Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
Well, she was interrupted mid-sentence, all she could say was ''He is my dad...''
She could have just as well wanted to say, '' He is my dad's best friend since college and former manager. Santi also comes over for breakfast with our family once a week.''
Lot of people seem to be into this theory.
I think it would be the lamest cop out ever... which means it's probably true.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2017
Lot of people seem to be into this theory.
I think it would be the lamest cop out ever... which means it's probably true.
Personaly i don't have a theory, i simply don't care enough to bother about it.
Yeah, it would be the most boring and mundane relevation there is...but what do you expect will come out of it ?

If we take the MC's normal behavior.
He will most likely run out of that bar (runing away and making his own headcanon is his thing), then he will go full on drama queen, like always...of course he could just wait a minute and ask Alexis for clarification, like most normal people would do...but that would be too boring for Nyx.

Either way, Santi in the bar is pretty surely MC's father, so he isn't Alexis dad either by blood or by law.
I mean, Santi could be the boyfriend of Adriana, living with them and raising the kids for so long Alexis started to call him dad and now he wants one more kid with Adriana...but that they never married under these circumstances would be even stranger imo, add to that why there was that big picture of him and Gabi over her bed.

What other reason could there be for Alexis to call him dad, if we exclude them being related and of that we can be sure.
As a nickname ? Would be a bit too strange, well maybe if they are up for some naughty roleplay :whistle:


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
Personaly i don't have a theory, i simply don't care enough to bother about it.
Yeah, it would be the most boring and mundane relevation there is...but what do you expect will come out of it ?

If we take the MC's normal behavior.
He will most likely run out of that bar (runing away and making his own headcanon is his thing), then he will go full on drama queen, like always...of course he could just wait a minute and ask Alexis for clarification, like most normal people would do...but that would be too boring for Nyx.

Either way, Santi in the bar is pretty surely MC's father, so he isn't Alexis dad either by blood or by law.
I mean, Santi could be the boyfriend of Adriana, living with them and raising the kids for so long Alexis started to call him dad and now he wants one more kid with Adriana...but that they never married under these circumstances would be even stranger imo, add to that why there was that big picture of him and Gabi over her bed.

What other reason could there be for Alexis to call him dad, if we exclude them being related and of that we can be sure.
As a nickname ? Would be a bit too strange, well maybe if they are up for some naughty roleplay :whistle:
I didn't mean to attack anyone that believes this theory, given previous experiences with Intertwined it does sound like a real possibility.
I just hope for something better... This thing would be further proof that Nyx likes to tease stuff(specially with cliffhangers) more than she likes to deliver from the possibilities she brings up.

I would like something along the lines of you cause a break up between Adriana and Santiago(likely by pointing out he had an affair with Gabi) and despite the girls calling him dad, he's not their legal father, "Mr Monroe" is.
It just sounds better to me, than another "JUST KIDDING" the whole thing was meaningless.

Then there's the theory that Santiago isn't our dad at all, slutty Emily got the numbers wrong(or just hoped to tie Santiago up), maybe she got tag teamed by Santiago and Zo... This would be a twist.

And honestly as ludicrous as this sounds... it's better than "he's my dad... friend".

So would be Alexis being Santiago's long time side piece and her thinking we wouldn't care... after all he was there first lol.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2017
I would like something along the lines of you cause a break up between Adriana and Santiago(likely by pointing out he had an affair with Gabi) and despite the girls calling him dad, he's not their legal father, "Mr Monroe" is.
It just sounds better to me, than another "JUST KIDDING" the whole thing was meaningless.
Now that would be something good, causing a break up and ruining Santis happy family life, let me sign up :giggle:

I just don't see how how Adriana could not have noticed that her hubby is also dating Gabi at the same time...i mean, they live in the same small town, work at the same school...that would need some real suspension of disbelief.
Then there's the theory that Santiago isn't our dad at all, slutty Emily got the numbers wrong(or just hoped to tie Santiago up), maybe she got tag teamed by Santiago and Zo... This would be a twist.

And honestly as ludicrous as this sounds... it's better than "he's my dad... friend".
I'm all for that, but i doubt Nyx will do anything like casting a bad light on Emily, she rather brings Andres back and gives him the stick again for some dumb reason.
I just hope for something better... This thing would be further proof that Nyx likes to tease stuff(specially with cliffhangers) more than she likes to deliver from the possibilities she brings up.
Well yeah, i also hope it would would be something big and some real drama, instead of the cheap shock value and soap opera stuff we have, i just really doubt it will happen...
So would be Alexis being Santiago's long time side piece and her thinking we wouldn't care... after all he was there first lol.
I mean...that would be some real drama :ROFLMAO:
Besides, i try to get rid of her for so long and sadly still unsuccessful...but same as with Emily, i doubt Nyx would do anything to cast a bad light on the LI's, for that we have the guys, like Andres, Ethan, Zach and well, Tori the town bike.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
Now that would be something good, causing a break up and ruining Santis happy family life, let me sign up :giggle:

I just don't see how how Adriana could not have noticed that her hubby is also dating Gabi at the same time...i mean, they live in the same small town, work at the same school...that would need some real suspension of disbelief.
Personally i think dumber things have flown under the radar.
He had something of an excuse to spend time with Gabi when he was her agent.

They are both workaholics(Santiago more of a pussaholic using the disguise of "always working") and she also has her kids to look out for.
She already lost her first husband/love and people sometimes get a lot more live and let live after that.

I'm all for that, but i doubt Nyx will do anything like casting a bad light on Emily, she rather brings Andres back and gives him the stick again for some dumb reason.

Well yeah, i also hope it would would be something big and some real drama, instead of the cheap shock value and soap opera stuff we have, i just really doubt it will happen...
That's very true, the women must remain "saints", and we are suppoused to be understanding when they do something wrong(always with the best, completely innocent, intentions :cautious: ).
The biggest flaw of this theory is Nyx unwillingness to "smear" women.

I mean...that would be some real drama :ROFLMAO:
Besides, i try to get rid of her for so long and sadly still unsuccessful...but same as with Emily, i doubt Nyx would do anything to cast a bad light on the LI's, for that we have the guys, like Andres, Ethan, Zach and well, Tori the town bike.
It would be a shocking reveal, but it has a snowball's chance in hell.

And yeah she's impossible to get rid of, if being actual siblings was a real possibility i think Alexis would say "let's just move to a new town where no one knows us".
This train doesn't stop at this station lol.
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Justice for Finnabair!
Jun 14, 2020
Credit: Some God in this thread
But you already know that there are a few things in this diagram that don't fit and that this graphic is long out of date? The creator of the graphic made assumptions at the time and even then some things were not quite right.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
maybe mom kept her old name and layla is from current marriage and lexi from prev (my 5 cents) and restaurant reservation was made by current hubby so they are called as monroes.
Adriana keeping her maiden name is a given.
if Santiago is no longer with her, though, it means Alexis changed her last name to the new husband's. like MC. but then during the beach double date, she would (should?) have spoken up when they were discussing MC changing his current last name, telling her own story to help him make a decision or at least give him an example. there might be a plot hole here.

well they aren't but that doesn't mean that nyx won't tease players about them being 1 and same.
at least the big picture we saw when MC first met Gabi was definitely Santiago. it's also him in the pictures of her youth. so he is a very important guy in her life.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023

How can you people not see that would be the laziest writing ever. No one would stay quiet...there's a huge fucking poster on the wall while she has her legs spread in his bed.

I just love (like Nyx does) you try to come up with fantastical bollocks theories to make up a narrative that doesn't fit just so in your head it does fit.

Again, I criticize Nyx perhaps more than anyone here, even she isn't that lazy and/or that bad of a writer. That would be DPC levels of ridiculous plot armor.
even if it would be lazy, people won't really protest. but it's a rational explanation for the family's wealth.

I think you misremember that scene with Alexis. the poster is long gone when she comes in MC's room for the first time. MC removes the poster on the very first day he is back. she never went before when they were young either.
the only issue would be Erynn not mentionning it, but at that age, she wasn't interested in basketball at all, and would not recognize a player from the back, and Alexis had not reason to tell Erynn either. boasted about your own father to your best friend when she is fatherless would be super insensitive. That would also be a part of why Alexis' father has a soft spot for Erynn, as she would always treat him like a normal guy, maybe even as a father figure, and not as a celebrity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
It can't be Zo, not anymore.
He was my number 1 suspect until recently, but people need to learn to move on from their personal theories once it gets proven wrong.

Zo is Santiago's college buddy and his meal ticket into becoming an agent.
It's stated that Zo retired to be with his family.
So... he retires to be with his family, only for his college buddy and agent to steal his wife and Zo's daughters start calling him dad?
Even in a game where ludicrous things happen like this one this is simply too much.

More likely scenario is that "Mr Monroe" died when Alexis and Layla were very young and Santiago has been living with them from a young age which is why they call him "dad" without any qualifications and are very used to his presence around the house, grab his car...

Still weird that Brooke refers to them as the Monroe's, but maybe she doesn't know any better...

I don't think Gabi is married to Santiago, here's what i think:

Santiago was Gabi's agent back in the day, that's how they met.
Santiago had a long affair with Gabi.
Gabi probably wanted/expected Santiago to drop Adriana for her(and he probably promised he would), but it never happened, Gabi has had enough so now they are broken up.
Unless Zo is the current husband of the family, and is named Monroe. and Alexis is really Santiago's daughter. not Layla (might be why he was so happy that Alexis went back running with him as he saw it as being accepted again, while he finds it "normal" that Layla accepts him). Zo retiring for his family then makes sense.
Zo could even be Santiago's associate now after retiring from professional basketball.

the thing we don't actually know now is if Santiago Navarro is really MC's real father.
and in this story, everyone was related somehow, EXCEPT MC. MC might be the only one not related to anyone at all in the game. Besides his mother, he "only" had strong bonds with Erynn and Melissa in the past, that's it. The only time he could have been related to any character, through Andres, it was broken very quickly :D

There is also a chance Emily doesn't really know who the father is. She was a party girl, and was often very drunk during parties. She could have been with a random guy, or even Zo, while thinking it is Santiago :D

Yeah, Gabi being Santiago's mistress makes sense. Gabi was said to be married, but she was more worried about having sex with a student than having cheated on her husband. either she pretended to be married while single to keep guys away while waiting for Santiago, or she was already divorced and kept the facade.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
I don't think Santi is their father or even step-father. One of the customers ordered just when Alexis was talking and as far as I am aware Nyx did not put that without a reason, so at the beginning of next update she'll end the sentence like he is my dad's friend and we are having breakfast tomorrow. Always seen him as a fun uncle, why are you interested in him so much suddenly?
Bro, that's actually a great explanation, thanks for that ! false cliffhanger.


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
he removed all posters when she first was in his room.
You're correct, still doesn't excuse the fact Erynn (as I have already mentioned...once and you conveniently didn't mention....again, in other threads) never once made mention that Zo was 'her best friends' dad? Not once...just in passing perhaps...she was like in his room daily growing up...

There is also a chance Emily doesn't really know who the father is. She was a party girl, and was often very drunk during parties. She could have been with a random guy, or even Zo, while thinking it is Santiago
:FacePalm: :FacePalm: :FacePalm:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
You're correct, still doesn't excuse the fact Erynn (as I have already mentioned...once and you conveniently didn't mention....again, in other threads) never once made mention that Zo was 'her best friends' dad? Not once...just in passing perhaps...she was like in his room daily growing up...
I did, in the following comment. here :

the only issue would be Erynn not mentionning it, but at that age, she wasn't interested in basketball at all, and would not recognize a player from the back, and Alexis had not reason to tell Erynn either. boasted about your own father to your best friend when she is fatherless would be super insensitive. That would also be a part of why Alexis' father has a soft spot for Erynn, as she would always treat him like a normal guy, maybe even as a father figure, and not as a celebrity.
But yeah, Erynn is really bad at telling MC anything at all. it's always "..." :D
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2023
is Alexis the most "intertwined" character in the game ?
even MC and Erynn don't seem to come close before the start of the game.

if we ignore the latest cliffhanger, she is Erynn's best friend, MC's first kiss, Layla's sister, Adrianna's daughter, Iris' roommate, Lakeyn's cousin, potentially Zo's daughter, Dylan's employee, at least grew up with Santiago around, eager fan of "Entanglement", former friend of Ethan and Zane, one of Zach's targets... i'm probably forgetting some more.

but it's weird that MC's mom and Alexis don't remember each other though. as Erynn's best friend, Alexis went to Melissa's regularly up to the start of the game. Emily should have run into her several times at least, also Alexis' family went several times to the restaurant. Emily only said that she felt familiar when they ran into each other after Alexis stayed the night, hinting more at Emily only remembering Alexis from the restaurant.


Message Maven
Jul 25, 2017
is Alexis the most "intertwined" character in the game ?
even MC and Erynn don't seem to come close before the start of the game.

if we ignore the latest cliffhanger, she is Erynn's best friend, MC's first kiss, Layla's sister, Adrianna's daughter, Iris' roommate, Lakeyn's cousin, potentially Zo's daughter, Dylan's employee, at least grew up with Santiago around, eager fan of "Entanglement", former friend of Ethan and Zane, one of Zach's targets... i'm probably forgetting some more.

but it's weird that MC's mom and Alexis don't remember each other though. as Erynn's best friend, Alexis went to Melissa's regularly up to the start of the game. Emily should have run into her several times at least, also Alexis' family went several times to the restaurant. Emily only said that she felt familiar when they ran into each other after Alexis stayed the night, hinting more at Emily only remembering Alexis from the restaurant.
only thing I think you missed was Alexis was also hit on once a week by Zach :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  • Haha
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