Thanks! There's a lot of humour in this one. A lot more than I had in Shag the Hag. It's why I chose this goofy guy for his expressions. They're just right for the character.I like the stylized wacky style of the the characters. sets the game apart from other 3D rendered games popping up everywhere.
i like this!
There you have it .. .go build your shadow stories on the precipice of the sprawling city of light and wonder!Enjoy the day
*scribbles notes*Penny ...erhm .. 4 your conspiracy ... here come the theories:
1- punk lost heir of geenral Knuckers - legendary retired monster hunter veteran hiding in the deep state,
punk little rascal gets to splurge on the credit of his old man, hitting the joints of monsters and getting
the perks of living on the lamb. Monsters keep him around until they hide.
2- monster dame Arielle ready to woe yet another unsuspecting working dad not sure how to respond,
she be getting him in the back alley to work on his silly emotionless grin while his energies get sapped by
her succubi friends. they like to farm people, so no worries, the dude will make it safely home, just worn out.
3- Being picked up and thrown in the joint for punk living on the street vagabond charge, our heir gets sprung out by the
faity Jesca, the bellittled young daughter of monsters general Thergob. She has a soft spot for heirs like herself and
likes to spite the authoritatian head of the family ruining her and everyone elses lives, feeling stagnant and useless around
their fathers empires.
There you have it .. .go build the your shadow stories on the precipice of the sprawling city of light and wonder!
i definitely haven't forgotten Shag the Hag. or the jogger.I really like artwork so refreshing but MC looks ..... not so good in my personal opinion. I loved Shag the hag.(waiting for jogging girl patch though)
There is a troll movie out now animating the punk rock desires of younglings to accessthe powers that be!MC looks ..... not so good
i like this!Let us fantasize some more:
There is a troll movie out now animating the punk rock desires of younglings to accessthe powers that be!
This small morsel of tainted blood has it in his worthless philanderer mind to shag the girls who accept quickies.
Like any young rock destroyed depressed young adult devoid of common sense ... Mc looks the part:conniving bastard!
That babe is surely going places ...boobs to myself
Not to mention having to phisically manifest the eye of agamotto in the rear view mirrorMC looks