therefore, in your opinion, whoever makes paid material made by others available to all, inevitably damaging the finances of the creators, is ok. But those who sell free material after having modified it without altering the credits of the authors and therefore offering them public visibility deserve the prison.
What a bounch of brilliant guys you are...
Only three sentences and yet still managed to fuck up all three.
First: Paid Material. You completely misunderstand Patreon and indeed, episodes. To the extent that makes it clear you have never thought at all. Patreon is
not about selling the material, or the product. It is about sponsoring the creator for their creative
effort, NOT the result of that effort. Anyone with an ounce of brain can see this in three easy ways:
- If an account chooses to charge per month (the default) rather than per update, then whether or not there is a product release that month, you still pay for the time. Patreon makes no link between the release or availability of a product and the act of sponsorship. You sponsor the artist/creator/person - you are not 'buying' anything.
- Each release contains material from previous releases, whether or not you paid during the creation of those, with no price difference. i.e. there is no connection or relationship between the amount of new product and the payment. If I sponsor someone for 8 months at $10 a month ($80 total), then on the 8th month I get exactly the same product as the guy who only started supporting in that 8th month and only paid $10 total.
- As mentioned previously, if you look at the credits of pretty much any game I can think of, you see the top tier sponsors using forum names, meaning they setup up their Patreon account using their forum name, meaning they joined the Patreon to support that game *after* knowing exactly where and how they could get it for free. They are choosing to support the developer - the exact opposite of the demoralizing effect of having one's work and credit stolen, claimed as someone else's edit, even changing the name to try to ensure players who like it, and who might pay that grandma-rimming cuckmuppet (which is fraud BTW - taking money under false pretences) for it, can't easily or reasonably find the original source.
Since the opinion of others was based on that understanding, and yours was not, that naturally discounts your commentary of their opinion or it's basis.
If you can get someone capable of reading and thinking to explain the above to you (presumably with sign language and crayon drawings), you might see that therefore distributing their product for free does not harm the business, but on the contrary, is a free sample and advertising, and how they may actually gain sponsors. Many devs, just as NaughtyRoad stated, freely post their own updates to F95, and most Patreon pages themselves, right where the money-making decision is taken, offer a current free version.
So, that's "damaging the finances" also proven completely false and ridiculous as a statement.
Free material: Well, this is where things may get complex for a non-English speaker, never mind a non-sapient. Just because it carries no price tag doesn't make it completely free. It is like a 'free lunch' - it's given as a way to gather an audience and pitch them something. In this case, it is pitching the creativity of the developer and asking for support for future creation.
I detailed before that this was a key point, but obviously you didn't get anyone to explain it to you with mimes and crayons yet, or perhaps this concept is simply beyond you. F95 lets downloaders know, even before they download and start to enjoy, who is responsible for the creation, how they can support it, and generally encourages them to do so. The Italian website does the exact opposite, claiming to have created these, explicitly stating so in fact. It also takes the money up front, so it has already taken the customers money (fraudulently, as I mentioned, a separate crime punishable by jail time) before they are able to see a modified version of only the cheapest part of the content (the text is cheap, 90% of the work is in creating the images to which no modification is applied).
And finally, while the Italian scum-sucker behind this copyright theft and customer fraud may indeed leave the end credits in place, I somehow have the suspicion they'll be the one part of the game NOT translated to Italian when the product is being sold almost exclusively to an Italian-speaking audience, no? So, again, bullshit. Fuck you very much.