I think
badtimetales works hard on trying to improve as a dev, and it shows every update. The renders are overall great, I was especially drooling over one with a lot of reflections that was just gorgeous, the animations are smooth and in the right places. But I think the writing has gotten a lot better too, there were a couple of places with mistakes, a few that sounded a little off but not exactly wrong, but there is absolutely nothing that is hard to understand or awkward. I can't comment on the coding, but I had no problems.
I can't remember making any choices for the MC this update (except at the very end), but also realised I didn't mind. The sleuthing part of the story as well the developing relationships, both have me intrigued enough to just keep clicking through to see what happens, and there was a good mix of them this time around. The whole structure of the update was well thought out, scenes didn't seem rushed or too long and the pacing felt just right to me. Music is something I don't normally pay too much attention to, but nothing stood out in a bad way. I did notice it in a tense 'action' scene, where it felt well chosen.
I only had the one sex scene, though I think there may have been another one if I'd made other choices earlier, but it was sweet. Sex scenes without emotion quickly get boring, just as having too many of them do, and it's not rare for me to just click through ones in other games when I just want to get on with he story. Not so here, not in my playthrough on the throuple path without any side girls.
I've grown to care about these two girls, especially about Alex who we've gotten to know the best so far, but Isa too. They are both vulnerable in their own different ways, hurt by past events and seeing them start to rely on not just the MC but on each other as well is really something I enjoy seeing. This is one of the strengths of the game for me. This is also why I don't fool around with any of the other girls, I just can't do that to Alex. I will not betray her trust, I will not hurt her that way, and if I didn't know that bringing Isa into this will be fine, I would not try anything with her either.
There were a few funny moments, mostly involving Alex in one way or another, that made me smile. There were other moments too, where we get to learn more about the background of both girls, that I think were well done. So all in all, this update had a great mix of backstory, character development and mystery.
I know this sounds like the worst fanboy-ing, but I really like this game and this was an excellent update and I can't think of anything negaive to say about it.