She never appologised TO HER BFF after hummiliating him in front of her friends,
that is the hurt MC is feling. Alexis went alone to tell MC he was right, while Eyrinn stood there laughing.
Eyrinn forgot about MC, so Mc on his birthday wanted her for once to come hang with him,
but no, she was already hanging with her new found friends, while her BFF was hummiliated by her friends.
She was supposed to go after her BFF and be with him, but she chose Ethan and his clique.
That was hurtful as heck. So she was very wrong to take MC for granted, this stupid lil boy she taunted,
because she only went asking for him after her friends were done with her.
It is never easy to be a BFF of a girl who ignores you for some other friends she has,
only sees you when thjose others are not looking, like she is ashamed you exist.
MC aslways feels he is second rate ignore pitty fodder to her as she kicks him out to ”think”,
then she just tells him the horrible life she has but she keeps at it.
MC is feeling worthless forgotten lil kid to her she just cannot take seriouely enough to matter.
lmfao at some of these comments a few pages back, they on their high horse saying erynn has done so wrong and is such a bad person just because she went and spoke to her friends after the confession? what??? and to top it off, they are surprised that it affects the relationship with her BEST FRIEND when they decide to just ignore erynn and let her get beaten up by some geezer.. bro, if we are talking about morals right now its definitelly not erynn who is in the wrong when some of you are doing shit like this. So she deserves to get beaten and blackmailed and you dont care because when you was 12 and she was 15 or 16 she talked to a couple of friends after you confessed your feelings..... and not only that but she is in the wrong and you're a saint lmfao.. i cant
She never said sorry, never appologised, MC was the one who had to eat all those years of hurt
and the sha,me she still spends time with ethan standing him up, the same way she did starting this whole ordeal. She kept going after ethan for whatever reason, treating MC like second rate.
So yeah, it is still hurtful, MC has to keep being understanding and eat up all her antics.
For a BFf, this is still horrible way to live and pretend you mean anything to her.
She treats him like a toy she hugs to feel cuddly then she throws him away and goes back to ethan
and the blackmail job.