If you don't get it wrong, you take extra damage for one round, then switch. Usually not a fatal error. If your margin is that small, you need more preparation. Which is good, because we want hunting in the mists to be more of a late game activity.
Well, I think we may share a different standard, potions make sure you don't die in most occasions, so it's never necessary in testing but a guarantee in the unluckiest situation or when you have done a wrong decision, since arena combat bans potion, so I don't use potion in mist combats' testing with best two-handed weapons, but super attack permitted.
And all combat situations I mention should be a threatening one, with werewolf、huge fiend or champion absolute etc.
Stiffness can be removed with Defend action - sacrificing one turn.
Health is usually the min number in three blood numbers, defend recover 10 stamina(green blood), while you don't have an immortal feature, when you defend you lose more red blood, and then you usually have to drink potions, wasting 2 turns doing no damage. Defend can be useful sometimes fighting multiple enemies, but combating with a single strong enemy, it's usually not a good choice.
It depends on the situation. When you're facing multiple enemies, defense is more valuable. When you're facing a strong enemy, defense is more valuable. Even partial defense is helpful because you can survive more rounds of combat before using healing balm. Your health level at the end of combat also affects how injured you are.
Facing multiple enemies, the first to do is reduce the nums of enemies, gaining buff rabies、overclocking or marksmanship at the same time, that's the most error-tolerant strategy.
When you're facing a strong enemy, defense is more valuable. I partly agree with you, because of the champion absolute.
I say most threatening combats always ends in 4~5 turns, because they can kill you by the end of 5th turn, when you have 50~60 red blood at most and most elite mist enemies possess over 15 base harm or a super attack with over 20 damage, so attacking is always more valuable. So the 3-turn agility provided by Elven chainmail is very helpful, it saves one turn for you.
But arena combat with champion absolute doesn't suit for this situation, her base harm is 10, so she spends more turns to kill you, even if you don't defend at all, then you finally have more turns for more strategy, yes you can imagine, I tested all five weapon and armor suits in arena fighting her. Red attack is more effective because she may reduce your green and purple damage, and any super attack providing weakness to her is also helpful cause' she is more likely to deal more damage through red attack. It's always better for you to keep at least two buffs among adrenaline, agility and attention.
Which two-handed weapon are you comparing here?
Ignore this part temporarily, I found in the new version codes that you removed most of the rand() in base harm of weapons.
And I am mistaken in some base harms, later I will give you a more detailed calculation.
Higher armor value results in more damage taken? I'm not clear why you've doubled the base damage value in the gothic formulas vs. the elven formulas? Same-color pairs highlighted in the table above.
Green damage
Any same color damage(2x)
The other colors except the same one(1x)
Enemy base damage | Elven chainmail
0 enemy harm modifier | Gothic Plate
0 enemy harm modifier | Elven chainmail
1 enemy harm modifier | Gothic Plate
1 enemy harm modifier |
10 | (2/3 red or purple)*(10-3)
+(1/3 green)*(2 same color/2 agility* 10-3)
=7 | (2/3 diff color)*(10-6)
+(1/3 same color)*(20-6)
=7.33 | (2/3 red or purple)*(20-3)
+(1/3)*(2 same color/2 agility*20-3)
=17 | (2/3 diff color)*(20-6)
+(1/3 same color)*(40-6)
=20.67 |
20 | (2/3 red or purple)*(20-3)
+(1/3 green)*(2 same color/2 agility* 20-3)
=17 | (2/3 diff color)*(20-6)
+(1/3 same color)*(40-6)
=20.67 | (2/3 red or purple)*(40-3)
+(1/3 green)*(2 same color/2 agility* 40-3)
=37 | (2/3 diff color)*(40-6)
+(1/3 same color)*(80-6)
=47.33 |
I don't remember it working differently. Pawns still dodge any damage that isn't multiplied and die if they are hit with at least a 2x multiplier.
In version 2.0 it does, red and green attackings nearly miss all the time even if you have a 2x bonus, only purple attacking have a good hit rate.
But never mind, it's no matter any more.
With predictable costs, if we want to keep players poor, we need to make the more expensive things necessary not only for progression but also for survival.
Yes, necessary.
1. Make the loan repayment period for larger loans shorter, so there is more time pressure and taking a larger loan is less attractive.
I would say, the loan become useless after you succeed to survive, so you only needs the first two level of loan(500 and 1000), the rest useless.
Why do we take a larger loan in real life, to purchase houses、buy cars、do business. And a installment plan is needed as well for it. but most importantly, the benefits should be worthy, it's not saying 'cheaper' than renting for a long time. When you have a large amount of money, you natually won't mind so much on the price–performance ratio. But focus on giving players a feeling that it's worthwhile.
Upgrade my lab can save my clicks nums with simple brewing system(choose your target potion instead of ingredients) and brew a bit more potions? Worthwhile!
Upgrade my boudior to gain a full set of cosmetic, my slave gain moral and instinct faster(extra +1 rate/day)? Worthwhile!
2. Increase rental cost for apartments in more prestigious districts. This could be done in part by enforcing a higher minimum "standard of living" for each apartment. We currently enforce maximums but not minimums, so you can live (comparatively) cheaply in expensive districts without significant downside.
6. Increase cost of some of the extended rentals (laboratory [rent it when you need it, instead of all the time], boudoir [ditto], fiend pen [cost goes up as fiend grows]).
This part of designing can be more unrestrained
Apartment in the Outcasts send you a free barn, and a cheaper rent lab, while one in other towns need you to rent a barn.
Serpentine send you a free dungeon.
Necropolis send you a free music and art room, which give you the access to train an artist.(Value of an artist could be a bit more)
Bull send you a free boudior.
The White Town with all, kind of a free lab and a free fiend pen, and the rent cost less compared to apartment in Bull with all extended rentals, as a reward for achieving noble status.
All of these subject to change.
3. Lower master personality and reputation attributes towards level of standard of living if higher. (S+ Leader becomes C- Loser over time if living in squalor.) Giving an incentive to improve and maintain higher quality living conditions and spend more.
4. Limit standard of living based on quality of home decor. Making home upgrades necessary instead of optional.
Reasonable, but changing interior design through the estate office shouldn't influence standard of living.
5. Change arena so it only allows multiple contestants based on guild reputation, not brand reputation. Guild reputation requires actually completing contracts. Also limit maximum number of arena battle contestants per decade to 3 (guild reputation + 1)/2 instead of current limit of 5 at A+ or higher brand/guild reputation. You'd be limited to just 1 battle per decade until B+ guild reputation, instead of being able to field 2 at C- brand reputation (which you currently reach after just a few arena wins).
Do we have this restriction? Where is it in the codes?
7. Increase cost of buying cooking ingredients, which are a luxury.
And reward for better food, not only in moodlets. A bonus in strength、training diligence and obedience if you can keep eating decilicous food for several days.
8. Implement durability system for weapons and armor, requiring periodic maintenance at armory. Further cutting profitability of mist hunting without training, but with the costs deferred.
I think not necessary, it may bother more if players have to remind themselves of the durability often.
9. Lower the reward amount for winning races.
On the contary, I think it should be a large bag of money. Several months ago I mentioned a designing that, champions fight for their titles, you gain money reward the moment your slave win the arena battle, and if she became Arena Grand Champion, she can win reputation and guild reputation for you everyday, lasting for a decade. and 3 days before next arena day, use a pseudo random number to determine which enemy will she encounter, if she wins again, she gains even more fame(adding every time she succeed in fight her title), if she lose, she won't die, gaining less fame, then fall back to Arena Champion, waiting for next arena day.
10. Reduce amount of income that can be made from lower ranked slaves (D-, D+, C-, C+).
Finishing C+ guild contract is a good way and maybe the fastest way to earn money, at least useful for a long time, because it doesn't require moral level and doesn't demand your slave to be master at any skills.
I don't think it's a good idea to reduce that income, but you can remove the low ranked contract after you gain more reputation, for example, provide only B-, B+, A-, A+ contracts if your reputation is A+
11. Reduce rate of reputation gain from arena for slaves. Currently a slave can go from Unknown to Legendary in 8 decades of arena battles. This is unrealistic and increases their value excessively.
Adjust the fame rising speed fit for her rank demands, both in arena fighting and racing. But it shouldn't be slower than her training, cause' milf is not proper for racing, loli for arena either.
12. Adjust barn profitability (if needed).
Arena, mist hunting and barn are sources of income that are independent of slave training. As a design goal, with an optimal setup, it should be possible to live in White Town indefinitely without selling any slaves, just by living on these sources of income. But it shouldn't be a large margin. This also assumes that the White Town apartment has been bought, not rented.
Shouldn't be too much before we add more game contents to this part.
I thought you wanted to limit the amount. My mistake. Still, I would like to know how you use Lethe potions.
In fact, I rarely use Lethe potions, maybe only for Fercility to clear her 5 spoil. Even fear and despair they do benefits for obedience. Most occasions I mention Lethe potion happen when I see players misguided by some old, wrong strategy that Lethe potion is helpful to mind-broken status.