Does the gentlemen club actually have a cost like it says it does?
Leave it to your assistant, he says...
IOW, it's included in your living expenses. I do believe the actual club cost is zero, so there's no downside to be a member if and only if you use these costly living standards already.
Quick Question about smelling pollen
is there a way to cure it?
if not how long does the side affect last for if u dont use it?
1-The most common cure: Death. Fast, easy, and butcher-approved.
2-The less common cure: never take any again and wait it out. It's long. The slower she loses stamina every decade, the closer she is to remission. If your slave is too addicted, she'll become useless if she survives anyway, you might as well get rid of the extra mouth to feed.
3-Never take pollen in the first place. Or just once on the day you're selling her off.