Controls - Atrocious
porn elements- GOR (game over rape)
there is no font in the game, making it unplayable.
Changing key binds doesn't save them.
Design problems:
-Contra didn't survive because it was a NES game. NES games, especially platformers like Contra are nostalgic, but their design sucks ass. This game has a neat idea, but the execution is just horrendous.
-For starters, there's no reason to get weapon upgrades at all, since you die in one hit and this game have coded-in cheat just to allow you to play it, because the bullets are small and you won't see them. You will die, so don't bother with upgrades, they reset after death anyway.
-Animations for both jumping and projectile speed is way too slow.
-The game have no reason to be this big (4.2GB), probably uncompressed textures, but that's just my assumption
-The music is just appaling, it grinds on your nerves after the 5th death.
-Artstyle is okay i guess, but that's subjective. I didn't like it - too yankee
-as mentioned before, gameplay have no porn elements. There is a pickup, which clearly serves a role connected to porn, but picking it up does nothing
-All weapons beside shotgun are exact same, since it takes 1 shot to kill an enemy and the only thing they change is the projectile path. Clearly the dev didn't bother coding something in, because the sound effect for shooting is connected to the key press, but shots are not (sound effect plays as fast as you can press the button)
-Artstyle aside, the elements of the background blend-in together, bullets are small and mostly invisible in high-density maps (especially orange enemy bullets on brown dirt textures of the 1st level)
-2nd level has enemies on different height levels that you can only shoot if you're holding arrow down. That in turn means that you will mostly miss them, since the animations are so clunky that aiming is a total chore. It's much easier to die on them and run past them on i-frames after death, since the game provides infinite lifes anyway.
-Enemy turrets are ALWAYS placed in a spot that is either hardly reachable, or their shot pattern is annoying as fuck and often times unavoidable (1st level have a turret shooting the place you have to stand in to even be able to shoot it, and the turret shoots 2 lines of projectiles, standing and prone levels, making it unavoidable.)
-You can ONLY aim diagonally while running, making the point above even more of a bother. The only thing you can do while standing is go prone, look/aim up (which is useless since you will die if you ever stop) and go left/right.
-Many of the enemies are hidden behind textures, making the game even harder than it have any right to be. There is no difficulty selector, which would be useless anyway since the game have no fonts.
-This point is kinda unimportant, but who in their right mind would give a PORN GAME local 2p mode? xD
tl;dr don't bother with this game. It's bad on many, many levels, it's broken, and it's worth less than 4.2gb of your data cap. And it's unplayable.