any healthy food for cow I dont need her fat . I have Idea about open field fow cow .???
Can I deliver in the game now?
Are there any other event related assistants like Isabella?
Russian version? As i know - creator is russian-speaking.
hey guy's i have a question in the way of a nerd-like start. i would like the challenge to start with nothing. no skills, slum house all to nothing. the problem is, as far i see, all contracts need specializations and they need the specific skill on B+. how do i reach that with no skills? sure, its possible to get the clothings for the skill but it do's not push it high enough to be able to train the slave fast enough that she get ready to deliver her to someone. so... do i miss something?With clothing its only possible to level her skill up once but no chance to get to B+.
With the most skills that way its really difficult to level them up AND train a slave. xD example for secretary. as far i see, i have to train a slave to the point i cant train her anymore... throw her out, buy next slave to train her... and repeat till the point i have myself at skill B+ to be able to teach slaves high enough that i can turn her in to contracts. because of that even the "easy" guild contracts are not possible to fullfill in time. Or i run out of money if i buy the slaves.
please someone help me. xD
Is it possible to get the Julia event without picking Johny in normal start? I don't want to start over my awesome save from 2.1.
What mods are compatible with this version?
I did play in 1.7.4 version, and can still remember ~30mb save-files and ~15min of loading time.
Was it fixed somehow??
items seem broken, maybe? trying to raise temperament and wearing the boots and spiked collar but it doesn't go up overnight and fights/painting only increase temperament by 1 point each time
i jus wanted to start a johny game and cant change my name?!
how i can do that now, i miss the option to insert a name?!
custom game can change name, but wheres the story mode?^^
Rejoice for I have managed to download the patch with a lot of patience.
Johny is way too difficult. The colosseum seems to max out at B+ for me with a Katana and C+ with a Whip. As far as I can tell, it no longer raises Strength, just Fighting skill. I borrow money in order to get to Serpentine and grab Isabella, buy a slave, train the slave with Isabella in Serpentine and then I don't get enough money from the sub purchaser to pay back the moneylender. Health and obedience seem to decrease if I move back to the slums for both slave and assistant. And this is on Easy.
Wow, I assumed development was dead but it looks like you've just been quietly tinkering away. I didn't see anything about combat changes in the changelog; I'm assuming that's still on the backburner?
is this even playable?
man i didnt want quick fap... and i definetely will not read book to play game.... after 10x run out of money and buying depresed slave wich dont do shit anytime even when u will try every"decisions" (thrue saves) this is definitely is star what it is... sory if i hurt your feelingslaeg
Please follow the game's tutorial. Or play in custom easy mode, with cheats activated from the options if you want a quick fap (though if you do, I wouldn't say the game suits your needs).
Leaving a one star review on what many consider to be the best slave management game ever made... which required us (modders) thousands of hours of work, out of passion, that's literally taking a dump on us out of a childish frustration. You're probably worth better, and can complete the game if you let yourselves the means to. And you'll then see the depths of the game.
As for this specific version, we've not made it harder to get obeyed than in the original Russian version; the opposite actually, there are more ways and alternatives than ever.
Not really normal.Is it normal that if the slave refuses to do something in the "active sex" mode at the end of this no guilt appears? And also that she is willing to do blowjob training or relaxed oral sex but within the "active sex" mode she is not willing? And in the same way with striptease, anal sex and vaginal sex?
yeah btw u was able to triggered enought emotions in me (in two hours of playing) that i writed my first rewiev in three years....
The restoration patch doesn't give more quests or events (we've made sure to translate the loli content into playable no-loli content in v2.2). So you can play without the restoration patch and you'll be given the same game... minus 200 slaves.Does the restoration patch give more content? I "prefer" not to mess with lolis but honestly I don't really give a shit as long as the content is there. Thanks
Minus 200 slaves!!!?? I don't like lolis but 200 lolis Nom NOm NOMThe restoration patch doesn't give more quests or events (we've made sure to translate the loli content into playable no-loli content in v2.2). So you can play without the restoration patch and you'll be given the same game... minus 200 slaves.![]()
Without the patch, there are roughly 381 slaves present in the game.Minus 200 slaves!!!?? I don't like lolis but 200 lolis Nom NOm NOMpatching.
No, it's the sameHas the custom start where you can distribute points less content compared to the pre designed characters?