I thought of an event system too. I'm still refining the idea but I kinda have working draft that I tried out a few weeks ago.
I broke events into five types:
- First occurrence of an action/event
- Random events - Throughout the day - The event fires based on how many energy points have been used OR if you ended the day with energy left, it does a random chance to fire based on how much energy you have left.
- Morning events - Fires when the day starts.
- Evening events - Fires when you click the end day button, before the end day screen.
- Midnight events - Fires when you click the end day button, after the end day screen. (Visually, not that different from a morning event, but technically very different since it happens before all the end day resets.)
Events are scheduled with the "func" function in QSP
Effects, prerequisites and other checks are done with dynamic code
The shown image can be changed during the event
Branching works within the same event (Kinda

I only did this base thing then started playing with it.
I did an event where the girl comes to you scared in the middle of the night - Midnight event
One where the girl asks for more food - Evening event
One where the girl asks you to remove a rule - Random Event
One where you can promise the girl to never use her phobia against her - Fist occurrence event
All kinda worked as intended
If anyone has any suggestions for other event triggers or features/objections to this feel free to throw them out.