Okay I donwloaded the newest version and it seems to be working now, thanks. As for the new content I'd like impregnation/pregnancy content to be expanded upon the premise that is already there if nothing else. I kinda never understood why the original creator decided to cut short this subject by literaly punishing you for doing so (taking the slave away), maybe he didn't like it or didn't have time and decided other themes deserved it more, but I think it is a wasted oportunity. Not only from the fetish stand-point, but if the original idea was for the player to be a cold hearted bastard on a unforgiving world where buying, selling and/or killing slaves is the norm, impregnating slaves (and this I take it from reality and history itself) thus creating more slaves would be beneficial for a society that is based upon this exact concept. Sure you could argue that flooding a market with more of a product would decrease it's price, but you could keep this economic aspect away from the player's view or create a work-around this by designing some kind of licence needed by the player to be able to acess this content. A breeder licence of sorts.
Let me bring you less positive news. Lokplart was the one that wanted to design pregnancy content, hence why it is on the roadmap. Unfortunately, he has personal work that doesn't allow him to work for JONT currently.
When we're going to tackle the "for next version" roadmap, we're going to shuffle the design by order of motivation, and put everything else for "next version" again.
There's also the sad news of I that should probably put my contribution in standby because after almost two years non-stop I am getting caught by life priorities.
However, Lokplart said he may come back to code things that he holds close to heart (probably the fighting system, the auto-train, the femdom content, and pregnancy). If so, I'll do efforts too for coming back full-time in order to findi and edit adequate visual content (if it exists). If Lokplart doesn't come back, then that will be up to what feature we decide to work on ? at the moment of beginning 2.3.
So basically, the "for future versions" roadmap are a list of suggestions from my parts as well as desires from other devs that might have already left the development or may in the future. But on a more joyful note, pregnancy content being the thing that gets requested probably the most, if we ever tackle things out of popular demand, this will certainly be on top of the priority list.