Hmm, finished with a second playthrough and am starting to like this game more and more.
After going through with the walkthrough pdf, am i understanding correctly that the whole crew of characters is kinda divided in 3 independant groups? Seems like its the 2 sisters from the beginning, Layla & her friends and Erynn/Alexis and her group, with minimal interactions between the groups.
Game seems also very harsh in not letting you drop other relationships when you decide to be exclusive with a girl and still kinda force you into date/kissing to have you go through scripted drama of the other girl finding out.
This time, i planned and went on a full Nikki save, and i have to say, i like it, but found it very dissapointing. It seems to me that Nikki and Cara are almost side characters. They do not have a lot of interactions and what they have is condenssed into very few updates then are forgotten again. I can see them very easy to let go to pursue girls the game focuses more on. Whats the easiest non douche way to break up with any of the 2 in most saves so you can move on to the "main" game? Can you have them only has friends, not show up at your house but still break the wedding? Or is it mandatory to break up?
I ended up (as the game kinda was forcing me into a Layla path again, even though i was purposedly gaining about only half the points with her to make her just friends, but i guess the breakpoint must be low because i kept getting all the date scenes, so i decided to try full Elena. Best decision ever. She really grew on me a lot with her scenes. How she also fall for you slowly, then each time Layla do something with you she gets very sad but let happoen because she dont want to loose her friend. Once again, when i got the hints and the game told me i was falling for her, why couldnt i cancel or chat Layla then, but instead was forced into more kissing and dates with my character seeming to not care? I can only assume the game script is for you to be with her, a Layla break up has to happen to have the drama since its the story's main script for her.
I guess now i'll do next a play from the "other" side to try the other girls' stories. Who is the most tolerant girl with side content? Alexis or Erynn? Can i do Alexis, still be friends with Erynn and go for the unlocks, for example Iris and Gabi?
If not, whats the best non-commiting girl/path if i would like to mostly unlock side girls gallery, like, eww Tori, Gabi, Valeria and still be "only friends" with the main crew? As it seems you "have" to go after at least a main girl to go through story.
As of now, heres how my tierlist of girls changed after my 2nd play. Nikki (i like her overall), Brooke (i find her charming, and ill try and hook her up with the mom) and especially Elena (personallity, good progression into liking you, the whole family side you help her with) got higher in my tierlist, and Cara (dont like the model), Valeria (kinda lost interest and every npc seems to be after her) , Melissa (lost interest) and Layla (too childish and kinda slow for her age, no way shes 18) got lower.
Also, now i see why its called intertwined. Seems like no npc gets wasted in this game. Everyone is related to someone in the end. At this point, im almost expecting that Ethan's dad gonna be some dude we already met a bunch of times and are friendly with (the guy at the modeling agecny of the photograph??) that will end the escort agency (that he will mostl likely not be aware of) as he will view it as bad rep for his company.
Lastly, reading the last pages, will the update only be Erynn scenes and Valeria content? Is this how it work for this game? Each update concentrate on a "side"? Hope not, i would be dissapointed.