I know this topic can be kinda controversial and I don't want to start a debate or anything but from what I gather this game doesn't have harem and that in itself isn't really problem for me if it's done right and that is exactly my question is it done right?
here is an example of what I consider done right: Defending Lydia Collier three to four main LI with couple of different routes and side LIs when you chose a main LI MC doesn't interact with other main LI routes and their side LIs
and the there is "being a DIK" I know it's insanely popular but I hate it, it isn't a harem game but it plays like one even when you're not in a LI's route you see their story and solving their problems like it doesn't matter you get rejected or reject someone story plays the same way is just doesn't have sex scenes
I know I got side tracked and went on a tangent and this got long, I don't know it's a problem or not but I want to know this game is closer to which one of this two games and and how many main LIs there is and is there any side LIs or not
Plenty of people addressed this but i'll throw my 2cents.
I'd say it's even harsher than BADIK in terms of routes colliding and intersecting(the game is called Intertwined after all).
Girls of Intertwined aren't cool with you fucking around, if/when they learn that you've been fucking around they get mad.
The routes are made to interact and collide with each other, these girls are all friends, family and class/team mates with one another.
Aka, if you don't make a decision on which sister you prefer, it will blow up in your face.
If a girl knows that you are dating one of her friends it will give her pause in terms of pursuing a relationship with you(even if she still shows some signs that she loves you).
In addition to that, girls have established relationships to the MC, you have the neighbor and childhood friend, you have the classmates, you have the ex-gf(possibly plural)... they don't disappear if you don't pursue a relationship with them, you'll still see them at school/around your house and can help them with their personal issues.