
Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
People can apologize or rationalize Erynn in regards to her past actions that make her look bad however much they want and it won't change that she'd committed them, plus the fact remains that she didn't change at all in these 5 years. She finds out Lexi and MC are dating and throws a huge bitchy selfish fit, for what exactly?

How does that affect her? MC and she are not dating. MC and she are not even on speaking terms. Haven't been for 5 years. He's made it absolutely clear that he doesn't want anything to do with her after her reaction to his confession of love.

Holy shit, she was his first love, his first romantic attempt and he got completely fucking annihilated for exposing himself? And she still thinks she has some sort of claim?

Being burned like that is not something that's to be taken lightly or shrugged off, irl it can have seriously long-lasting emotional, mental and self-esteem consequences for a person.

Lexi took the time to run after him and try to console him. Erynn didn't. Instead she stayed with the CuntFace she claims she hates, but whom she kept around even after he ran away all her other friends and lied to her about having sex with Lexi (again, even IF that did happen, what reason would she have to be angry at Lexi? Did she/Erynn have some romantic interest in CuntFace that she lied about?). She didn't even try to speak to him for the rest of the day to explain. So I'm joining the army of those who look at her "explanation" of that event with a disbelieving and skeptical eye and shout "Horse shit!".

Back on topic, Lexi is under no obligation to let Erynn know MC is in town, that's on him to decide if or when he does it. Nor is Lexi under any obligation to stay away from him, he is not married and is his own agent. He is not in a romantic relationship with Erynn, Erynn has no claim on him, nor any realistic chance to have it in future (nor did Erynn to my knowledge called first dibs on him nor extorted a promise from Lexi to stay away from him).

So, for that she emotionally abuses and screams at her oldest friend to the point Lexi breaks down at her job and AGAIN calling Lexi a liar and cheating bitch over CuntFace; kicks out the guy she just took into her home after he just found out major life-changing shit that threw him so hard that he ran away from home; and doesn't speak to her oldest friend for WEEKS and why?

At first I thought it's because she was desperately in love with MC, confessed to Lexi her love, asked for first dibs and thus felt betrayed when Lexi took her chance. Which reminds me again just how similar this situation is to the Cuntface/Lexi drama that she believes but that never actually happened. Does that mean Erynn was in love with CuntFace and was just biding her time before doing something with him?

Instead of all that the explanation for her anger and alienation of her best friend is explained with "I'm angry cause she didn't tell me."

Bitch, why should Lexi have told you when she didn't tell anyone? Especially when you then even throw the lie that CuntFace told you about Lexi sleeping with him into her face again? It's obvious that Erynn always believed CuntFace instead of her best friend, yet another black mark on her.

Sure, I feel bad for her that she's being blackmailed (though in her shoes I'd personally call CuntFace's bluff since these days a sex tape isn't really that uncommon anymore) but I don't really feel the need to help her (unlike a few here I'm not a White Knight, I don't give a damn about damsels in distress; I don't feel any instinct to help or protect them, plus they usually get you killed), but I'm even more pissed off that my relationship with Lexi depends on helping the bitch that has affected so many people for so long with her egocentric tantrum. She's 20 ffs, not 13! She doesn't have the alibi to act like that. Hell, our 2 years younger MC is far more mature than she is.

Also, I agree with NewTricks especially about the jumping-on-bed scene. At the very least it's inappropriate for their estranged, okay, non-existent relationship. It's also potentionaly very embarrassing (what if he's sleeping naked? or has morning wood? or worse, had a wet dream as boys that age tend to have?) or dangerous. Wakening from fright when someone jumps on you - my instinctive response would probably be to hit out with my elbow, I'm not used to people pulling that shit on me. And these days if you're a guy and you hit a woman no matter how accidental or even if she attacked you and you defended yourself and she has a bruise, you're fucked.

depeche mode

Jul 4, 2023
View attachment 3049626

After the restaurant scene, there will be 2 more bigger scenes. One of those scenes, the MC will not be present, or at least not in the vicinity. I'm still debating how exactly I want to show you that scene. Either show the full scene and what's happening or have a character who is in the scene tell MC what happened. I think the first option is a little bit more interesting? Let me know.
cuck shit? lmao


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
People can apologize or rationalize Erynn in regards to her past actions that make her look bad however much they want and it won't change that she'd committed them, plus the fact remains that she didn't change at all in these 5 years. She finds out Lexi and MC are dating and throws a huge bitchy selfish fit, for what exactly?

How does that affect her? MC and she are not dating. MC and she are not even on speaking terms. Haven't been for 5 years. He's made it absolutely clear that he doesn't want anything to do with her after her reaction to his confession of love.

Holy shit, she was his first love, his first romantic attempt and he got completely fucking annihilated for exposing himself? And she still thinks she has some sort of claim?

Being burned like that is not something that's to be taken lightly or shrugged off, irl it can have seriously long-lasting emotional, mental and self-esteem consequences for a person.

Lexi took the time to run after him and try to console him. Erynn didn't. Instead she stayed with the CuntFace she claims she hates, but whom she kept around even after he ran away all her other friends and lied to her about having sex with Lexi (again, even IF that did happen, what reason would she have to be angry at Lexi? Did she/Erynn have some romantic interest in CuntFace that she lied about?). She didn't even try to speak to him for the rest of the day to explain. So I'm joining the army of those who look at her "explanation" of that event with a disbelieving and skeptical eye and shout "Horse shit!".

Back on topic, Lexi is under no obligation to let Erynn know MC is in town, that's on him to decide if or when he does it. Nor is Lexi under any obligation to stay away from him, he is not married and is his own agent. He is not in a romantic relationship with Erynn, Erynn has no claim on him, nor any realistic chance to have it in future (nor did Erynn to my knowledge called first dibs on him nor extorted a promise from Lexi to stay away from him).

So, for that she emotionally abuses and screams at her oldest friend to the point Lexi breaks down at her job and AGAIN calling Lexi a liar and cheating bitch over CuntFace; kicks out the guy she just took into her home after he just found out major life-changing shit that threw him so hard that he ran away from home; and doesn't speak to her oldest friend for WEEKS and why?

At first I thought it's because she was desperately in love with MC, confessed to Lexi her love, asked for first dibs and thus felt betrayed when Lexi took her chance. Which reminds me again just how similar this situation is to the Cuntface/Lexi drama that she believes but that never actually happened. Does that mean Erynn was in love with CuntFace and was just biding her time before doing something with him?

Instead of all that the explanation for her anger and alienation of her best friend is explained with "I'm angry cause she didn't tell me."

Bitch, why should Lexi have told you when she didn't tell anyone? Especially when you then even throw the lie that CuntFace told you about Lexi sleeping with him into her face again? It's obvious that Erynn always believed CuntFace instead of her best friend, yet another black mark on her.

Sure, I feel bad for her that she's being blackmailed (though in her shoes I'd personally call CuntFace's bluff since these days a sex tape isn't really that uncommon anymore) but I don't really feel the need to help her (unlike a few here I'm not a White Knight, I don't give a damn about damsels in distress; I don't feel any instinct to help or protect them, plus they usually get you killed), but I'm even more pissed off that my relationship with Lexi depends on helping the bitch that has affected so many people for so long with her egocentric tantrum. She's 20 ffs, not 13! She doesn't have the alibi to act like that. Hell, our 2 years younger MC is far more mature than she is.

Also, I agree with NewTricks especially about the jumping-on-bed scene. At the very least it's inappropriate for their estranged, okay, non-existent relationship. It's also potentionaly very embarrassing (what if he's sleeping naked? or has morning wood? or worse, had a wet dream as boys that age tend to have?) or dangerous. Wakening from fright when someone jumps on you - my instinctive response would probably be to hit out with my elbow, I'm not used to people pulling that shit on me. And these days if you're a guy and you hit a woman no matter how accidental or even if she attacked you and you defended yourself and she has a bruise, you're fucked.
While nothing you say isnt true even if I don't agree fully with everything you said because im able to look past all of that and I believe in second chances. One thing I want to say i'm probably wrong but this is just how it seemed to me personally. It felt like Alexis and Erynn had some kind of agreement about the MC we are never told about. Because I recall a conversation with Alexis something in the lines of how she said she knew what she was doing was wrong since she never told Erynn or something. Also the fact that she said she was going to tell her it felt like to me there was an agreement between the 2 of them.

This isn't me trying to rationalize Erynn's behavior just because she is my #1 LI across all AVN's . It's just truly what it felt like to me / how I interpreted the whole Erynn / Alexis and Drama thing. Cause like you said not even a big deal and Alexis has no obligation to tell her anything. But if there really was some kind of agreement I can understand a little bit more why Erynn would be upset and why Alexis felt like she was doing something wrong / betraying her friend. Even if such a agreement exist still a bit silly to get that upset over something that still isnt that big of a deal at the end of the day as neither of them are the MC's girlfriend at that point but at least it would make more sense and add a layer to have a bit more understanding why they both got upset.

I know this is just more of a theory that probably isnt true but it's just how it felt / seemed to me. Also that's what is great about AVN's you can see a scene differently than me and we both can interpret the same scene differently.
Last edited:
Dec 29, 2018
Then again I have issues with MC too because of how he treated his mom. He was being co-parented but couldn't be assed to spend holidays or summer breaks with her or anything. I know the big misunderstanding and estrangement was necessary for the plot but it doesn't exactly cover him in glory. That's your mom, dude. Get your hands off her tits and get her something nice instead of begging for a motorbike after treating her like shit.
The game explains that he was refusing to spend time with his mother because he was happier living with his father and was afraid of losing all of his new friends by getting sent back to live with his mom. It's still shitty behaviour from him, especially since this went on for five years, but there was some reasoning behind it. Even if that reasoning only seems reasonable to an angry thirteen year old.

MC: "I was so angry that she'd sent me away and I couldn't play with my friends during spring break. But that changed very quickly once I made new friends in Alvarado. In fact, I liked it there so much that I didn't want to go back. My dad told my mom that it might be better to let me stay there longer and finish the school year there. Mom wanted to come to visit me many times. But every time, I pretended to still be angry and that I didn't want to see her. I used her as my scapegoat. I kept doing this for quite a while. Even after the school year finished because I didn't want to go back to Madison Springs. We only talked a few times over the phone and my dad sent some pictures now and then. But that's about it. Not really son of the year material."

Describing himself as "not really son of the year material" is an undersell. This guy had five years to figure out how to explain to his parents that he wanted to stay where he was, but chose to just pretend to hate his mom instead. I don't think he's even sat down with her to have a heart to heart and explain that to her yet, unless I've forgotten.
Dec 29, 2018
I recall a convo with Erynn talking about he suddenly changed and started to be nicer and wasnt being a bully around her in an effort to trick her. She was still young at the time and probably still sad about the MC leaving so it makes sense to me she wouldn't be able to see it was all for show and she probably thought he genuinely changed. Then during the same covo she told the MC how he was bullying her friends without her knowing about till the only one that was left was Alexis. All because she wouldnt date him. So having almost no friend I can see why she would stay friends with him until all of that came to light. Cause she did say she stopped being friend with him before prom. The only thing that is missing is a timeline. So because of all of that I cant blame her.
I found it, and it happens after you punch Ethan and she tells you about the blackmail.

Erynn: Ethan was, is always jealous of you. Because of the relationship we had. But 5 years ago, when you left, he changed. Can you believe that he actually became friendlier... Or so I thought. Once he knew you and I weren't in contact anymore, he asked me out. I never liked him in that way, so I rejected him. Multiple times! He didn't handle it very well. He stopped his friendly facade and went back to his old ways of being jealous and bullying everyone I was talking to. It was so bad for a while that only Alexis was left who talked to me. He tried to break that friendship too. He almost succeeded when he told me that Alexis slept with him.

MC: Did she?

Erynn: No. Alexis would never. She actually hates Ethan. After all that, I broke my friendship with Ethan. Something I should've done way earlier. We didn't hang out anymore, didn't even speak to each other. Everything became normal again.

So it would appear that I got a lot of the timeline wrong. Which isn't new for me. I have consistently struggled to keep things sorted out because of all of the flashbacks and such.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
Feels like a cycle of who is the menu this week now it's Erynn give it couple of days to Alexis back to Val and that's the beauty of this thread
Yeah I noticed that trend as well.

This is one of the few games I don't really dislike any of the LI I just like a few more than others like Erynn and Alexis. Well expect for Layla while she is an awesome character. Probably gonna get facepalm for this I just cant get myself to see Layla as anything more than a friend. Other than Layla being really sweet , caring and really into the MC I personally cant get into her character as a LI. Might be because how much is into the MC idk i just cant put my finger on it.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Yeah I noticed that trend as well.

This is one of the few games I don't really dislike any of the LI I just like a few more than others like Erynn and Alexis. Well expect for Layla while she is an awesome character. Probably gonna get facepalm for this I just cant get myself to see Layla as anything more than a friend. Other than Layla being really sweet , caring and really into the MC I personally cant get into her character as a LI. Might be because how much is into the MC idk i just cant put my finger on it.
lol and yet Layla is my favourite. The only girl I'm not keen on Alexis. Its funny how we all have different preferences.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
lol and yet Layla is my favourite. The only girl I'm not keen on Alexis. Its funny how we all have different preferences.
honestly I almost wrote Alexis off after the first few interactions. But once she went off super slut mode and was trying to act like a somewhat wholesome / playful LI or girlfriend that was enough for me to finish her path and enjoy it from that point onwards.

I honestly wish I knew why I cant see Layla as anything more than a friend. As my first time playing I was going to go for her initially but somewhere along the way changed my mind from LI to putting her in the friendzone.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
honestly I almost wrote Alexis off after the first few interactions. But once she went off super slut mode and was trying to act like a somewhat wholesome / playful LI or girlfriend that was enough for me to finish her path and enjoy it from that point onwards.

I honestly wish I knew why I cant see Layla as anything more than a friend. As my first time playing I was going to go for her initially but somewhere along the way changed my mind from LI to putting her in the friendzone.
I'll give Alexis a chance with another playthrough. I'm not a fan of dishonesty in relationships but I'll give her a chance to redeem herself.
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Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
I haven't seen what Nyx said about this.
I never refused that my dislike towards her effects my judgement on her, I think I said that before also but I also think people who likes her see her with pink glasses and overlook her faults.
I'm not making excuses, i just don't care about it... it's something that happened years ago, when they were waaay too young.
Both could've done things in a slightly different and maybe things would've been better, dwelling on it is dumb and immature, but despite saying "it isn't about the confession" you keep coming back to the well and seemingly getting angry that she didn't do this or that...

is exactly the same with when I say she never tried this method. You have positive bias of her as much as I have negative bias.

Like I said I cannot pinpoint a single thing for that but I think it's the general attitude of her. Though, I don't think it prevents having good discussion about her or anything in general. My points still stand from the first post. Accepting what Erynn said without objective point of view is shortcutting. I believe it's a lie, you are right I cannot prove that because we don't have reference point of the incident but it cannot be proved she is being honest either with same reason.
Both of us can create scenarios in our heads, is that surprising?
There's a difference though, you create various fantasy scenarios in your head as to what she should've done and i created this scenario to "defeat" your scenario that she should've taken a trip to see him, there's a lot of conditions to be met for this trip to be feasible and we have no idea if they were met, i didn't even need to include the "MC-Andres" possible convo, if Andres simply says no because he doesn't want another kid in his house that's it, so many points where the thing could've broken down.

There's a reason why i spend less time creating fantasy scenarios it's because the game so far is on my side on this one.
The game tells us, "she tried her best but she didn't succeed", that's it, both involved parties seem to agree to it... you don't wanna agree to it, you wanna keep finding reasons to justify you being mad at her, "she's lying" (about what?), "she could've tried harder"...
I'm not gonna convince you otherwise if the game outright saying it didn't.
I'll say it's fine that you don't like her, it's less fine that you keep making stuff up to justify your dislike.

All i'm gonna tell you is that Nyx(until she changes her mind again) has moved on from this topic, which suits me because i'm totally over it.

You are blow it out of proportion, she does not need to camp in front him. She is his neighbour, he is also a student so he had to live within rigid routine. She could have stopped him before going to school, after coming back to home. She could have ambushed him at the weekends since he like to sleep longer like she did in the game.
We have in-game example of it, when MC refused to talk to her she came to his house and forced him to talk with her. Why she could have done the same before?
The game doesn't say they never ran into each other, just that he avoided her and acted like a huge asshole, it's difficult to have a conversation with brat sometimes, and it's not responsability of just one side to deal with general assholiness from the other side.
All it must be said is that, she remained sympathetic to him and wanted to reconect with him despite the MC putting barriers to that interaction and making it difficult, she never gave up and said, you know what "fuck him".

What you say prove to my point though. Alexis and MC didn't have any kind of relationship as you say but she went after him to console him and Erynn stayed behind to be with Ethan whether to scold him or giving him secrets or laughing at more memes.
Also MC did not have animosity towards Alexis either. Alexis knew what happened, if Erynn asked her help she could have done it easily.
We don't know what which point Erynn found out about the interaction between Alexis and MC, she surely didn't know anything immediately after... not only this is a "coulda/shoulda" when it's perfectly reasonable that Erynn wants to handle this herself instead of involving her friend who has nothing to do with the problem and as far as she knows doesn't have any kind of relationship with the MC, it sounds like her going "talk to his kid you never talked before for me", instead of trying it herself (like she did).
We have no idea when she learned of their interaction, we have no idea if it would have worked... as far as we know as soon as Alexis brings "you should talk to Erynn" he might turn asshole against her too since at this point in time the MC feels wounded by Erynn, and her siding with Erynn makes her the enemy.
I'm not blaming him either for feeling like he did back then, situation looked bad indeed... I just think now that "mistakes were made" and "it's time to move on".

BTW Alexis justification for being "short on the truth" on the plane is that she was scared that if she revealed her identity and friendship Erynn the MC wouldn't react well and would cut her off... and that's with 5 years after the event to cool off.
And you think it's a good idea to send her in "next week" to talk to this guy...

So she took around 10 minutes scold him about bullying his friend? Also last thing she said to Ethan, it's a secret promise me you won't tell anybody. So at least we are sure that she took her sweet time to tell a secret to Ethan instead of going after MC. So even she knew Ethan was bullying MC, even if he did it in front of her, even if he was making fun of his confession, even if he said he will continue to do that she was still trusting him to give a secret. We all know how Ethan with secrets also.

She stick with Ethan after everything happened with Ethan, she stick with Ethan after he cost her almost all of her friends, she stick with him after he lied about Alexis but she could not do the same for MC. Btw, she said 'after you and I stopped talking he became friendlier, he asked me out but I refused because I never like him in that way' So she not only she stayed touched with him, she also liked him as a friend. You know the guy who bullied her friend so he had to move away. He bullied everry single one of her friends to a point they left her, she still was friends with him. Until he tried to do the same with Alexis. She said to MC Alexis would never sleep with Ethan because she hates him, but when she confronted Alexis, she said just like Ethan situation. Not only she believed Ethan over Alexis but also she said Alexis has slept someone she loved just like Ethan.

Also What about the confrontation with Alexis, she didn't even listen what Alexis was gonna say. Before the confrontation she talk about Ethan Alexis thing, You were expecting MC be more lenient even tough he was 13 at the time, when 20 something Erynn does the same thing with her lifelong friend?

So why she did not touch the topic when MC came back? She had all the time, he was talking to her also. What about then?
Do you remember when this talk took place? When she ditched MC to meet with Ethan and MC saw them hand to hand. When MC told her you laughed at me after I confessed, she acted surprised like she did not know they lost the contact after the confession. Really is Erynn that stupid to not know about it?
Again mistakes were made, she's a nice good natured girl who kept giving Ethan chances, despite the fact that he didn't deserve it.
Naive? Sure. A little idiotic? Perhaps, but sometimes it takes years to grasp just how much of an asshole someone is... she's a nice girl and didn't want to burn him right away, so much so that when he changed his attitude for awhile she bought into it.
Again, that was very naive, should she be burned at the stake because she was naive and dumb? I don't think so...
Still better late than never, that at least now she has a bad "relationship" with him, knows exactly who he is and just wants to be rid of him.

I sincerely hope in real life you are better at "forgive and forget", it's just a skill people need to learn, holding on to grudges is just not a good thing.

People can apologize or rationalize Erynn in regards to her past actions that make her look bad however much they want and it won't change that she'd committed them, plus the fact remains that she didn't change at all in these 5 years. She finds out Lexi and MC are dating and throws a huge bitchy selfish fit, for what exactly?

How does that affect her? MC and she are not dating. MC and she are not even on speaking terms. Haven't been for 5 years. He's made it absolutely clear that he doesn't want anything to do with her after her reaction to his confession of love.

Back on topic, Lexi is under no obligation to let Erynn know MC is in town, that's on him to decide if or when he does it. Nor is Lexi under any obligation to stay away from him, he is not married and is his own agent. He is not in a romantic relationship with Erynn, Erynn has no claim on him, nor any realistic chance to have it in future (nor did Erynn to my knowledge called first dibs on him nor extorted a promise from Lexi to stay away from him).
A good friend would've given a heads up "hey i'm kinda having a thing with your childhood friend, is that ok?" (specially because Alexis suspects Erynn has a thing for him), that was all it would take, instead of lying and deceiving...
This is being a terrible friend, even Alexis will tell you that since she expresses regret for her actions.

It's telling that Erynn is only pissed at Alexis for lying and not at the MC for dating Alexis.

Lexi took the time to run after him and try to console him. Erynn didn't. Instead she stayed with the CuntFace she claims she hates, but whom she kept around even after he ran away all her other friends and lied to her about having sex with Lexi (again, even IF that did happen, what reason would she have to be angry at Lexi? Did she/Erynn have some romantic interest in CuntFace that she lied about?). She didn't even try to speak to him for the rest of the day to explain. So I'm joining the army of those who look at her "explanation" of that event with a disbelieving and skeptical eye and shout "Horse shit!".
Incorrect, both girls went to find and talk to him that day... one had terrible luck and due to a convoluted sequence of events and didn't succeed in her mission.

When Erynn finds out that Alexis has been lying to her about this, she wonders what has she lied about in the past? That feels normal to me, you learn someone is feeding you lies you wonder is this just this time? Or has this been going on for awhile?
We don't know in what context Ethan told Erynn she banged Alexis, it would be interesting to explore it lol.
I also think if your "best friend" was banging your arch nemesis, someone who makes your life a living hell, you'd have the right to feel a little aggrieved.

Despite all this, she still trusts that Alexis told her the truth on this, her reaction at the bar was just spur of the moment thing after being lied to.

At first I thought it's because she was desperately in love with MC, confessed to Lexi her love, asked for first dibs and thus felt betrayed when Lexi took her chance. Which reminds me again just how similar this situation is to the Cuntface/Lexi drama that she believes but that never actually happened. Does that mean Erynn was in love with CuntFace and was just biding her time before doing something with him?
Somewhat close to the truth i think, Erynn doesn't outright "call dibs" but she has had conversations with Alexis about the MC and how much she misses him, Alexis talks like she believes Erynn loves him... it did nothing to stop her, just made her go behind her friends back, lie to her, and again not even a heads up.

lol and yet Layla is my favourite. The only girl I'm not keen on Alexis. Its funny how we all have different preferences.
Layla mostly flies on clear skies, not a lot of discussion on her, most people agree that she's fun to be around and a nice girl.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
I'll give Alexis a chance with another playthrough. I'm not a fan of dishonesty in relationships but I'll give her a chance to redeem herself.
Yeah I feel that even then I still usually like to play their path for content later. Glad you are willing to give her another chance. Only reason I was able to get past it and giver her a high LI ranking on my personal list. I felt her lie / dishonesty wasn't the worst cause scenario for a lie especially compared to other AVN girls that lie. Also I felt the lie didn't come with bad intentions just strong feeling and emotions which she acted on in spur of the moment without thinking. To me it wasn't a huge lie while it was still big enough to hurt Erynn. Also Erynn forgiving her was a big plus for me. Also the fact she said she was going to tell Erynn (that day If i recall correctly), so I took that at face value and believed her. Would been interesting if you weren't on Alexis's path to see if she does tell Erynn, since Erynn finds out about Alexis cause of your phone. That and im a sucker when a LI gives me that wholesome girlfriend over LI feeling especially when they are playful.

Not trying to convince you to like her just a short summary of why I was able to get past it. As I know everyone treats lies and dishonesty differently. But when you do another playthrough on her path id be curious if you do end up changing your mind slightly about her.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Yeah I feel that even then I still usually like to play their path for content later. Glad you are willing to give her another chance. Only reason I was able to get past it and giver her a high LI ranking on my personal list. I felt her lie / dishonesty wasn't the worst cause scenario for a lie especially compared to other AVN girls that lie. Also I felt the lie didn't come with bad intentions just strong feeling and emotions which she acted on in spur of the moment without thinking. To me it wasn't a huge lie while it was still big enough to hurt Erynn. Also Erynn forgiving her was a big plus for me. Also the fact she said she was going to tell Erynn (that day If i recall correctly), so I took that at face value and believed her. Would been interesting if you weren't on Alexis's path to see if she does tell Erynn, since Erynn finds out about Alexis cause of your phone. That and im a sucker when a LI gives me that wholesome girlfriend over LI feeling especially when they are playful.

Not trying to convince you to like her just a short summary of why I was able to get past it. As I know everyone treats lies and dishonesty differently. But when you do another playthrough on her path id be curious if you do end up changing your mind slightly about her.
Over my reaction limit, so annoying.

I'll definitely have a look later day


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
since Erynn finds out about Alexis cause of your phone.
Erynn went through MC's phone and his PRIVATE photos without asking for permission (or even telling him she'd done that) and that really bothers me. Plus it's illegal, at least in my country. We have an option to do that ourselves in the game and it leads to losing points with that girl. I never really paid much attention to Erynn before, but the further this thread goes on and the more stuff about Erynn it digs up, the more minus points she collects in my eyes to me slowly starting to agree that maybe she truly is as crap a person as some believe her to be.

Btw., what lie by Lexi? AFAIK Erynn didn't ask her "is MC back home?" at any point, nor was she ever asked if she's dating him. So, no lying nor dishonesty. Lexi really wasn't obligated to tell Erynn anything since the guy in question had cut Erynn out of his life at that point. Again, since it was his life and his previous friendship with Erynn it was his decision whether to tell her he's back.

Taking the control over his own life away from him by telling Erynn without him being ready for that being known would've been dishonest.

Though less dishonest than going through his phone without permission. If a gf did that with my phone, unless she's got goddamn good reasons she would instantly become ex-gf.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
Erynn went through MC's phone and his PRIVATE photos without asking for permission (or even telling him she'd done that) and that really bothers me. Plus it's illegal, at least in my country. We have an option to do that ourselves in the game and it leads to losing points with that girl. I never really paid much attention to Erynn before, but the further this thread goes on and the more stuff about Erynn it digs up, the more minus points she collects in my eyes to me slowly starting to agree that maybe she truly is as crap a person as some believe her to be.

Btw., what lie by Lexi? AFAIK Erynn didn't ask her "is MC back home?" at any point, nor was she ever asked if she's dating him. So, no lying nor dishonesty. Lexi really wasn't obligated to tell Erynn anything since the guy in question had cut Erynn out of his life at that point. Again, since it was his life and his previous friendship with Erynn it was his decision whether to tell her he's back.

Taking the control over his own life away from him by telling Erynn without him being ready for that being known would've been dishonest.

Though less dishonest than going through his phone without permission. If a gf did that with my phone, unless she's got goddamn good reasons she would instantly become ex-gf.
Your first point is a bit off because the MC did offer for her to use the phone. He just happened to get a text from Alexis during that time. But I will give you this just she did snoop a bit because she was curious if it was the same Alexis there is no defending that. While it's still snooping it isnt as bad as you make it out to be. Since it wasn't like she took the phone without asking.

But depending on your pov can still leave a bad taste and come off as something bad. To me it doesn't as it wasn't her original intent and probably seemed a bit of a coincidence to her. Since someone named Alexis texted him and her best friend that she talked about how much she liked MC is named Alexis. So I imagine a coincidence like that would be hard to not get curious and snoop a bit for a lot of people but yeah you are right should of still told him that she looked at his pictures. If this makes her a horrible person or not is up to the players personal believes because with context it isn't black and white that she did something bad / horrible.

Well Alexis did lie to the MC as she knew who he was the entire time and he even confronts her about this. She did lie to Erynn about not going to the concert with her cause she took the MC instead when they were originally were going to go with one another. While you do make a bit of a point about it would be taking away control from the MC to tell Erynn but it wasn't like he asked Alexis to keep it a secret either. You are right as far as we know the Drama part technically wasn't a lie and kind of was at the same time. I'd say it was more something like an implied promise since they are best friends that tell each other everything keeping the MC's return a secret does come across as one. Even Alexis feels bad for doing it that right there is enough for me to say at the very least she was being dishonest. Since you dont feel bad about doing something unless you know it was wrong to begin with.


Aug 15, 2022
Im not sure if this was already asked or not. There are almost 1200 pages at this point. Does anybody know if there is a route now or maybe in the future where you get with Melissa or Emily ?
  • Haha
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Oct 10, 2022
First of all, holy fucking text wall. Let's go from bottom to top,

I sincerely hope in real life you are better at "forgive and forget", it's just a skill people need to learn, holding on to grudges is just not a good thing.
irl, I am good at "forgive and forget" but I prefer "forget and move on" because of the shits I've been through and mostly the people I forgave did the same after I forgave them. Though I am glad you have not met that many toxic people so you can still see forgiving as a noble act.

Again mistakes were made, she's a nice good natured girl who kept giving Ethan chances, despite the fact that he didn't deserve it.
Naive? Sure. A little idiotic? Perhaps, but sometimes it takes years to grasp just how much of an asshole someone is... she's a nice girl and didn't want to burn him right away, so much so that when he changed his attitude for awhile she bought into it.
Again, that was very naive, should she be burned at the stake because she was naive and dumb? I don't think so...
Still better late than never, that at least now she has a bad "relationship" with him, knows exactly who he is and just wants to be rid of him.
Looks like this is the point we are differentiate, what she did was not giving chance to Ethan, it was choosing Ethan over MC. In life, there are some points you make a choice between things. When your new friend bullies your old friend and openly declares he will keep doing it, if you stick with him, that means you are choosing him over the other one. It's not exactly giving another chance because that chance cost you your friendship. She did the same with all other friends too except Alexis. Even Alexis choice was hard to make for her too. When Ethan turned his target on Erynn, it was the time he became bad guy. This shows how bad a person Erynn was. You can not weasel out claiming you were naive and kind.

We don't know what which point Erynn found out about the interaction between Alexis and MC, she surely didn't know anything immediately after... not only this is a "coulda/shoulda" when it's perfectly reasonable that Erynn wants to handle this herself instead of involving her friend who has nothing to do with the problem and as far as she knows doesn't have any kind of relationship with the MC, it sounds like her going "talk to his kid you never talked before for me", instead of trying it herself (like she did).
We have no idea when she learned of their interaction, we have no idea if it would have worked... as far as we know as soon as Alexis brings "you should talk to Erynn" he might turn asshole against her too since at this point in time the MC feels wounded by Erynn, and her siding with Erynn makes her the enemy.
I'm not blaming him either for feeling like he did back then, situation looked bad indeed... I just think now that "mistakes were made" and "it's time to move on".
Completely, absolutely wrong. We do know exact point when she figured it out. We do know how she acted to Alexis after that. We do know how she acted to MC after that. Erynn find out about it when MC gave his phone to her to make a phone call. She immediately storm out to meet with Alexis. She yelled at her, blamed her and even accuse her lying about Ethan(so she still believes Ethan, after all he had done to her and her friends) and stormed off the bar without giving Alexis a chance to explain herself, left her broke down crying in her workplace. Then came back to her house, kicked out MC who had nowhere to go without giving any explanation. If MC try to understand what's going on, she just yell at him. He did not even had a chance to get his stuff.
I really don't understand "woulda, coulda, shoulda" defence. In certain situations there are certain expectations from people, usually accepted by the society. When you did not meet them people say you shoulda do that, coulda done anything else, woulda been better etc.
Let's try it over an example, if you are in an exclusive relationship you should stay faithful. If you cheat on her. People say you should have stayed faithful, you could have break up before cheating that would have been better. If you say don't use "woulda, coulda, shoulda" that is not logical explanation, don't you think?

BTW Alexis justification for being "short on the truth" on the plane is that she was scared that if she revealed her identity and friendship Erynn the MC wouldn't react well and would cut her off... and that's with 5 years after the event to cool off.
And you think it's a good idea to send her in "next week" to talk to this guy...
Some things cool down over the time and some others boil up. In what MC has been through, it is expected his anger would cool down and his grudge boil up over time. She did not afraid of his anger because as he stated in the game he is no longer angry but he still holds grudge over it and when she noticed that she was afraid of that. She even acknowledged that within her thought "after all this time, he might still has lingering feelings." No one would want to get cut off of someone they like especially for a thing they did not even commit. Blame was on Erynn, not Alexis but she still felt guilty over that and she left the plane without MC noticed. So what Alexis did on the plane was wrong I've never defended it but it was somewhat acceptable and tbh a little bit expected. Even next time they met in Alexis' house, it still is acceptable because their interaction interrupted by someone, most likely Layla. Where she dropped the ball was afterwards, she should have said who she was to MC because they were starting to a relationship. Confessing to MC much more important than confessing to Erynn but everyone blames her for Erynn not for MC.

The game doesn't say they never ran into each other, just that he avoided her and acted like a huge asshole, it's difficult to have a conversation with brat sometimes, and it's not responsability of just one side to deal with general assholiness from the other side.
All it must be said is that, she remained sympathetic to him and wanted to reconect with him despite the MC putting barriers to that interaction and making it difficult, she never gave up and said, you know what "fuck him".
I feel like you are overlooking what I say on purpose. When MC came back to town, you can choose to avoid Erynn. Next day she ambushes the MC in his bed to get answers. He still is actively avoiding Erynn and he still is an asshole, in your words, because he got angry over most likely the most terrible experience he have been through. She got the answers when she wanted it. She even reached that point next morning, did not need weeks. I am saying when she wanted it, she can do that. If she wanted that she could have manage to have a talk with MC in that several weeks. Other points that I said you all wrongfully lingering, was extreme examples how could she have done that. Alexis, Emily, Melissa, showing up at his house these are all extreme, some more than others, paths she could have taken. Is it possible, yes; is it likely, probably not but my point in this when there is a will, there's a way. As a good friend what expected from her was at least get an explanation from MC why he was avoiding her since she was too stupid to understand what she did to him. Did she do that in any way? No she did not. That makes her a bad person in my eyes.

I'm not making excuses, i just don't care about it... it's something that happened years ago, when they were waaay too young.
Both could've done things in a slightly different and maybe things would've been better, dwelling on it is dumb and immature, but despite saying "it isn't about the confession" you keep coming back to the well and seemingly getting angry that she didn't do this or that...
There's a reason why i spend less time creating fantasy scenarios it's because the game so far is on my side on this one.
The game tells us, "she tried her best but she didn't succeed", that's it, both involved parties seem to agree to it... you don't wanna agree to it, you wanna keep finding reasons to justify you being mad at her, "she's lying" (about what?), "she could've tried harder"...
The game does not say "she tried her best but she didn't succeed" it is Erynn's claim in the game, there is a difference. You don't even reach that scene if you don't trust Erynn. You are asking about what I think she is lying about, the answer is this. I think she is lying about this, only thing against that is the Erynn's words which I don't believe in the first place. You are saying both involved parties seems to agree, which is not true. Erynn is the one making the claim, whether or not she agrees irrelevant. MC agrees to that, only you as a player go down on that path. First you choose the option to trust and listen Erynn, then you claim MC accepts it. That is at best ridiculous, MC did not accepted it you did. You can also choose to leave Erynn getting beat up by Ethan in a dark alley and he basically says she deserved it. What do you think is this MC looks like would accept Erynn's explanation?
Btw, it is a fairly long text wall for someone who does not care about it, just sayin'.

I over and over said this is not the reason I dislike her, I am not even mad at her let alone try to justify it. I am saying it isn't about the confession because it is not. If you checked how this discussion started, Dessolos said she likes Erynn and I asked why, because I wanted to see other side's opinion on her. He explained his reasoning which I accepted, even joined some of his thoughts. We even agreed on punch counter of Ethan would be good. Then I said I dislike her and listed some interactions I found weird about her. It was not only confession, there were some other things too. It was not even discussion at that point, we shared our opinions on a character. I admit after I read his reasoning, I see Erynn in a different light. Iirc, Dessolos said the same in another post.
Then you people started bashing me why I was wrong about confession, how I misunderstood, how I missed key elements etc. so I basically replied with I am aware all the points you are making and I still stand behind my opinions, though still I accept other opinions and it is just seeing something from different eyes. Also, I am not alone on this opinion so it's not an uncommon one either. If you check last a few pages, you can see that.

But I wholeheartedly agree, let's not dwell on it like it was intended to in the first place.
Here's the post I asked about Erynn,
My favourite one is Nikki but I also like Elena, Iris and Gabi too. Erynn is at the bottom of the list with Alexis. Though I am curios to learn the other side of the coin, what makes her appealing? Why you like her?
and here's the one I accepted of his and listed mine. (not the whole post since this post became a novel, you can click and see all if you want)
Oh, I see your point. Interesting to see tbh. Also glad to hear, you just didn't say because she is hot. My opinion of her is almost exact opposite though.
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Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
First of all, holy fucking text wall. Let's go from bottom to top,

Looks like this is the point we are differentiate, what she did was not giving chance to Ethan, it was choosing Ethan over MC. In life, there are some points you make a choice between things. When your new friend bullies your old friend and openly declares he will keep doing it, if you stick with him. That means you are choosing him over the other one. It's not exactly giving another chance because that chance cost you your friendship. She did the same with all other friends too except Alexis. Even Alexis choice was hard to make for her too. When Ethan turned his target on Erynn, it was the time he became bad guy. This shows how bad a person Erynn was. You can not weasel out claiming you were naive and kind.

Completely, absolutely wrong. We do know exact point when she figured it out. We do know how she acted to Alexis after that. We do know how she acted to MC after that. Erynn find out about it when MC gave his phone to her to make a phone call. She immediately storm out to meet with Alexis. She yelled at her, blamed her and even accuse her lying about Ethan(so she still believes Ethan, after all he had done to her and her friends) and stormed off the bar without giving Alexis a chance to explain herself, left her broke down crying in her workplace. Then came back to her house, kicked out MC who had nowhere to go btw without giving any explanation. If MC try to understand what's going on, she just yell at him. He did not even had a chance to get his stuff.
I really don't understand "woulda, coulda, shoulda" defence. In certain situations there are certain expectations from people, usually accepted by the society. When you did not meet them people say you shoulda do that, coulda done anything else, woulda been better etc.
Let's try it over an example, if you are in an exclusive relationship you should stay faithful. If you cheat on her. People say you should have stayed faithful, you could have break up before cheating that would have been better. If you say don't use "woulda, coulda, shoulda" that is not logical explanation, don't you think?

Some thing cool down over the time and some others boil up. In what MC has been through, it is expected his anger would cool down and his grudge boil up over time. She did not afraid of his anger because as he stated in the game he is no longer angry but he still holds grudge over it and when she noticed that she was afraid of that. She even acknowledged that within her though "after all this time, he might still has lingering feelings." No one would want to get cut off someone they like especially for a thing they did not even commit. It was on Erynn not Alexis but she still felt guilty over that so she left the without MC noticed. So what Alexis did on the plane was wrong I've never defended it but it was somewhat acceptable and tbh a little bit expected. Even next time they met in Alexis' house, it still is acceptable because their interaction interrupted by someone most likely Layla. Where she dropped the ball was afterwards, she should have said who she was to MC because they were starting to a relationship. Confessing to MC much more important than confessing to Erynn but everyone blames her for Erynn not for MC.

I feel like you are overlooking what I say on purpose. When MC came back to town, you can choose to avoid Erynn. Next day she ambushes the MC in his bed to get answers. He still is actively avoiding Erynn and he still is an asshole, in your words, because he got angry over most likely the most terrible experience he have been through. She got the answers when she wanted it. She even reached that point next morning, did not need weeks. I am saying when she wanted it, she can do that. If she wanted that she could have manage to have a talk with MC in that several weeks. Other points that I said you all wrongfully lingering, was extreme examples how could she have done that. Alexis, Emily, Melissa, showing up at his house these are all extreme, some more than others, path she could have taken. Is it possible, yes; is it likely, probably not but my point in this when there is a will, there's a way. As a good friend what expected from her was at least get an explanation from MC why he was avoiding her since she was too stupid to understand what she did to him. Did she do that in any way? No she did not. That makes her a bad person in my eyes.

The game does say "she tried her best but she didn't succeed" it is Erynn's claim in the game, there is a difference. You don't even reach that scene if you don't trust Erynn. You are asking about what I think she is lying about, the answer is this. I think she is lying about this, only thing against that is the Erynn's words which I don't believe in the first place. You are saying both involved parties seems to agree, which is not true. Erynn is the one making the claim, whether or not she agrees irrelevant. MC agrees to that, only you as a player go down on that path. First you choose the option to trust and listen Erynn, then you claim MC accepts it. That is at best ridiculous, MC did not accepted it you did. You can also choose to leave Erynn getting beat up by Ethan in a dark alley and he basically says she deserved it. What do you think is this MC looks like would accept Erynn's explanation?
Btw, it is a fairly long text wall for someone who does care about it, just sayin'.

I over and over said this is not the reason I dislike her, I am not even mad at her let alone try to justify it. I am saying it isn't about the confession because it is not. If you checked how this discussion started, Dessolos said she likes Erynn and I asked why, because I wanted to see other side's opinion on her. He explained his reasoning which I accepted, even joined some of his thoughts. We even agreed on punch counter of Ethan would be good. Then I said I dislike her and listed some interactions I found weird about her. It was not only confession, there were some other things too. It was not even discussion at that point, we shared our opinions on a character. I admit after I read his reasoning, I see Erynn in a different light. Iirc, Dessolos said the same in another post.
Then you people started bashing me why I was wrong about confession, how I misunderstood, how I missed key elements etc. so I basically replied with I am aware all the points you are making and I still stand behind my opinions, though still I accept other opinions and it is just seeing something from different eyes. Also, I am not alone on this opinion so it's not an uncommon one either. If you check last a few pages, you can see that.

But I wholeheartedly agree, let's not dwell on it like it was intended to in the first place.
Here's the post I asked about Erynn,

and here's the one I accepted of his and listed mine. (not the whole post since this post became a novel, you can click and see all if you want)
You've been writing text walls for a while yourself haven't you?

At that point she didn't think it was necessary to chose between them, she thought the situation could be handled in a different way, was that the right decision? No it was not.
But she didn't know just how evil Ethan could get.
Then the MC leaves town and takes himself off the table...
At any time if Erynn wanted Ethan she could've had him, this wasn't her prioritizing him, it was simply her being a naive trusting person.

We are talking about 2 different things regarding Alexis, i was talking about when did Erynn find out about the kiss from 5 years ago?
You were insistent on using Alexis to help in that situation, "Alexis and the MC have a good relationship" despite the fact that as far as Erynn knows they have 0 relationship, so i was questioning "does Erynn even know that they interacted?".
Coming back to the present, not showing absolute faith in Alexis words after she proves duplicitous is just human nature, and even then she goes back to trusting her words again shortly after, even before they make up.

The game offers various choices, Erynn's side is obviously portrayed better if you choose to give her a chance and listen to what she has to say, than if you are still holding a grudge and just wants to stay the fuck away from her, that should be obvious, but it seems like you want to stay angry.

On holding on to grudges, i just think it's time the MC recognizes Erynn never intended to hurt him, she did try to reach him and he made some mistakes of his own... to me this seems a situation of forgiveness instead of holding on to a pointless grudge that you know by now only happened because of a misunderstanding and bad timing.
And wether "has she done enough? Has she tried as hard as possible?", dude, it takes 2 people to fight, one is trying for conciliation the other wants to extend the fight... and you place the blame solely on the one seeking conciliation, really?

Yeah you stand behind your opinion despite it being factually contradicted in game, everyone already got that, you have your own made up mind.

There are many reasons to say no to Erynn, she indeed made the mistakes, she's suffering for them to this day, things with her don't happen in a straightforward way... because she brings so much baggage along, those are all good reasons to say "thanks but no thanks to her", and i wouldn't contest....
But your theory that she didn't care enough about the MC is directly contradicted by the story, but it requires you to stop and follow her personal route(with an open mind).
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