Thx... ehh... I'll survive w/o it, but it's a really huge mistake to let such good game stay w/o any music or sound for the 12 episodes and years of development... I even noticed that she reworked and remastered parts of first episodes, because renders looks different from time to time.
Even with the shitty and 1000 times used/reused music tracks I'd rate it 4.5/5 even if I'm still playing the EP4 only, because I really like the idea, the uncommon approach and the style of story/characters design and writing. But music absence and absolute silence removes 1 star instantly as for me. Such a bummer
And as for self-writing music.. It's cool, but it's not the skill you get suddenly, it's years of practice and the most important part you have to get is the "taste", not the actual music skills since a lot of this could be replaced with software this days. And you then have to produce something decent, enjoyable and competitive to the tracks that other devs picks and puts in their games, otherwise what's the sense? Why not to use at least the "free" music/licenses that a lot of beginning or short on money devs do? It's still better than leave players in full silence, especially if dev is able to pick the right track to the right scene, even if it's free and all heard those music in dozens of other games before.
Well, such a relief, better later than never. Anyway, feels like it's a years of development ahead and it's far from near the end, so things will be fixed in a progress. Thx for explanation.