Mod QSP Jack-o-Nine-Tails Developer Versions and Mods


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
2.2 alpha is updated with a fix for the end-of-decade billing day shifting by one after you achieve patrician status (fix is not retroactive, old saves may still exhibit the bug ... meaning you'll have bills due on the 9th day of each decade instead of the 10th day).


Jan 5, 2018
I really dont't like the new loose health scheme.
I have an assistant and she constantly looses health because i don't train her... Same with all slaves be they farmhands, cows or egglayers...
I can get behind the idea, if you overexert your slaves all the time they will loose stamina, but my slaves do stuff! Cleaning, training, cooking,....
Also if you want to train extreme kinks like dog, pig, horse stuff your slave takes a massive hit to stamina wich brings you with 3-4 trainings one step down.
And you ALWAYS have to train from the beginning again.
In the middle stage of the game this is really annoying, because you can't really do something else than constantly watch their health.
Yes i know i can have sex with them, or train them, or do gym with them, but you hit a point where you can't do anything else than that.

Another bug I've found i think:
I have the stethoscope but don't see if the slaves are pregnant anymore. Maybe because i only have nursing B+.
Also my egglaying assistant was taken one day by the church because she gave birth??? I loaded a quicksave before turn end, got to the medical center and checked her health,... nothing... still got taken. There was also a debug message i should report this ;)

Last i never got my assistant back after the taking... Way to get rid of an A+ Assistant.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
CucumberInsertions, please continue pointing out anything you think is an issue. You can obtain the corrections below by updating to the latest 2.2 alpha build:

I've added a ? button for the rule explanation text to make it more apparent.

Dual wielding is supposed to use the right hand as primary. When clicking "use previous weapon configuration," it was saving the left-hand weapon as primary instead of the right, although not switching which hand held which weapon. If that was what was causing the issue, it should be fixed now (after you manually select your weapons again, instead of using the saved configuration).

Comfortable clothing moodlet should no longer appear for naked exhibitionists.

I revised the deterrent timer logic.

Massage now checks master medic skill.

I revised the guilt condition for the lesbian show.

I revised the arena battle announcement text.

Firescrat - perhaps you have used faerie pollen too much? Continuous endurance loss without direct cause is usually a sign of illness or long-term effects of excessive drug use.

Pregnancy detection with the stethoscope is somewhat delayed from what it used to be. If you're impatient, you can check at the Technosphere, which doesn't rely on such low-tech methods. It still takes some time before the pregnancy is detectable, however; even the Technosphere can't detect pregnancy on the day of conception.

As for the assistant taken by the church, how long had she been an egglayer before that happened? I think I see a potential edge case where a slave who was many decades into a normal pregnancy before becoming an egglayer could end up triggering that event. I'll fix the issue I'm seeing, but if you still have that saved game from before she was taken, it would be helpful if you could upload it here.
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Jan 5, 2018
Sorry i don't have the save file anymore...
She was an egglayer for quite some time, I can only say it was Isabella who got taken and i played with Saruman normal Start.

The Pregnancy wasn't detected by the technosphere and the day after she got taken. Fuck i should have kept this quicksave....

To the stamina issue:
I never used drugs, but as i experience it, the slaves loose endurence if i don't have sex with them, or don't tell them to do acrobatics for me. Also they are not ill... i checked that each time in the technosphere.

I have a save where i only need to skip two days and my assistant goes from B Endurance to C never used drugs and she is not ill...



Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Sorry i don't have the save file anymore...
She was an egglayer for quite some time, I can only say it was Isabella who got taken and i played with Saruman normal Start.

The Pregnancy wasn't detected by the technosphere and the day after she got taken. Fuck i should have kept this quicksave....

To the stamina issue:
I never used drugs, but as i experience it, the slaves loose endurence if i don't have sex with them, or don't tell them to do acrobatics for me. Also they are not ill... i checked that each time in the technosphere.

I have a save where i only need to skip two days and my assistant goes from B Endurance to C never used drugs and she is not ill...

Thanks for uploading your saved game. I was able to reproduce an unintended endurance drain and fixed it.

The 2.2 alpha link has been updated, including the changes mentioned in my earlier post and some others. Notably:

- Dropping off multiple slaves from the Fogs with Farid on the same day now accumulates their value (I thought it worked that way before, but apparently not)

- The market value of untrained or F- rated slaves (such as those from the Fogs) has been reduced again to compensate for the above fix; in total, if you win battles at the Fogs twice a day, you'll add at least 600 sparks to your income (could be 1000+), which makes hunting competitive with and potentially better than arena rewards for income. Of course, nothing prevents you from combining both sources of income.

- There's a small new surprise at the Fogs now.

- The order of battles at the Fogs is no longer randomized each time you reload, though they do change each day and after each battle you accept or decline. You can back away and patrol again, but you'll have to spend energy to do so.

- After a battle at the Fogs, you won't have enough energy to immediately patrol again. You'll first have to boost your energy if you want to hunt again on the same day.

- Receiving a low-quality massage followed by a high-quality massage on the same day will now provide the expected energy bonus.

- Numerous small corrections for the post-patrician quest; several of the rules are now enforced more strictly, which may require you to change some habits.

- Half energy stars and (some) extra energy stars can carry over from day to day, making energy management slightly more nuanced.

- End of day bathing of the master now happens immediately after dinner, while bathing of the slave may occur after other rule-based activities are done; consequently, you will sometimes see the assistant bathing the slave even if the slave previously bathed with the master, because the slave subsequently engaged in activities that necessitated another bath (fiend milking, for example).

- Tasking a skilled slave with fiend milking can passively raise their endurance, but tasking a poorly-skilled slave with the task can harm them. The same applies when fiend milking is triggered manually instead of by overnight rules.

- The cryo sleep fast travel button next to the master's portrait now goes directly to the cryo chamber, instead of the hallway outside.

- Devoted slaves would sometimes still resist when subjected to harsh punishments; this is now unlikely to happen unless they are spoiled.

- Delikacia no longer increases devotion more than the top-tier erotic rewards. The spell still has plenty of other benefits.

- B+ torturer skill now reduces the master's energy less for most torture-unit-assisted punishments, making that category a bit more useful.
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Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Alright, I'll keep posting things then. Are you open to discussions and suggestions about game mechanics?
Of course.

Massage healing injuries is downright ridiculous (it's a game mechanic I get that lol). It would make more sense if "treat injuries" were it's own standalone action that was not a reward. This would make more sense from a gameplay perspective as treating injuries would be something the slaver would do to maintain the quality of their slave and not as a reward for good behavior. And/or alternatively for a solution that doesn't require reworking the UI this could be tied to idle activity (extra stamina) at the end of the day when injured, might also apply for illness (bed rest and all that).

Just some thoughts on this interaction.
Massage healing wounds of the cut/tear variety is a bit of a stretch, but massage improving recovery of soft tissue injuries has basis in reality:

As for other methods of addressing injuries, note that the master or assistant's medical skill already provides a passive healing bonus for injuries. Also, allowing a slave to rest (via reward) speeds healing. There's merit to the concept of providing healing benefits outside of a reward context if you end the day with unused energy, but from a gameplay perspective we don't want the game to reward players for non-interaction. Clicking end-day without doing anything is lazy, avoids any possibility of conflict with the slave, and consequently should produce inferior outcomes.

An "active" non-reward interaction for treating injuries also already exists: give the slave healing balm. Or take the slave to the Technosphere and pay for treatment. These don't treat bruises, just wounds.

More bugs(?):
1. Winning a battle at the fogs and selecting to auction the girl can result immediately in multiple end day sequences, potentially infinite.
2. The raven crown does not grant debug information anymore.
3. Mystra claims the tonic elixir has side effects but none exist.
4. When a slave has the ascetic trait the "promise a gift" condition always resolves with the slave disliking receiving the gift. This results in a permanent unhappiness modifier as the gift condition can never be met.
5. The color of the slaver's excitement sometimes changes to red regardless of it's rating. This coincides with the diary stating that the slaver needs to urgently relieve stress regardless of the excitement rating.
I haven't experienced problem #1 and I've chosen the immediate auction option from the Fogs many times. I just tried it a few more times as well. Are you seeing this with the latest snapshot build? If you could save just before you click the auction button and then upload the save if this happens again, it would help a lot.

The raven crown now provides more detailed information through tooltips on the slave's aura tab. The "debug" info button is only accessible in the tutorial.

The tonic elixir drains endurance/strength at the time when it is used, instead of applying a long-term endurance drain debuff. The elixir penalty has a stacking effect too, but the stacking only affects you at the time when you use it, and the stacking reduces over time, so if you don't use it too much too often, you won't experience large penalties.

An ascetic dislikes luxury items but can be satisfied with a gift of food... unless they also dislike sweets. In any event, the moodlet lasts at most ten decades.

#5 isn't a bug. It's not regardless of excitement level, if he's not excited at all he won't be complaining about that (though he might have other complaints). The slaver is unhappy in this case because he has not had a sufficient number/quality of recent sexual encounters. If he's been well-satisfied recently, he can have high excitement without being unhappy about it. Skill levels come into play here.
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Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
2.2 alpha has been updated again.

- Massage no longer heals "injuries"
- Massage at the spa now has most of the effects of a massage reward by an average-skill master, including spoiling the slave if done regularly ... although the reward is still better, particularly with above-average skill
- Active sex contribution towards developing nymphomania trait should be applied correctly now
- Some fixes for frigid trait (harder to raise arousal)
- Switching between enemies during battles now correctly skips over defeated enemies to the next/previous still-active opponent (before this fix, it didn't always step through them sequentially and the reverse arrow could get "stuck" on one specific enemy even if others were still active)
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Jan 5, 2018
Adverto Servili gives the slave unlimited endurance stars for the round it is applied....
Did it 2 times with different slaves.
First i did explain, then threaten then Adverto

Edit: not unlimited but overfills your stars


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Adverto Servili gives the slave unlimited endurance stars for the round it is applied....
Did it 2 times with different slaves.
First i did explain, then threaten then Adverto

Edit: not unlimited but overfills your stars
Intended behavior. It's just a simplification from how it worked before; you no longer have to wait until she has used her energy before casting the spell to maximize the benefit.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
I played with the looping end days thing some more after I made that post and I think it has to do with ending the fight with multiple negative hearts (in this case all 3) resulting in extreme negative stamina that triggers an instant end day. With low stamina recovery due to injury and/or other debuffs the automatic end day condition is triggered repeatedly until stamina has sufficiently recovered. This was on the latest build as of that post. As far as it being infinite I only cycled through about 4 end days before writing it off as an infinite loop. If it happens again I'll upload a save.
It looks like it is possible to immediately become unconscious if you have extremely low stamina (green heart) at the end of a battle, so I suspect you've correctly identified the trigger condition for this issue. I can't recall the last time my stamina got that low without actually losing the battle.

I've now updated the 2.2 build to cap the end-of-battle energy level at 4 red stars instead of 5.

#5 occurs even when the slaver has had multiple sexual encounters with an S+ level assistant that day. Ending the day or sexual encounters with a prostitute resolve the issue.
Which interactions did you try with the assistant? Can you post a screenshot of her skills (the "book" training screen)?

Related to the injury healing interaction, does the slaver's medical skill affect the potency of healing balm?
No, the effect has a fixed magnitude. The slaver's medical skill deals with mundane methods of treatment, not magical ones. Balm requires a skilled alchemist to produce, the process of creating the elixir involves magic, and you need a fiend from which to obtain the basis (presumably also magical).

Related to the "promise a gift" interaction, it seems like a slave that doesn't care for gifts shouldn't be unhappy about getting one in the same way she wouldn't be happy about getting one. She would be apathetic and unaffected by the entire interaction.
The trait name "ascetic" might be a misnomer. The trait is described as a lack of interest in luxury, not a universal lack of interest in gifts of all kinds or a self-discipline/abstention. Sweets are a form of gift that a slave with the "ascetic" trait still appreciates.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020

Slave is S+ in petting, oral, penetration and presentation categories (all skills S+). Mood was high for slave but low for slaver.
I'm not seeing an issue clearing the negative moodlet with the assistant. A saved game demonstrating the problem would be helpful.

Makes sense but still results in a situation where an ascetic slave who also dislikes sweets has an impossible to satisfy condition.
Don't promise what you can't deliver. A slave with both negative traits is incredibly rare, and the negative moodlet expires eventually.


Jan 5, 2018
The minus sign is kind of low visibility.... maybe change the brightness? Unbenannt.PNG
or if thats not possible add a plus sign if the value is in the plus range.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
You can use any Git-compatible software to synchronize your local copy of the media without having to download the entire thing again. GitHub Desktop, SourceTree, etc.


Jul 2, 2017
So I wanted to come back to this game after a long time, and seeing as a new Version is in the Making, I'm pretty hyped.
But I wanted to know - is there a way to add more Images/Girls?
Got a bunch of "favorites" I would like to add to the game.
I tried the "JackEditor" but I'm getting error-messages for every single girl (Seems as though earlier versions used .gif and now it's .png but I might be talking out of my arse), and later on the program crashes wenn selecting the scene category, but seeing as the developer made this in Hongfire (RIP), I suppose support would be rather sparse.

I am a bit code-savy, so as long as you point me in the right direction I should be able to manage. (Or accept that I can't do this myself)

Thank you very much for the help.

Saw the folder "picture_modding", but the file "Load Pictures.exe" described in "Load Pictures Readme.txt" doesn't exist - but a .py file.
I could compile it, but how does it work?

# fucking done. took me way too long. 2:23AM i'm going to sleep. bye.
Hope you had a good nights sleep. :)

So I'm guessing I would have to place the images in the right path (e.g. content\pic\girls\sex_scenes inside the "picture_modding"-Folder) and name them appropriately (e.g. analfisting_black_long_milf.png).
But enough guesswork - guess I will wait patiently and actually play the game now... Thank you very much for keeping this piece of art alive and well.
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Jan 5, 2018
Some things about the barn:
If your cow is ill you wont see it, maybe add the "i" to the picture. The only way you know now is if you have sex you get ill too.
You cant see anyone else in the barn, so you don't know how your egglayer is doing or if there is a pig left or not.
Especially the pig, because the only way is to change it with your current slave to check if there is a pig left.

Maybe you could add some numbers to cycle through the residents of the barn?

P.S.: Keep up the good work! And thank's for beeing so active in here!


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
So I wanted to come back to this game after a long time, and seeing as a new Version is in the Making, I'm pretty hyped.
But I wanted to know - is there a way to add more Images/Girls?
Got a bunch of "favorites" I would like to add to the game.
I tried the "JackEditor" but I'm getting error-messages for every single girl (Seems as though earlier versions used .gif and now it's .png but I might be talking out of my arse), and later on the program crashes wenn selecting the scene category, but seeing as the developer made this in Hongfire (RIP), I suppose support would be rather sparse.

I am a bit code-savy, so as long as you point me in the right direction I should be able to manage. (Or accept that I can't do this myself)

Thank you very much for the help.

Saw the folder "picture_modding", but the file "Load Pictures.exe" described in "Load Pictures Readme.txt" doesn't exist - but a .py file.
I could compile it, but how does it work?


Hope you had a good nights sleep. :)

So I'm guessing I would have to place the images in the right path (e.g. content\pic\girls\sex_scenes inside the "picture_modding"-Folder) and name them appropriately (e.g. analfisting_black_long_milf.png).
But enough guesswork - guess I will wait patiently and actually play the game now... Thank you very much for keeping this piece of art alive and well.
In 2.2, it's very simple to add scene images, just follow the existing naming conventions and put the images in the appropriate location under content/pic/**whatever**, appending a higher number for the image files you're adding (_4, _5, etc.). The game will automatically detect new images each time it starts up, without you needing to run any separate program or update any other files.

To add a new girl, you can either replace an existing one or add a new one. To add a new one, you can copy an existing numbered json file, make whatever changes you want, and give it a higher number. One of the top-level json files contains three numbers that represent the quantity of individual json files for each age bracket, so if you change the quantity for any age bracket, that file also needs to be updated to match.
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