The slaves are now all coded into the game. Here was the problem, 3000 slaves = 50 seconds of time whenever doing saves, and that comes from the Engine. So we made a compromise and there'll be around 1800 slaves instead (it's still a large number right?

The new UI is being done. It necessitates to change the backgrounds picture sizes, so we completely changed them and tried to make them more lore friendly (for exemple, in the Spire, the description says "techno-janissaries", and the image was ONE bald dark angel girl with a dark moon behind).
We don't have many things left to do, but they might take some time. We've made some huge progress this month.
In an ideal world, the game is out the 30th of September. But expect us to be late. There isn't much else I can do, all there is left is in the capable hands of Powerairmax.