hmmm... nah I think it can go on for quite a while still, but more than anything, it needs to have a solid plan moving forward... right now it feels a bit aimless.
Like, again, take the beach scene, it's a MASSIVE wasted opportunity, that scene could've and should've led to a lot of longtime coming confrontations between the characters... I mean, the game is called "Intertwined" for a reason, right? the beach scene had a ton of potential to really start moving things forward within the various PTs, whether it's on the Erynn PT, the Alexis one(s), the Tori one, the Iris one, the Val one, etc... heck, just the lack of interaction between MC & his rival is a wasted opportunity.
So in the end, while I didn't think this update was bad or short by anymeans, it did feel rushed and truncated... so that's the tpye of thing the game needs to avoid going forward... that and some other writing issues. When you have so much branching you need to be careful and have an air tight plan, otherwise this is what happens and the game starts feeling like the Alexis & Layla show, where the other branches/PTs start feeling not worth the time.
And I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I think that could become an issue.