Nice dude! You get to see Erynn in 4k.
No it doesn't seem to end either path yet I don't think, but you do lose a whopping 10 points with Erynn or 2 points with Val.
Still feels forced that he setup both dates for the same time... if you we could make this choice earlier you wouldn't feel like such a bad situation.
I also think that despite not handing us an obvious "route closed", it can still change scenes and give you worst options with the girl that didn't go to the beach.
Normally I'd say those 10 points will nuke you out of the next point check Nyx throws in for Erynn's relationship but Erynn has a ton of points now so maybe it's possible to eat the loss. I actually think Val's points are more critical, she doesn't have near as many and a lot of her thresholds (helping you with Ethan, the mall photoshoot) are extremely tight point wise.
Pretty much this... it's no big red "ROUTE CLOSED" sign, but effectively it might be.
On more general notes this episode was really good and the "back to school" episode should also be a banger on various routes.
First Val... what happened to her? How this story will proceed? It ups the stakes on stopping Ethan...
Layla, now that she's no longer a virgin can be friskier than ever on school grounds... this can lead to a lot of sad Elena looks and Gabi jealousy.
Gabi herself told the MC to wait until school restarted... let's see what happens now.
And Elena... still untangling the mess that is her path, might be the one i'm less entusiastic about...
Even Tori doing Tori things might be better than the shitshow that is the Elena path.
I would also like sometime this week(game time) to have a Mr Donovan class, i think it will be fun seeing the girls swooning over him making the MC jealous lol.
Last but not least, i hope Erynn's
internship starts this week already.
Male students thirsty, girls a bit jealous, Erynn interacting with Zane...
And maybe Erynn still wanting to drive the MC after school.
This thing has potential to be so messy and so much fun.