
New Member
Aug 8, 2023
Ok, new question.
I have two D- slaves selling for 9000 - 9700 each at auction, one is even pretty low quality, plain with no style, fame or specializations. Is that to do with my brand rep, living standards, etc?

Just ran a test. Even mindbroken she's still D- and still fetches 9000. Does everyone just have really high expectations because my first sale was S+?
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Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Ok, new question.
I have two D- slaves selling for 9000 - 9700 each at auction, one is even pretty low quality, plain with no style, fame or specializations. Is that to do with my brand rep, living standards, etc?

Just ran a test. Even mindbroken she's still D- and still fetches 9000. Does everyone just have really high expectations because my first sale was S+?
Not sure, do you have a saved game before the sale?


Jul 8, 2022
Any tips on keeping a cow ?
Does maximum fattiness (F- Physique) actually good or good with downside like the tooltip say("Extreme overwieght can be bad for her health") ?
How do I keep her endurance up wihtout having to swapped her out and do exercise ?
also somehow my libido just frefall from S+ to F-even thou I'm not even overdoing the sex or absent for long. Now I'm having trouble getting it up.


Jul 8, 2022
Ok I jsut sold my first S+ slave. I think I got everything now. except the fog fight, how the hell can I win the 3+ vs 1 when they all have lidicrulous health(any color) like 60+.
my str and combat is A+ with plate armor and I still die in like 5 turn.


New Member
Aug 8, 2023
Potions. You need to make some miracle balm.
Also, learn special techniques at the colosseum if you haven't already. Battle cry and dashing blow are particularly useful as they both double the damage of your power (red) attacks, and roundhouse kick is a good power attack on its own.


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2020
Brainstorming for new content:

- Necropolis theatre has nightly performances
- We can also "go to see a show" as a reward
- We have slaves trained to sing and dance
- We can already sell slaves to the theatre, but this is permanent, so what if we could also:
a) rent them to the theatre as supporting cast for a performance
b) rent the theatre space itself (or, for a higher fee, the space we visit when we "go to see a show")
- In both cases, subject to availability -- make arrangements in advance, except maybe events for last minute requests to fulfill (lead "broke a leg", understudy got beaten, can you help?)
- For supporting cast, required to come dressed in costume (random pick of outfits, a reason to use stuff you otherwise might not), have good hygiene, charm, etc (another reason to use full spa services before sale), you get a fixed minimum for the work with a bonus for charm and skills (-- or less pay and lose rep [penalty for future pay and have to wait longer for a slot in future] if you don't show up or slave has low charm/skill or performs poorly)
- For solo performance, can choose to send slave + assistant, and master's characteristics also play a role (similar to how we do it for negotiated sales) ... with extra weight on personality (which means you will earn more from this when you're living in high society and are known for it)
- In this case it's like auctions, the more charm, and fame, the better, you get a percentage of ticket sales based on audience size ... also better if slave can both sing and dance well

Separately, for art, commissioned time-limited jobs that the slave has to work to fulfill, spending some energy each day she works on it (like how tattoos have to do done over time), where you also compete against other slaves for the same job so the patron might prefer a different slave's piece and pay you nothing, but then the guild will pay you a small consolation fee (if the quality of the work is at least B+, which is guaranteed with A+ or better art skill).

Portable small capacity stasis chamber you can install in the slums to keep beer and a few food ingredients, expensive. Requires recharging with sparks by you or a slave with D- or better magic skill (you / they can spend 1 spark + energy to charge it, more efficient at higher magic skill [at D-, 1 spark charges it for a day, at S+ 1 spark charges it for 5 days]). If you forget to charge it, the food inside spoils. For cooking the ingredients, can also buy a portable stove, spark-powered, costs 1 spark per meal prepared, slave/master needs to have at least D- magic skill to use it. Leaving expensive equipment in the slums can attract thieves/gangs attention and lead to extortion ... or disappearance of your equipment if you have only one slave and take them out somewhere.

Witchdoctor trained slave (magic, nurse, alchemy all B+ or better) can work a night shift at hospital, for moderate pay [scaling with specialization level] in exchange of 2.5 energy (also counts as exertion like athletics). Benefit if living in Serpentine district: shorter commute, save half energy star. Have to commit to at least a decade, lose fame for each shift day missed (due to unconscious or you don't have slave anymore). Slave will automatically go work the shift at night, after preparing meal (if applicable) and bathing. If slave ends day without enough spare energy, she will still go, but will lose endurance and have less energy in the morning.

Did you know that the Taurus House conducts closed gladiator fights? Just like in the Colosseum but only for their own. The place is smaller and you can see better. And the owner of the winner wins some serious sparks.
As a patrician or minimum B+ rep with Taurus House, gain access to attend/participate in VIP battles once every two decades. Win condition is incapacitation, not killing, you pay a heavy fine if your slave kills her opponent. Using non-lethal weapons is therefore advisable so you can fight all out, though not mandatory. Slave fights using what she wears (armor/weapons) and is allowed to use 3 elixirs per round, same for competition. Pay for each round passed, scaling up the closer you are to 1st place, plus a one-time bonus for first-time victory (dark horse) per slave. Bonus if slave performs well in lesbian orgy after the battles (provided she isn't worse than slightly injured). One-time bonus if she loses her virginity there, but beware rape effects if she isn't devoted.

Which of these ideas do you like the most / least? What would you change?
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Aug 31, 2022
Brainstorming for new content:

- Necropolis theatre has nightly performances
- We can also "go to see a show" as a reward
- We have slaves trained to sing and dance
- We can already sell slaves to the theatre, but this is permanent, so what if we could also:
a) rent them to the theatre as supporting cast for a performance
b) rent the theatre space itself (or, for a higher fee, the space we visit when we "go to see a show")
- In both cases, subject to availability -- make arrangements in advance, except maybe events for last minute requests to fulfill (lead "broke a leg", understudy got beaten, can you help?)
- For supporting cast, required to come dressed in costume (random pick of outfits, a reason to use stuff you otherwise might not), have good hygiene, charm, etc (another reason to use full spa services before sale), you get a fixed minimum for the work with a bonus for charm and skills (-- or less pay and lose rep [penalty for future pay and have to wait longer for a slot in future] if you don't show up or slave has low charm/skill or performs poorly)
- For solo performance, can choose to send slave + assistant, and master's characteristics also play a role (similar to how we do it for negotiated sales) ... with extra weight on personality (which means you will earn more from this when you're living in high society and are known for it)
- In this case it's like auctions, the more charm, and fame, the better, you get a percentage of ticket sales based on audience size ... also better if slave can both sing and dance well

Separately, for art, commissioned time-limited jobs that the slave has to work to fulfill, spending some energy each day she works on it (like how tattoos have to do done over time), where you also compete against other slaves for the same job so the patron might prefer a different slave's piece and pay you nothing, but then the guild will pay you a small consolation fee (if the quality of the work is at least B+, which is guaranteed with A+ or better art skill).

Portable small capacity stasis chamber you can install in the slums to keep beer and a few food ingredients, expensive. Requires recharging with sparks by you or a slave with D- or better magic skill (you / they can spend 1 spark + energy to charge it, more efficient at higher magic skill [at D-, 1 spark charges it for a day, at S+ 1 spark charges it for 5 days]). If you forget to charge it, the food inside spoils. For cooking the ingredients, can also buy a portable stove, spark-powered, costs 1 spark per meal prepared, slave/master needs to have at least D- magic skill to use it. Leaving expensive equipment in the slums can attract thieves/gangs attention and lead to extortion ... or disappearance of your equipment if you have only one slave and take them out somewhere.

Witchdoctor trained slave (magic, nurse, alchemy all B+ or better) can work a night shift at hospital, for moderate pay [scaling with specialization level] in exchange of 2.5 energy (also counts as exertion like athletics). Benefit if living in Serpentine district: shorter commute, save half energy star. Have to commit to at least a decade, lose fame for each shift day missed (due to unconscious or you don't have slave anymore). Slave will automatically go work the shift at night, after preparing meal (if applicable) and bathing. If slave ends day without enough spare energy, she will still go, but will lose endurance and have less energy in the morning.

As a patrician or minimum B+ rep with Taurus House, gain access to attend/participate in VIP battles once every two decades. Win condition is incapacitation, not killing, you pay a heavy fine if your slave kills her opponent. Using non-lethal weapons is therefore advisable so you can fight all out, though not mandatory. Slave fights using what she wears (armor/weapons) and is allowed to use 3 elixirs per round, same for competition. Pay for each round passed, scaling up the closer you are to 1st place, plus a one-time bonus for first-time victory (dark horse) per slave. Bonus if slave performs well in lesbian orgy after the battles (provided she isn't worse than slightly injured). One-time bonus if she loses her virginity there, but beware rape effects if she isn't devoted.

Which of these ideas do you like the most / least? What would you change?
I like the idea of training slaves for specific job roles, then shipping them out to districts to generate revenue. Gives the game more agency other than just training slaves for sell value, and makes slaves more 'personal' rather than just existing as a saleable commodity.

To be honest, once I have an S rank slave, the last thing I'd want is to sell her, but the game really doesnt give me any reasons (or options) to do anything else with the slave, and you can only ever have one assistant at a time.

To balance the idea;

- Only one slave per district? So youre not filling entire cities with your whores
- The generated revenue would need to be small. Or alternatively, it can be moderate but the skill requirements will need to be lategame (overall slave rank B+ and above etc.)
- Will need some contrivance for the master to check up on his slaves every now and then, or a chance that the slave can be incapacitated for a while (sickness, mortal injury etc.)

Other ideas:

- I think there needs to be some sort of scaling of difficulty for training higher rank slaves. At the moment, the minute your slave gains like 1 devotion, you're basically just grinding training until she eventually reaches S rank. I have mine on fiend's cum, living in the same tatty bedroll all the way until A+, so theoretically the game never gets more interesting or more difficult as your slave progresses up to a certain high point, which at the moment is about C-.

Perhaps as the slave rank increases she'll demand for better living conditions, or she takes a massive hit to mood which obviously hinder training.


Jan 17, 2018
Brainstorming for new content
These all sound great, just missing one for the beastmen. I think my favorite is the fight club in Taurus house. Putting a stasis chamber in the border of the fogs seems like the most troublesome. It would require some enemy encounter which could be good or just a real problem if your slaver can't fight yet.

I'd like to see quests added for getting the animals before the slaver can do xenophily training. I feel like there's a hole in the story in this part, given the text we read when the trainings are done. Getting the fiend is great, but the other animals are just never explained. I could see the horse and pig rented from a public barn, but the dog, spider and sea tentacle beast should be more work/cost to obtain.

I think this would mainly block Garsid's special quest but also some other nobles like Seigfried. As this would make xenophile training harder, the player could be rewarded with some buffed up abilities. Perhaps the dog could help give a bonus to combat in the fogs and help prevent slaves from running away.

As always thanks for your work.


Nov 12, 2017
Brainstorming for new content:

- Necropolis theatre has nightly performances
- We can also "go to see a show" as a reward
- We have slaves trained to sing and dance
- We can already sell slaves to the theatre, but this is permanent, so what if we could also:
a) rent them to the theatre as supporting cast for a performance
b) rent the theatre space itself (or, for a higher fee, the space we visit when we "go to see a show")
- In both cases, subject to availability -- make arrangements in advance, except maybe events for last minute requests to fulfill (lead "broke a leg", understudy got beaten, can you help?)
- For supporting cast, required to come dressed in costume (random pick of outfits, a reason to use stuff you otherwise might not), have good hygiene, charm, etc (another reason to use full spa services before sale), you get a fixed minimum for the work with a bonus for charm and skills (-- or less pay and lose rep [penalty for future pay and have to wait longer for a slot in future] if you don't show up or slave has low charm/skill or performs poorly)
- For solo performance, can choose to send slave + assistant, and master's characteristics also play a role (similar to how we do it for negotiated sales) ... with extra weight on personality (which means you will earn more from this when you're living in high society and are known for it)
- In this case it's like auctions, the more charm, and fame, the better, you get a percentage of ticket sales based on audience size ... also better if slave can both sing and dance well

Separately, for art, commissioned time-limited jobs that the slave has to work to fulfill, spending some energy each day she works on it (like how tattoos have to do done over time), where you also compete against other slaves for the same job so the patron might prefer a different slave's piece and pay you nothing, but then the guild will pay you a small consolation fee (if the quality of the work is at least B+, which is guaranteed with A+ or better art skill).

Portable small capacity stasis chamber you can install in the slums to keep beer and a few food ingredients, expensive. Requires recharging with sparks by you or a slave with D- or better magic skill (you / they can spend 1 spark + energy to charge it, more efficient at higher magic skill [at D-, 1 spark charges it for a day, at S+ 1 spark charges it for 5 days]). If you forget to charge it, the food inside spoils. For cooking the ingredients, can also buy a portable stove, spark-powered, costs 1 spark per meal prepared, slave/master needs to have at least D- magic skill to use it. Leaving expensive equipment in the slums can attract thieves/gangs attention and lead to extortion ... or disappearance of your equipment if you have only one slave and take them out somewhere.

Witchdoctor trained slave (magic, nurse, alchemy all B+ or better) can work a night shift at hospital, for moderate pay [scaling with specialization level] in exchange of 2.5 energy (also counts as exertion like athletics). Benefit if living in Serpentine district: shorter commute, save half energy star. Have to commit to at least a decade, lose fame for each shift day missed (due to unconscious or you don't have slave anymore). Slave will automatically go work the shift at night, after preparing meal (if applicable) and bathing. If slave ends day without enough spare energy, she will still go, but will lose endurance and have less energy in the morning.

As a patrician or minimum B+ rep with Taurus House, gain access to attend/participate in VIP battles once every two decades. Win condition is incapacitation, not killing, you pay a heavy fine if your slave kills her opponent. Using non-lethal weapons is therefore advisable so you can fight all out, though not mandatory. Slave fights using what she wears (armor/weapons) and is allowed to use 3 elixirs per round, same for competition. Pay for each round passed, scaling up the closer you are to 1st place, plus a one-time bonus for first-time victory (dark horse) per slave. Bonus if slave performs well in lesbian orgy after the battles (provided she isn't worse than slightly injured). One-time bonus if she loses her virginity there, but beware rape effects if she isn't devoted.

Which of these ideas do you like the most / least? What would you change?
is this mean we're getting 2.2.4 soon? also I like the idea I think we need more passive revenue but you should keep it relatively end game with some weaker/less profiting option for early game as well like say S rank slave can generate quite decent amount and a few of them enough for living expense, but lower rank will generate rest and I think you should limit it to 1 slave per district to prevent spamming slave everywhere


New Member
Aug 8, 2023
Brainstorming for new content:

- Necropolis theatre has nightly performances
- We can also "go to see a show" as a reward
- We have slaves trained to sing and dance
- We can already sell slaves to the theatre, but this is permanent, so what if we could also:
a) rent them to the theatre as supporting cast for a performance
b) rent the theatre space itself (or, for a higher fee, the space we visit when we "go to see a show")
- In both cases, subject to availability -- make arrangements in advance, except maybe events for last minute requests to fulfill (lead "broke a leg", understudy got beaten, can you help?)
- For supporting cast, required to come dressed in costume (random pick of outfits, a reason to use stuff you otherwise might not), have good hygiene, charm, etc (another reason to use full spa services before sale), you get a fixed minimum for the work with a bonus for charm and skills (-- or less pay and lose rep [penalty for future pay and have to wait longer for a slot in future] if you don't show up or slave has low charm/skill or performs poorly)
- For solo performance, can choose to send slave + assistant, and master's characteristics also play a role (similar to how we do it for negotiated sales) ... with extra weight on personality (which means you will earn more from this when you're living in high society and are known for it)
- In this case it's like auctions, the more charm, and fame, the better, you get a percentage of ticket sales based on audience size ... also better if slave can both sing and dance well

Separately, for art, commissioned time-limited jobs that the slave has to work to fulfill, spending some energy each day she works on it (like how tattoos have to do done over time), where you also compete against other slaves for the same job so the patron might prefer a different slave's piece and pay you nothing, but then the guild will pay you a small consolation fee (if the quality of the work is at least B+, which is guaranteed with A+ or better art skill).

Portable small capacity stasis chamber you can install in the slums to keep beer and a few food ingredients, expensive. Requires recharging with sparks by you or a slave with D- or better magic skill (you / they can spend 1 spark + energy to charge it, more efficient at higher magic skill [at D-, 1 spark charges it for a day, at S+ 1 spark charges it for 5 days]). If you forget to charge it, the food inside spoils. For cooking the ingredients, can also buy a portable stove, spark-powered, costs 1 spark per meal prepared, slave/master needs to have at least D- magic skill to use it. Leaving expensive equipment in the slums can attract thieves/gangs attention and lead to extortion ... or disappearance of your equipment if you have only one slave and take them out somewhere.

Witchdoctor trained slave (magic, nurse, alchemy all B+ or better) can work a night shift at hospital, for moderate pay [scaling with specialization level] in exchange of 2.5 energy (also counts as exertion like athletics). Benefit if living in Serpentine district: shorter commute, save half energy star. Have to commit to at least a decade, lose fame for each shift day missed (due to unconscious or you don't have slave anymore). Slave will automatically go work the shift at night, after preparing meal (if applicable) and bathing. If slave ends day without enough spare energy, she will still go, but will lose endurance and have less energy in the morning.

As a patrician or minimum B+ rep with Taurus House, gain access to attend/participate in VIP battles once every two decades. Win condition is incapacitation, not killing, you pay a heavy fine if your slave kills her opponent. Using non-lethal weapons is therefore advisable so you can fight all out, though not mandatory. Slave fights using what she wears (armor/weapons) and is allowed to use 3 elixirs per round, same for competition. Pay for each round passed, scaling up the closer you are to 1st place, plus a one-time bonus for first-time victory (dark horse) per slave. Bonus if slave performs well in lesbian orgy after the battles (provided she isn't worse than slightly injured). One-time bonus if she loses her virginity there, but beware rape effects if she isn't devoted.

Which of these ideas do you like the most / least? What would you change?
I really like all these ideas.
This could work for many of the businesses - concubines for the brothel? assistant+artist+petting for the salon? High grade only as low grades are cheap to just buy.

I moved to Jack-o-nine-tails after finishing Strive for power. The storytelling/worldbuilding and art in Jack is leagues better, but I miss some of the mechanics of Strive, like having your slaves work for you. (Also, the veriety of exotic slaves, but that would require a huge additional art pack)

This would obviously work better with options for owning multiple slaves and "assistants"(...managers?... guards?), like how the barn works.
These mechanics could allow players to choose a (slightly) more management oriented playstyle if they wanted, rather than just grinding through one slave after the next without ever reaping the benefits of owning them yourself.

The suggestion has been shot down on this thread before, but the potential is worth considering. Maybe you can rent guarded slave quarters depending on where you live?


I would really like to see more options for the smugglers etc, the slums have so much potential.

Actually, maybe the smugglers could sell the mini slums cryo unit? Like a crappy ghetto knock off? I really don't think Serpis house would (willingly) send that tech down to the slums where it can be ripped off. I think "underground" options should be prioritized for living in the slums.

With the right additions, the early game in the slums could be greatly expanded, and very fun.
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Apr 13, 2020
I love all of these ide
Brainstorming for new content:

- Necropolis theatre has nightly performances
- We can also "go to see a show" as a reward
- We have slaves trained to sing and dance
- We can already sell slaves to the theatre, but this is permanent, so what if we could also:
a) rent them to the theatre as supporting cast for a performance
b) rent the theatre space itself (or, for a higher fee, the space we visit when we "go to see a show")
- In both cases, subject to availability -- make arrangements in advance, except maybe events for last minute requests to fulfill (lead "broke a leg", understudy got beaten, can you help?)
- For supporting cast, required to come dressed in costume (random pick of outfits, a reason to use stuff you otherwise might not), have good hygiene, charm, etc (another reason to use full spa services before sale), you get a fixed minimum for the work with a bonus for charm and skills (-- or less pay and lose rep [penalty for future pay and have to wait longer for a slot in future] if you don't show up or slave has low charm/skill or performs poorly)
- For solo performance, can choose to send slave + assistant, and master's characteristics also play a role (similar to how we do it for negotiated sales) ... with extra weight on personality (which means you will earn more from this when you're living in high society and are known for it)
- In this case it's like auctions, the more charm, and fame, the better, you get a percentage of ticket sales based on audience size ... also better if slave can both sing and dance well

Separately, for art, commissioned time-limited jobs that the slave has to work to fulfill, spending some energy each day she works on it (like how tattoos have to do done over time), where you also compete against other slaves for the same job so the patron might prefer a different slave's piece and pay you nothing, but then the guild will pay you a small consolation fee (if the quality of the work is at least B+, which is guaranteed with A+ or better art skill).

Portable small capacity stasis chamber you can install in the slums to keep beer and a few food ingredients, expensive. Requires recharging with sparks by you or a slave with D- or better magic skill (you / they can spend 1 spark + energy to charge it, more efficient at higher magic skill [at D-, 1 spark charges it for a day, at S+ 1 spark charges it for 5 days]). If you forget to charge it, the food inside spoils. For cooking the ingredients, can also buy a portable stove, spark-powered, costs 1 spark per meal prepared, slave/master needs to have at least D- magic skill to use it. Leaving expensive equipment in the slums can attract thieves/gangs attention and lead to extortion ... or disappearance of your equipment if you have only one slave and take them out somewhere.

Witchdoctor trained slave (magic, nurse, alchemy all B+ or better) can work a night shift at hospital, for moderate pay [scaling with specialization level] in exchange of 2.5 energy (also counts as exertion like athletics). Benefit if living in Serpentine district: shorter commute, save half energy star. Have to commit to at least a decade, lose fame for each shift day missed (due to unconscious or you don't have slave anymore). Slave will automatically go work the shift at night, after preparing meal (if applicable) and bathing. If slave ends day without enough spare energy, she will still go, but will lose endurance and have less energy in the morning.

As a patrician or minimum B+ rep with Taurus House, gain access to attend/participate in VIP battles once every two decades. Win condition is incapacitation, not killing, you pay a heavy fine if your slave kills her opponent. Using non-lethal weapons is therefore advisable so you can fight all out, though not mandatory. Slave fights using what she wears (armor/weapons) and is allowed to use 3 elixirs per round, same for competition. Pay for each round passed, scaling up the closer you are to 1st place, plus a one-time bonus for first-time victory (dark horse) per slave. Bonus if slave performs well in lesbian orgy after the battles (provided she isn't worse than slightly injured). One-time bonus if she loses her virginity there, but beware rape effects if she isn't devoted.

Which of these ideas do you like the most / least? What would you change?
I love all of these ideas. I think they would add a lot to the game. I especially like the idea of a portable stasis chamber in the slums. Are there any content ideas for the public animal farm with cowgirls?
3.90 star(s) 65 Votes