2.60 star(s) 24 Votes


Dec 19, 2017
18+ is also censored?
really annoying. Only breasts are free and then this shitty cloth in between her legs......
18+ ???
really bad since I've been waiting for a long time

player two

Dec 4, 2022
Given their "downgrading" so the game reaches a "larger" audience (which isn't going to happen). They are better off rebranding it as "Iragon PEGI16". Lulz.


Jun 6, 2023
Would anyone have the nude patch (SexualPatch.pak) that goes in folder IragonProject/Content/Paks/


New Member
Mar 9, 2024
they went on to put the high price up on DRMsite anyway, developers seem somewhat innocent maybe it's just the CEO forcing them to change vision


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2021
Parzival — Today at 7:14 AM
Hey @everyone . I have a message from our CEO regarding all the current issues around the release of Iragon.
Firstly about the bugs, as we said before we are going to work hard on a patch to address as many as we can this week.
Second about the sexual content, we were under the impression that our shift to not doing hardcore pornography was clear through the weekly updates, it seems we were wrong. We are sorry about not being clearer on that issue. We are going to fix the nude patch issues with the "barbie dolls" but we are not going to shift the entire game back to hardcore pornography as we are committed to this course for the future.
We will add a disclaimer on Steam so we can avoid misleading people in the future.
The right place to launch this game is to the trash bin

It feels bad for the people who supported it for months or years. because they mislead ppl into thinking they were making an adult game. It was 100% scam.
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Kami no tou

Dec 9, 2021
Alright I am going to give an honest review of the game the good and the bad. Bought the game off dlsite and run off on my MSI GE66 Raider. Get to the good first. They start out the story fairly well introducing Derick and the mechanics of the game (not all mechanics but enough to get you through). They do not hold back on the gore or gruesome deaths of the characters including the main character Derick (unfortunately, you are not going to see any monster girls or assassins raping Derick to death in this game, a missed opportunity I know :cautious: ). The game does attempt to give you plenty of items and chances for equips but will go into it further when I get to the negatives. They make each female personality different (emphasis on the PERSONALITY part not the character models!) and each heroine, if you want to call some of them that, feels different through a playthrough. The sex scenes when you get to them are OK in my opinion, they are nothing comparable to the likes of Witcher but it serves it's overall purpose.

Now for the negatives getting right into the combat of the game. Wow, the dodge mechanic is nearly useless with later enemies. Wolves will easily outpace the dodge suround and kill you. Attacking enemies like wolves or giant miniboss spiders directly is akin to sucide as most of your attacks are to slow and leave you open. Your best bet is to dump most of your orbs into mana for spamming blast and pray to the RNG gods for a decent weapon drop or you will struggle. Bosses literally seem to be made to be as unfair as possible. Don't even think about fighting the first boss assasin without at least 200 mana or a weopon that at least hits for 15-20 damage (basically a super rare or legendary!). By the time I got to the succubus boss it felt as if there was basically nothing I could do. Put most of my orbs into health the first playthrough and this boss would blast away my 330 healthbar as if it were tissue paper! If I got close it would fly away and blast me but if I would stay back and shoot with my own spells I would run out of mana before even 1/8th of her health bar was gone. Decicded to go back a few chapters to get more orbs and reassign stats but that lead to another huge issue. When you go back any chapter all of your stats revert back to the way you first entered it. Worse, when you close out and go to the chapter select menu you find out the game locks you out of previuous chapters you have already done. The only positive thing about going back a chapter is that you keep your weapons but if you did not get any good weapons beforehand that really does you no good. Remeber when I said I would go more into item chances when we got into the negatives why don't I tell you why. Yes, the game gives you plenty of chances to get a weapon BUT, more likely than not you will get a weak or average 10-15 damage weapon when you really do need 20 base damge on even normal mobs to dipatch them quicky. Weapons are ranked from green to gold with gold being legendary and only a handful of chest you find will have a legandary weapon. Unfortunately with how the enemies and difficulty ramp up you really are going to need at least one of those weapons to survive but they are so rare and scarce that it almost seems impossibel to fight later mobs without dying and going back constantly. Even if you get a good weapon you may end up with the same issue I had having 2 or even 3 of the same weapon with the exact same stats. You cannnot get rid or sell the weapons and the merchant does not sell weapons for you to buy. So I eneded up just using one of the 3 devestators I got for almost all my susequent playthroughs. Your partners are pretty useless until almost the end of the game so don't count on them being anything other than distractions or bait for mobs. In fact during boss fights most of the time they will get in the way of you attacking all while doing next to no damage.

Plotholes, this is more of a nitpick than an issue but it does need addressing. Why does the story have to revolve around Brenda, Bre, Erika whatver you want to call her? If you choose to become a squire, you know the very thing you set out to do, you get a game over. It cuts to Derick marrying one of the whores in a "I am supposed to be happy right" cliche ending. Problem is when you swear allegeance to Bre you pretty much get used as a pawn if not by Bre than by most of her friends too. So how is that any better than being a squire? What is the point of Derick if he cannot have any goal of his own outside of sex? You could argue revenge but then later on there is a scene where Derick basically has to opportunity to take revenge on the guy who said he was trash but doesn't and then it causes a friend of his to die. He could have ended it there but he ended up going back with Bre and her friends right after. Why can't Derick be selfish and tell Bre I need to avenge a friend? I expected more than this from a game that claims it favors anime like full metal alchemist. Did they see that and think Edward had such weak motivations or resolve? While I do not agree that all character models are the same I will say that a good portion of them look the same.

Other issues: more to do with how the game runs on my gaming laptop. For some reason this game seems to be pretty heavy geting my MSI to 90 degrees and over. Keep in mind I can run Eleden Ring and Resident Evil 4 Remake at around 65 degrees with maxed out performance on this laptop. How is this game getting it to run hotter than that? Sometimes I will die in an area and respawn and fall throught the floor infinantly and am forced to resart whole chapters don't know why it happens sometimes but it does. This only happened once or twice but basically there is a glitch where I get hit by an enemy like a skeleton and the game will regester the hit multiple times over than just once and I nearly die. This does not happen too much as to make enemeis broken but it is noticable when it does happen. When I hold shift to run if feels as if I am not really running or it takes too much time to build up speed. Sometimes I hold it and I do not run at all but that may be a problem with my shift key.

All in all I cannot give the game more than a 4 out of 10 especially for the price payed. Hopefully they add more to the game like better fighting mechanics and better balance. Maybe, make monster girls more than just visual trophies and cheap CG candy after beating them and give them actual rape sequences.
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Sep 26, 2023
Alright I am going to give an honest review of the game the good and the bad. Bought the game off dlsite and run off on my MSI GE66 Raider. Get to the good first. They start out the story fairly well introducing Derick and the mechanics of the game (not all mechanics but enough to get you through). They do not hold back on the gore or gruesome deaths of the characters including the main character Derick (unfortunately, you are not going to see any monster girls or assassins raping Derick to death in this game, a missed opportunity I know :cautious: ). The game does attempt to give you plenty of items and chances for equips but will go into it further when I get to the negatives. They make each female personality different (emphasis on the PERSONALITY part not the character models!) and each heroine, if you want to call some of them that, feels different through a playthrough. The sex scenes when you get to them are OK in my opinion, they are nothing comparable to the likes of Witcher but it serves it's overall purpose.

Now for the negatives getting right into the combat of the game. Wow, the dodge mechanic is nearly useless with later enemies. Wolves will easily outpace the dodge suround and kill you. Attacking enemies like wolves or giant miniboss spiders directly is akin to sucide as most of your attacks are to slow and leave you open. Your best bet is to dump most of your orbs into mana for spamming blast and pray to the RNG gods for a decent weapon drop or you will struggle. Bosses literally seem to be made to be as unfair as possible. Don't even think about fighting the first boss assasin without at least 200 mana or a weopon that at least hits for 15-20 damage (basically a super rare or legendary!). By the time I got to the succubus boss it felt as if there was basically nothing I could do. Put most of my orbs into health the first playthrough and this boss would blast away my 330 healthbar as if it were tissue paper! If I got close it would fly away and blast me but if I would stay back and shoot with my own spells I would run out of mana before even 1/8th of her health bar was gone. Decicded to go back a few chapters to get more orbs and reassign stats but that lead to another huge issue. When you go back any chapter all of your stats revert back to the way you first entered it. Worse, when you close out and go to the chapter select menu you find out the game locks you out of previuous chapters you have already done. The only positive thing about going back a chapter is that you keep your weapons but if you did not get any good weapons beforehand that really does you no good. Remeber when I said I would go more into item chances when we got into the negatives why don't I tell you why. Yes, the game gives you plenty of chances to get a weapon BUT, more likely than not you will get a weak or average 10-15 damage weapon when you really do need 20 base damge on even normal mobs to dipatch them quicky. Weapons are ranked from green to gold with gold being legendary and only a handful of chest you find will have a legandary weapon. Unfortunately with how the enemies and difficulty ramp up you really are going to need at least one of those weapons to survive but they are so rare and scarce that it almost seems impossibel to fight later mobs without dying and going back constantly. Even if you get a good weapon you may end up with the same issue I had having 2 or even 3 of the same weapon with the exact same stats. You cannnot get rid or sell the weapons and the merchant does not sell weapons for you to buy. So I eneded up just using one of the 3 devestators I got for almost all my susequent playthroughs. Your partners are pretty useless until almost the end of the game so don't count on them being anything other than distractions or bait for mobs. In fact during boss fights most of the time they will get in the way of you attacking all while doing next to no damage.

Plotholes, this is more of a nitpick than an issue but it does need addressing. Why does the story have to revolve around Brenda, Bre, Erika whatver you want to call her? If you choose to become a squire, you know the very thing you set out to do, you get a game over. It cuts to Derick marrying one of the whores in a "I am supposed to be happy right" cliche ending. Problem is when you swear allegeance to Bre you pretty much get used as a pawn if not by Bre than by most of her friends too. So how is that any better than being a squire? What is the point of Derick if he cannot have any goal of his own outside of sex? You could argue revenge but then later on there is a scene where Derick basically has to opportunity to take revenge on the guy who said he was trash but doesn't and then it causes a friend of his to die. He could have ended it there but he ended up going back with Bre and her friends right after. Why can't Derick be selfish and tell Bre I need to avenge a friend? I expected more than this from a game that claims it favors anime like full metal alchemist. Did they see that and think Edward had such weak motivations or resolve? While I do not agree that all character models are the same I will say that a good portion of them look the same.

Other issues: more to do with how the game runs on my gaming laptop. For some reason this game seems to be pretty heavy geting my MSI to 90 degrees and over. Keep in mind I can run Eleden Ring and Resident Evil 4 Remake at around 65 degrees with maxed out performance on this laptop. How is this game getting it to run hotter than that? Sometimes I will die in an area and respawn and fall throught the floor infinantly and am forced to resart whole chapters don't know why it happens sometimes but it does. This only happened once or twice but basically there is a glitch where I get hit by an enemy like a skeleton and the game will regester the hit multiple times over than just once and I nearly die. This does not happen too much as to make enemeis broken but it is noticable when it does happen. When I hold shift to run if feels as if I am not really running or it takes too much time to build up speed. Sometimes I hold it and I do not run at all but that may be a problem with my shift key.

All in all I cannot give the game more than a 4 out of 10 especially for the price payed. Hopefully they add more to the game like better fighting mechanics and better balance. Maybe, make monster girls more than just visual trophies and cheap CG candy after beating them and give them actual rape sequences.
May want to put this in the "review" portion of the thread.

Also, great write up. Compared to other VR rpgs, is this better or worse than them (like Ruins Magus, Zenith: Nexus, or OrbusVR: Reborn)? If it's better than those, maybe it's still worth checking out... even if the H-scene content is lacking. Also, compared to other VR H-games, how are the scenes? Just a "sit and watch" affair, or any articulation?
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Kami no tou

Dec 9, 2021
I don't have VR but as stated earlier the sex scenes are OK. You get one with Bre after talking to her and at the third camp you reach (you have to have talked and interacted with her before the third camp though!). When you choose one of the friends after the spider boss there is a sex scene with the one you choose. Merchant will also let you bang her after 5000 gold. The scenes themselves act as a sort of mini game where you have to please them doing the right positions. A bar at the top of the screen will either fill up or deplete depending on your performance. In my personal opinion things would go better with the scenes if the girls stuck to moaning instead of talking or saying "yes" constantly.
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Kami no tou

Dec 9, 2021
The full game released but.... THEY REALLY NEED TO WORK OUT SOME JANK IN THE GAME!

They should start by balancing out the bosses or giving the player the option to buy and carry potions. They honestly expect you to stay alive while constantly being blasted, grabbed, mobbed, AOE bombed, and mp depraved all while dealing with a boss whose health bar does not seem to go down.


Aug 5, 2019
So the question for me is why the 18+ version was censored, so there seems to be a lot of problems with the developer. Because it's not $19.99 when it's pretty heavily censored.

So I read it on Steam. Or can anyone confirm that this is also the normal 18+ version?


Dec 3, 2018
So the question for me is why the 18+ version was censored, so there seems to be a lot of problems with the developer. Because it's not $19.99 when it's pretty heavily censored.

So I read it on Steam. Or can anyone confirm that this is also the normal 18+ version?
To tell you the truth, the "uncensored" version sucks.
The developer promissed a lot of adult content in-game and the final product is shit.
If you read all the coments in this forum you'll see my point.
2.60 star(s) 24 Votes