Nyx is the biggest deciever. She says and does shit to get the weak minded all pissy. Hence all the bs she pulls with the mom. She loves fuckin around.
it actually makes sense, i mean she is falling for the MC and she knows that,
but he has a girlfriend or that girl is Layla and she doesn´t want to be that girl!
so she takes the dive and jumps the virgin, later on in the morning she regrets it!
if it had worked it would have been perfect, she wouldn´t seduce the MC
and she and Layla could go on double dates...
she would have had to put a little work on Zach...
but Zach is too disapointing and now she regrets it!
She is falling for the MC whom her best friend loves,
she doesn´t want to be the 3rd wheel,
so whoever Layla boyfriend hangs with she will pair up!
its either that or get away from her best friend and the boy she likes,
cause she doesn´t want to be that girl that lusts after her friends boys
and is then used for the dude to cheat on her girlfriend!
there is also the question if she was still a virgin before!
If she was to act like this, she was no longer a virgin...
i mean she lives under alot of stress taking care of her 2 little brothers
she comes from a poor family, so a dude selling her a dream
could have taken her V card, wouldn´t be that hard to do either!
as for people about to facepalm me over this possibility!
The thing is some of the things she says true, that's why her trolling works all the time.
A few things she said,
she said agency's CEO is Santi and she hired an assassin to kill Erynn but he mistook Rachel as Erynn and that's why Rachel died.
Also she says Valeria gonna die, Ethan will shoot him.
MC's bio dad is dead.
I need help people, I've just crossed 200 pages of saves and I played every possible path, I've probably seen every render of the game but still I've restarted the game again.
Now, when I get my hands on software (which it basically is) that has multiple path options, I try to play through all the possible paths.
I would like to draw your attention to 3 scenarios.
General note: You ignore all LIs that are not needed or it is best to end the path. In all three scenarios they are just annoying.
The first scenario has a very big question mark. Here I'm not sure whether the developer has considered this option or is even considering it. It's the Alexis secret path BUT with Elena. Normally, this path targets the Monroe siblings' conflict. How does this path continue if you choose Elena at the front door????
The second scenario is the Layla path + Gabi (with changed dialogue). It is important here that you get ALL the hearts you can get. At training camp you're not allowed to look into the girls' shower room and instead of watching Elena's competition, you fuck Gaby. By being late you will receive minus hearts. There are a total of 3 scenes that contain a certain amount of comedy. Some insiders will already have at least one scene in their mind's eye.
The third scenario is about the three main protagonists: Alexis, Erynn and MC, but in extreme cases. You do the Alexis Path AND the Erynn Path at the same time. Get ALL the hearts you can from both of them (before, during, and after your decisions!).
Important note: Before the training camp, when deciding whether you go to Alexis or go running with Layla, ALWAYS go running with Layla, otherwise you risk that both routes may be closed!
Important note 2: Make the following selection on the beach in the Kill-Fuck-Marry game: kill Iris, fuck Erynn and marry Alexis!
Here it is recommended if you have four free memory slots and save the game before you are faced with one of the four following decisions (it's a long way).
Decision 1: In Erynn's apartment, after you have decided to help Erynn, you lie in each other's arms and the decision comes: go away or kiss
Decision 2: In the MC's room with Erynn the decision comes: go to Alexis or stay with Erynn
Decision 3: In the MC's room with Erynn in her grip, the decision comes: throw Erynn on the bed or kiss her
Decision 4: On the beach in front of the changing rooms a decision is made: go to Alexis or go to Erynn
Now there are two different routes you can play.
a) Make Erynn jealous (not as obvious as desired)
- Decision 1: go away and then tell Alexis
- Decision 2: go to Alexis, which Erynn doesn't leave uncommented
- Decision 3: Throw Erynn onto the bed. There are now two additional images on the beach
- Decision 4: go to Alexis
b) I call them "suppressed feelings" (don't panic if Erynn doesn't tell her about Alexis, it won't have any consequences)
- Decision 1: Kiss Erynn and the corresponding scene
- Decision 2: stay with Erynn, who is enthusiastic and the date with Alexis will be rescheduled the following day
- Decision 3: Kiss Erynn. After Erynn leaves, there are two scenes that don't require any words
- Decision 4: go to Erynn. I don't want to say anything about the following dialogue, as a lot can be interpreted into it. As a side note: check out Erynn! The MC notices later.
Subsequent EDIT: Unfortunately it is not possible in both routes, in the conversation between Erynn and MC in his bed, when the teenage MC asked Erynn if he could touch both of Erynn's breasts, can now be repeated and he is petting her. That would have added an additional “spice” to both routes.
I would like to emphasize that I approached these scenarios from a software perspective to see what works and what doesn't work!
I've only caught several of them like Shaq at Heaven, one of Elena's mom (but you got all of them), one of Val training (but you got all of them), The two Brookes, Young Nikki and Cara, some of Jasmine (you got all of them).
All these references, foreshadowing, "Easter eggs", keeping very much with Nyx's game title and theme of "Intertwined".
She was always aware of the bullying. She knew about it but did nothing. When she told if you continue to bully him we won't be friends anymore then what was Ethan's answers, I can do whatever I want. Did she keep her promise? No, she did not even go after MC, Alexis did.
After MC left, she kept Ethan as a friend. Bully of her so-called best friend but she did not even hesitate to keep his friendship. He kept harassing everyone around her, she always chose him. She even believed Alexis has slept with him because of that if not Alexis' loyalty she was going to lose Alexis' friendship too. She only stoped seeing Ethan after that.
She even admits she liked him. She does not say I never liked him, she says I never liked him in that way. that means she liked Ethan in someway, most likely as a friend. So, Ethan bullied MC in front of her, he even openly admitted he liked bullying MC and it's a fun activity for him and Erynn liked him. He caused MC departure, as Erynn told Alexis pained her so much but she kept him as a friend and even liked him.
When does she ended it? Yes, when Ethan put his target on her. Only then.... So if she wanted it, she could have ended it before but she only did it when it hurt her. Such a selfish behaviour.
Oh btw, she can weasel out from the situations perfectly also. You did nothing, right Erynn? It was aaaall Ethan, then why are you still friends with him.
And when MC returned, she asked why did you leave, why did you leave. As if she does not know. Is she that stupid? Let's say she was not aware that MC thought they laughed at him. Even then situation was clear, MC confessed to her, Ethan made fun of him then MC left. After that they stopped talking then it ended up with MC leaving town. Is she really that stupid that did not even understand what MC felt? Maybe she is though, even she said so after all.
She believes whatever Ethan tells her. Ethan said Alexis slept with him then she believed that even after everything he did. Remember, Alexis was her last friend. Ethan cost them all, starting with MC but she still believed him. Even after years past, all the bullying, all the blackmail, all the beating, literally pimping her but she still can question Alexis and believe Ethan. She is as stupid as Zack if not more. At least, Zack did not see the evil side of Ethan but even though Erynn saw it, she's always believes him. It won't be surprising Ethan is the one behind whole Zane thing.
Is this enough? Nope. First of all she ask MC to meet with her, then ditch him to meet Ethan and did not even inform MC. After a late notice, MC catches her with Ethan while handholding. I know Ethan forced her to be with him there but she should have understand what MC sees. So, after everything happened what she does, she does blame Alexis. Yes, she blames Alexis in that situation with the worst possible accusations.
She should know Alexis would never do such a thing. Also she was the one who invited MC, she was the one who ditched MC, she was the one who was holding Ethan's hand. How could Alexis plan such a thing to get MC angry to Erynn? What could she gain from it? She is the faulty one here but instead of owning her mistake, she blames MC and Alexis. Such a low thing to do.
Though, it takes one to know one. When the situation arises, she does exact thing that she blamed Alexis do. If MC does not help Erynn, she immediately told that to Alexis even if they were not talking. She knows Alexis so good that she is aware Alexis will breakup with MC. She punishes MC for not helping her, as if he is obliged to clean up her fuck ups.
She is aware of the Alexis' first kiss, she knows MC is Alexis' type, then she tells you never talked to him. Even though, Alexis was the one who consoled MC and Erynn knows about it.
She knows MC needs a place to stay but she kicks him out without explanation. If MC tries to understand what's going on, she just sends him away. Even if, it has nothing to do with MC.
God forbids if you tell MC that Ethan saw MC and he was angry about it, that he is dangerous and he may gang up on MC. But Erynn cares so much about MC, she was okay to throw him under the bus.
She can ask any question and MC has to answer but she does not have to answer. Why the secrecy Erynn, your past mistakes came to bite you in the back and if you are open about it, you fear you can't use MC, right?
I have so many more screenshots about her and so many things she did to talk about but I don't want to make this post longer. All I can say about her she is not a good person. She does not deserve Alexis, she does not deserve MC, she does not deserve the love she receive. She can do whatever she wants but if anything does not go to her way she takes her revenge, unless of course you are Ethan.
It's okay to invade MC's privacy snoops at his phone comes to his room without asking, it's okay to put him in danger and don't explain shit unless he went into fist fight with that danger itself. She really is an ugly soul.