You should still add the charm rank gate to the specialization tab so you know C+ concubine requires C+ charm. Or add it to the aura since it requries auspex? The anatomy tab seems like a weird place for it since it's not really anatomy.
But they don't need charm everywhere. Only for special clients in their own apartments. Other clients like in the tavern, real estate, or even slave contracts don't need charm, as far as I recall.
I completely agree with you however, I want players to know about charm requirements before proposing their non-charming slaves. I proposed to ImperatorAugustus that as long as the charm was below C-, the general rank wouldn't go up. Clicking on the slave's rank would open a pop-up like currently, and similar to the indication that obedience or sexual skills are too low for the slave to rank up, charm would be too low to rank up.
But I got reminded that, as I said above, not all clients need that. And second, that charm can easily go up and down, and cost money to get up, making it impossible to truly know the slave rank.
After that, putting it on the anatomy tab seemed like the best place. But maybe we can make it clearer.
My idea would be to mention it in the tutorial explanations (the ones nobody reads). Then after the first charm requirement fail, open a pop-up that explain that these clients are picky and need a certain level of charm. Said in the words of the main character, similar to how you discover the slave clothes are soul-bound.
The wiki says style is x3 in the equation so it's the strongest factor and getting style to A is really easy and works everytime. It's hard to get to C+ rank or above without devotion or with spoiling because you have to do all the sex stuff. Maybe the other factors matter more at A+ for residents; I have no idea if it affects auctions, I'd assume so. I wouldn't mind if it was harder, if the style multiplier was reduced, but it's getting that information across thats tricky.
Careful about the wiki, I don't know how accurate the informations are. The best place to look at is the code.
I don't want to argue with you too much but you didn't list any pros. Maybe you could say town topography is a pro but it takes the same energy to get anywhere so everything is equidistant and that doesn't make sense. Maybe if it took more energy to go from camira to white town because you have to go through the other 2 places first but then
I'm just saying there is no benefit to the mechanic.
I'm kind of tired about this debate to be honest ^^ It's been a full page of arguing back & forth and it's not that important of a mechanic at all.
The things that come to mind is:
1) There's no reason a menu shortcut makes you spend less energy than the regular action. That comes from a modder's oversight.
2) Actions that make you go outside (such as accompanying the slave to school) also make you spend energy to walk there. Why should it if you can basically teleport otherwise?
3) It makes you need to plan your actions better, which gives a feeling of progression to the player
4) It prevents the player from doing too many actions in a day as if he had the Bull Ring as soon as he begun
And there are more arguments that we used during the arguing back and forth in the dev' private conversations.
The pros of reverting back is to satisfy "new players that need as much energy as they can and can't bear losing it in exploration". That's too light of a reason to turn back a shortcut into a cheatcode.
About the topography, there are some nonsense things I believe, indeed. Like spending as much energy to go to any place, from anywhere. And not spending energy to go back to your place of habitation (is that still a thing or have we changed it?). Still, makes more sense that it would spend equally as much energy, than no energy at all. And reminder, it's always been the case, just not for the menu shortcut.
you still have the problem of having to go home to use your sword because you cant equip things outside; you walk into a clothes store but you cant walk out wearing the clothes you bought; so it's swings and roundabouts.
You would hate previous versions ^^
Before, just clicking on your slaver's or slave's face would instantly teleport you home. You weren't able to see the rules you set, the characteristics of your slave, nothing.
We made it better. Your idea of being able to equip a sword before going home makes sense and I like it. Though you already can equip it just before a fight as long as it's in your inventory so it's not a dev' priority. About equipping your clothes from the boutique, hmm, do people do that? I think that's quite rare, you first need to buy so the store guy to remove the anti-theft (magical

) thing. Then what do we offer, a second confirmation prompt with written "should your slave go to the cabin to change into the clothes you just bought"?
It shouldn't have to be "either that, or make walking home not spend energy". That's a false dilemma.
Why shouldn't we be able to explore limitlessly?
I partly responded a few days ago. The reason is it feels adequate. The town first looks menacing, the main character gets lost in it. Until progressively he climbs up the hierarchy and is better able to know where to go, the music changes to signify the change of emotions.
It's a good gamefeel. It's always sort of been there, until someone made an oversight so the travel shortcut became teleportation. We corrected it.
Reverting back to it would be recreating an oversight, and giving a cheatcode back to everyone. It's not good for the gameplay, it's not good for the player's suspension of disbelief, it's not good for the lore. It's only good for noobs and casuals, the first group will git gud, the second will play with cheatcode or do the BullRing mission.