Zane's primary reason to be at the beach is surfing, hooking up with chicks who happen to be there is a bonus.
So no matter who we are taking with us it makes sense that he's at beach no matter what.
Obviously the interactions should change from Erynn to Val.
Val would be the most realistic girl around if it's proven that she shops around instead of putting all her eggs in the MCs basket, a girl this hot would have her DMs full 24/7.
The other girls of Intertwined are all about this one boy and shut everyone else out, on some cases it makes sense due to prior history, or because they are inexperienced... but it would be interesting if Val was different from this mold.
Also not too sure about the schedule for the next few days, morning>beach, where i'm from a beach day usually pushes into the afternoon, dinner time or even a bit past that, specially "problematic" with Erynn who likes to hang out at the MCs room after the planned events, MC is gonna need to kick her out lol.
The reasonable time to set a flight would be late afternoon so arriving at night in Riverside.
I guess it's spend the day with Nikki/Cara and see Nathan during the night, double date style.
The return trip is also very vague, sunday morning or afternoon?
Since Alvarado is suppoused to be a shithole, according to Iris, MC and Nathan, not much in the way of entertainment, no good clubs, just that lake that seemingly no one goes to(Iris and MC were alone there) i can see Lakeyin moving for good to Madison Springs, the fact that she has family here gives her solid footing to start over find a job while she gets money for another shop... or "Uncle Santiago" can give her an advancement since he seems to be swimming in money.
I'm curious how the next interaction of the Layla path will be, we haven't talked to her at all after taking her cherry, not even a how are you feeling phone call... and likely the MC still freaked out thinking she's his sister.
If the MC keeps acting distant after that it's sure to make her feel "used".
The MC is keeping his mouth shut about Zach so far, and i don't think it's unnatural, he just doesn't feel like sharing... maybe with Erynn since he does talk about having fought Ethan.
But when school re-starts surely the girls are gonna notice the frosty relationship... perfect timing.
I don't know, Erynn in that first day at Melissa's pool seems to just want to be friends like before and the fact that the adult MC makes her wet
, might be slightly disturbing to her.
Between that day in the pool and the point when the Alexis betrayal gets revealed the split between "i just want my friend back" and "we could be more than friends" is increasing all the time.
Erynn is perpetually worried about not "blowing it" and pushing things in the "wrong" direction, at least until recently, her recent episode where she suggest the bath and is comfortable making out is a new thing for her.
Heck 2 days ago, she freaked after the make out session.
I do think the MC that exists in her head is very idealized perfect man(that doesn't really exist) so everytime she sees him do "wrong" it hurts her.