Though i'm grateful to you for your intention of help (thank you) i think there is 2 huge problems in your answer :
first i've said i was learning without cheat and/or wiki (in a rp way) so putting math and values that i didn't have access to without cheat (unless it possible then that one of the things that must be added to the tutorial) and/or codes is irrelevant (thanx for the good intent though).
If i've understand well what you said, you might have had saying something like : "maybe you have lowered her fear to fast, if the other reasons to obey you (awareness, habit, taming or devotion) are not high enough and you put fear away, then she loose her bearings and bad mood is enough for make her rebelling again". Or something like that (tell me if i've make errors in this interpretation).
Second is probably a misunderstanding from me but... are you telling me to change the codes of the game as a solution ? If yes, then : wtf ?! And again, unless there is a way to do it though the normal gameplay (i highly doubt it but if so, then another thing that is not telled that must be tell) i can't use it.
But thanx to that answer i think i've understand a little the global problem of this game (even if i'm not that confident to find it this quickly and gonna continue to search) : there is (nearly) no game-design, in fact its look like more an excel spreadsheet with graphics (though both the spreadsheet and the grapics are very good).
And for finish, thanx again for the efforts, though i'm confident in my analysis skills, in practice i'm still unfamiliar with what raise or lower those things (fear, awareness, habit, taming, devotion, mood) and i've never seen this "psy_statuts" as well than an other thing that is mentioned when i inspect her aura, they compare her aura to mine (her is weaker) what is this "psy status" and "aura" thing (where i find them ?), i gonna try to use the fact i'm new and still unfamiliar with the game and its mechanics to propose improvements for the tutorial (that greatly need it) as thanx for the helps you have provided and the one you gonna provide at my next struggle.
So i'll come back later for that, thanx in advance for the answers and for the work on this great game and love on you.
Well I reorganize my language from a non-code perspective.
I always insist on that, there's not enough feedbacks for attributes, and their increasing & decreasing, the Technosphere tells you how to read the aura page, but you still only have a fuzzy cognition on attributes like awareness, habit, taming or devotion or else, even though you have passed the demo.
Or maybe there's already some descriptions relevant, for example, you click on slave's avatar, then at the bottom you can see descriptions of her psy status. But for a new player, I clearly don't know what does that really matters, maybe I even didn't notice it, nor it's changing with a psy-status changing.
Maybe it do good to immersive experience of a role-playing game. But when I want to know more detailed information about of them instead of guessing, apparently, I need a wiki or something.
There's many attributes related to obedience, fear, awareness, habit, taming, devotion, they all contribute to it.
If your slave's obesidence is above 0, there's only one reason why she suddenly disobey, the hysteric psy status.
It indicates she is spoilt, with a high spoilence.
An obedient psy status requires not only high obdience, but also a non-negative mood. But hysteric doesn't have such harsh conditions.
So the problem is either that the negative effects of hysteric psy status is too significant, or that it 's too easy to get into this psy status, when your slave's devotion is much higher than spoilence.
You can avoid this by keeping her fear at a low level but not 0, until you have increased her devotion above 4, you can see this in aura page. But it's not very easy.