the veracity of these theories.
Like I said I cannot pinpoint a single thing for that but I think it's the general attitude of her. Though, I don't think it prevents having good discussion about her or anything in general. My points still stand from the first post. Accepting what Erynn said without objective point of view is shortcutting. I believe it's a lie, you are right I cannot prove that because we don't have reference point of the incident but it cannot be proved she is being honest either with same reason.

Needs to be said she is a teen that needs to go to school and live her life, she won't just stay parked at his front porch 24/7.
You are blow it out of proportion, she does not need to camp in front him. She is his neighbour, he is also a student so he had to live within rigid routine. She could have stopped him before going to school, after coming back to home. She could have ambushed him at the weekends since he like to sleep longer like she did in the game.
We have in-game example of it, when MC refused to talk to her she came to his house and forced him to talk with her. Why she could have done the same before?

Alexis? MC and Alexis didn't have any kind of relationship, there's a reason why he doesn't remember her or the kiss.
What you say prove to my point though. Alexis and MC didn't have any kind of relationship as you say but she went after him to console him and Erynn stayed behind to be with Ethan whether to scold him or giving him secrets or laughing at more memes.
Also MC did not have animosity towards Alexis either. Alexis knew what happened, if Erynn asked her help she could have done it easily.
Alexis leaves the 2 arguing almost immediately, there's also not a whole lot of time spent in the Alexis kiss scene, she says something to him, he steals a kiss and runs off to his house, gets to his house his mom asks why he's already back and he goes immediately back out, sounds like less then 10 minutes to me, it's 1 thing leading to another right away.
So she took around 10 minutes scold him about bullying his friend? Also last thing she said to Ethan, it's a secret promise me you won't tell anybody. So at least we are sure that she took her sweet time to tell a secret to Ethan instead of going after MC. So even she knew Ethan was bullying MC, even if he did it in front of her, even if he was making fun of his confession, even if he said he will continue to do that she was still trusting him to give a secret. We all know how Ethan with secrets also.

She stick with Ethan after everything happened with Ethan, she stick with Ethan after he cost her almost all of her friends, she stick with him after he lied about Alexis but she could not do the same for MC. Btw, she said 'after you and I stopped talking he became friendlier, he asked me out but I refused because I never like him in that way' So she not only she stayed touched with him, she also liked him as a friend. You know the guy who bullied her friend so he had to move away. He bullied everry single one of her friends to a point they left her, she still was friends with him. Until he tried to do the same with Alexis. She said to MC Alexis would never sleep with Ethan because she hates him, but when she confronted Alexis, she said just like Ethan situation. Not only she believed Ethan over Alexis but also she said Alexis has slept someone she loved just like Ethan.

Also What about the confrontation with Alexis, she didn't even listen what Alexis was gonna say. Before the confrontation she talk about Ethan Alexis thing, You were expecting MC be more lenient even tough he was 13 at the time, when 20 something Erynn does the same thing with her lifelong friend?

So why she did not touch the topic when MC came back? She had all the time, he was talking to her also. What about then?
Do you remember when this talk took place? When she ditched MC to meet with Ethan and MC saw them hand to hand. When MC told her you laughed at me after I confessed, she acted surprised like she did not know they lost the contact after the confession. Really is Erynn that stupid to not know about it?


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
is exactly the same with when I say she never tried this method. You have positive bias of her as much as I have negative bias.
I normally like your posts, but you keep bringing this up and sorry, but it's complete bull.

Not sure what world you actually live in, but sure, a 16yo girl, crossing the country, on her go and stay...where...with her neighbours father....Is perrrrfectlllly normal....:rolleyes:

That's why myself, Des and LS are calling you out....we're discussing facts and logical reasons for why things're just...well, in fairy land making wild assumptions about shit which are just not presented in the narrative.


Justice for Finnabair!
Jun 14, 2020
Progress Update_Layla.png

Quick update:

Still working on the restaurant scene(s) and will be for the next weeks also. It'll most likely be the largest scene of the update. It has a lot of smaller scenes within it and depending on path(s), you'll jump back and forth between them. The difficult part is to make them all flow together and make sense.

After the restaurant scene, there will be 2 more bigger scenes. One of those scenes, the MC will not be present, or at least not in the vicinity. I'm still debating how exactly I want to show you that scene. Either show the full scene and what's happening or have a character who is in the scene tell MC what happened. I think the first option is a little bit more interesting? Let me know.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
I do agree she should of stopped being friends with Ethan. But I cant blame her for it either. I recall a convo with Erynn talking about he suddenly changed and started to be nicer and wasnt being a bully around her in an effort to trick her. She was still young at the time and probably still sad about the MC leaving so it makes sense to me she wouldn't be able to see it was all for show and she probably thought he genuinely changed. Then during the same covo she told the MC how he was bullying her friends without her knowing about till the only one that was left was Alexis. All because she wouldnt date him. So having almost no friend I can see why she would stay friends with him until all of that came to light. Cause she did say she stopped being friend with him before prom. The only thing that is missing is a timeline. So because of all of that I cant blame her.

That's the same mindset I had to. I never thought about the person she was I was thinking about the person she currently was when we met her and we the player started to get to know her. Sure I did think of the horrible thing she did go through in the past but nothing beyond that. Since I do think everyone deserves a second chance for mistakes they made especially when they were young. Unless it's something that is horrible and truly unforgiveable which it wasnt here.
Being friends with Ethan wasn't a great idea, but sometimes it takes years to figure out what a kind of person someone is, Erynn is a good natured girl and kept giving him chances, bad decision but what you are gonna do?
I just know that holding that against her forever surely isn't the smart choice.

View attachment 3049626

Quick update:

Still working on the restaurant scene(s) and will be for the next weeks also. It'll most likely be the largest scene of the update. It has a lot of smaller scenes within it and depending on path(s), you'll jump back and forth between them. The difficult part is to make them all flow together and make sense.

After the restaurant scene, there will be 2 more bigger scenes. One of those scenes, the MC will not be present, or at least not in the vicinity. I'm still debating how exactly I want to show you that scene. Either show the full scene and what's happening or have a character who is in the scene tell MC what happened. I think the first option is a little bit more interesting? Let me know.
Hmmmm... due to my distaste of knowing things my character does not know i prefer the scenario where someone tells him what happened.
Once the person starts telling the MC what happened you can cut to the scene as it happened, instead of simply him relaying in words, i can suspend my disbelief enough for that (weird isn't it?).
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Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
Being friends with Ethan wasn't a great idea, but sometimes it takes years to figure out what a kind of person someone is, Erynn is a good natured girl and kept giving him chances, bad decision but what you are gonna do?
I just know that holding that against her forever surely isn't the smart choice.
I could not agree more kind of the point I was trying to make as well as give a reason why I felt it made sense she was still friends with him for so long.
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Oct 10, 2022
Yeah I sometimes wonder if half of the people in this thread have even seen a woman, let alone known them and been in a relationship with them.
Tbh I also think the same, some people act like they never seen another human being let alone women.:LOL:

To everyone else, let me ask...have you ever, at any point, wondered why some girl you personally know...stays with who you think is a royal prick and wonder what she sees in him? I'm sure you have...we ALL have, this is no different. Happens every day.
Not exactly no, whenever I saw a situation like that I kept my distance to that kind of people. I usually think, yeah you deserve each other. With a single exception because I caused them to meet each other and tried to save her to no avail.

Lexi is a turn off by herself.
I don't know any other character being that annoying without doing anything. :unsure:

. Also, as a 16yo girl almost 17, no longer hanging with a 13yo is also not exactly unheard of. She didn't commit some major crime, she grew up.
This would be okay but it's not our situation, ain't it? She said to Alexis she knew how she feel about him, clearly indicates she did not outgrown him. Also even if that was true, letting your new friend bullying old one is clear indication what type of person she is.

I normally like your posts, but you keep bringing this up and sorry, but it's complete bull.
Hey, don't shun me away for a simple disagreement. I like you dude. ;)

Not sure what world you actually live in, but sure, a 16yo girl, crossing the country, on her go and stay...where...with her neighbours father....Is perrrrfectlllly normal....:rolleyes:
I did it when I was 14. :whistle: Though she told me to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
for the 1st part not really, but all my friends had that sort of conversations and a "friend that was like that",
if i recall properly it became more pungent whenever i got a new girlfriend!
oh, well i guess its a nice topic to get girls integrated into your group of friends and they were just lazy so went with the easy pickings!

as for the 2nd part, i believe i might have been the one conjecturing on that subject that would end up with the MC inadvertently cock blocking both Ethan and Zane
and would end up being beaten up and somehow that would put blame on Erynn who would have been more easily corrupted to try and save her "little brother",
its like in taffy tales where in the ntr path your sisters gets spit roasted to try and protect you from the 2 psychopathic bullies!

and healthy, i know of at least 3 situations like that and 2 of them ended up in marriage beteween 3 to 5 years later ...
surprisingly with the father not the kid that was her age... fucking NTR of parents cucking their own children!

yeah... bad choice... cause Ethan´s father having a modeling agency and
surprisingly she becoming a very top and famous regional model
that has hundreds of Zach´s simping for her had nothing to do with her decision to keep Ethan has a friend!
The best thing nyx did is making female nature believable in her story.

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