So, compared to the old version, whats news we have ?
Everything is in the roadmap but if you want a briefing...
1) 1000 new pictures for non-sexual lessons (before, a lot of slaves--depending on their age and hair color--had no assigned pictures, only generic ones zoomed to the max. Not anymore)
2) Obedience overhaul. Now girls are more likely to obey if you ask them to do their hobbies. They are more likely to prefer cleaning over cardio if they are lazy, they are more likely to prefer painting over martial arts if they are pacifist. Dozens of combinations really, making every slave more or less unique and realistic in their approach.
3) Guilt and Merit now work a lot differently. It used to be mostly random. Now a haughty and spoiled slave will expect abused gifts from you, while a slave who is scared to death and used to obey won't even expect an encouragement.
4) It used to be impossible to change the slave rules or check her stats if you were outside... It's now possible.
5) Armors and weapons were all adjusted for more balance. There's also a visual preview before equipping them, which is neat.
6) The slaver stats are more balanced in terms of how they grow. So, the game is more serious and requires dedication about its RPG mechanics.
7) A doctor slaver or a nurse slave can now take the role of a nutritionist for free
etc. Lots of things to discover. Not really new quests or new events, but mostly quality of life changes, gameplay edits, removing inconsistencies and cancer-like mechanisms.
Stupid question, whats in the patch? is it still the loli patch or is there more?
It's the loli patch, nothing more.