Without the patch, having a SSD or a HDD makes no difference actually (I made the tests, and other users reported the same results).I havn't, with a ssd the saving times are just acceptable, so... But it will allow to include the hundreds of new slaves that you wanted to add ?
Limiting the number of scenes because of the saving time was never considered.qwertyu12359 totally agree on the slaves. The most meaningful improvement on the 'art' side of the game would be more 'unique' scenes for girls depending on hair color etc, since the new improved saving time patch, I don't think we need to worry about limiting ourselves ^^
I need to kick my ass and find the motivation to finish this.Did you add the "improve saving time" patch linked in the OP? https://f95zone.to/threads/jack-o-n...munity-developpment.390/page-130#post-2822055 , it makes saving and loading nearly instantaneous.
Pararock I believe you were still working on perhaps some updates for the QSP player right? Anything exciting happening on your end? It's seriously great how far we have come already, will surely include that patch in the next release of the game.
I believe both VoluptuousHello. I found this game years ago and came back to see it's still alive and thriving, pretty cool. Thank you for actually putting time and effort into polishing this game, I always thought it had potential.
I was hoping someone could clarify some things for me. How exactly do you raise a girl's physique from healthy to voluptuous and to model? The game isn't very clear with this and I haven't found a definitive answer anywhere. Also, can you actually raise sports and fitness above S+ or does it just not gray out so you can make your slaves exercise more? Lastly, is there no way to increase the special skill cap beyond 4 or to reset the skills in order to pick new ones? I messed up by picking one I don't want.
== fat[2]
and Model == fat[1]
are less fat than Healthy, so you should make sure your slave is exercising, keep track of the calorie counter. I personally tend to use the Nutritionist feature, since actually doing it by hand is a pain. Basically, all actions take calories, and rewards give calories, etc.Wear the relevant clothing that increases your skill in a skill temporarily so you can begin training. The wiki has a list of them I believe, but it's pretty obvious which skill gets boosted.So I'm at a loss. To raise my own character's skills I need to train girls myself. Their skills are capped by my own level and I'd have to send them off from there. But what about if my own skill level is ranked F-? It just says the girl is already too skilled for me when I just got her.
That's true !I believe both Voluptuous== fat[2]
and Model== fat[1]
are less fat than Healthy, so you should make sure your slave is exercising, keep track of the calorie counter. I personally tend to use the Nutritionist feature, since actually doing it by hand is a pain. Basically, all actions take calories, and rewards give calories, etc.
Oh right i forgot that it was the case, but even on the anatomy tab the problem still persisted, i thought i fixed the problem after i restarted the game, but it occured again, im attaching a couple of screenshot i took of a slave that i got after beating a lich on the fogs, the only thing i did was to click 'Take her home'("Virgin" never shows in traits list, but only on anatomy tab and icons next to avatar, but I think you check it ?)
I think there isn't enough uncensored gay hentai on the internet to fill all the blanks (it's difficult to fathom how much uncensored hentai is a rare ressource on the internet). Moreover, it would need hundreds or hours of work just to code, find pictures, and add them in. I'm also not gay, so I'm not personally motivated to work on that.Possibly an unpopular idea, but any possibility of getting gay guys as slaves added? Or transgenders or futas if not cis guys?
The only reason we switch from .gif to .png was solely to avoid compression (and we unfortunately did that too lateNot sure if this has been discussed in-depth before but my quick search tells me the reason for usage of png files is for the animated images to replace gifs, transparency for sprites and general lossless quality, would this be correct? I believe said images could at least use some sort of compression because right now they have a lot of useless metadata in them.
Perhaps there is a limitation in the engine? Otherwise we could use other formats like jpg or WebP which can give huge savings in quality/size gains (jpg for anything without transparency). I'm no coder so I can't tell how feasible it would be time-wise though.
To give an example, here's one of the main menu screens comparison I made. No noticeable loss in quality but file size is way down. Even lossless png compression would reduce the whole pack size (base + loli) from 2.1GBs to 1.60/1.70GB or so based on my testing which is a considerable improvement that could be considered for the next build without making any drastic changes.
Are you sure about that ? That seems weird, and reading the code makes me rather think that miing image types (and extensions) should be possible.The engine is absolutely limited to one image extension, and when we changed from .gif to .png, it fucked a LOT of things up. Some, I could fix them manually, one by one, others, came by breakthrough from F95 users who just popped in here 5 minutes and solved the problem.
Here is the evidence. The engine seems to be hard coded that way: https://f95zone.to/threads/jack-o-n...tsman-community-developpment.390/post-2515903Are you sure about that ? That seems weird, and reading the code makes me rather think that miing image types (and extensions) should be possible.
i've always thought the image pack is very heavy, I'm glad someone raises that point with some good insights. Thanks 4thDimensionalMind !
I'm no expert myself, but I do know that extensions of any type in general (music, pictures, documents) come with their own set of data that can be used to variety of manners, for example, a picture might have things like date it was created, last time it was modified, comments and other tags that lets other programs identify certain aspects of said specific file, that's "metadata". Since the game doesn't need any of that, removing them doesn't do any harm afaik. Unfortunately this is about as much as I know and I'm not even sure if that's right or if it's all there is to it.The only reason we switch from .gif to .png was solely to avoid compression (and we unfortunately did that too late). There used to be some .jpg pictures to, but it was decided to unify everything. It's an unexpected chance that the game still works with animations if the extension says .png but the format says .gif (.flac music don't work, oppositely, even with .mp3 extensions). You seem to know your stuff anyway
Could you explain where that metadata comes from, for knowledge purpose; and how can compression be lossless?
I noticed this while trying to switch the animated PNGs to APNG. Even if the conversion is succesful, it unfortunately doesn't play in-game. Sad but what can we do.The engine is absolutely limited to one image extension, and when we changed from .gif to .png, it fucked a LOT of things up. Some, I could fix them manually, one by one, others, came by breakthrough from F95 users who just popped in here 5 minutes and solved the problem.
Sure, though my internet speed is relatively slow so although I'm doing it myself it'll take a while just to upload the whole thing. Keep in mind that I'm doing the lossy version first so if you don't want to wait for the lossless one, it's pretty easy to do this yourself: just download a program that can correctly compress in batches without messing up the quality of the files. I recommendI'm for simplicity, so I'd like .png to still be the go-to extension. Lossless compression looks flawless, and if reducing the size has no drawbacks, I say let's bring it on!Can we do that massively? Can you do that? I'll be sure to credit you on the main thread the way you see fit.