
Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
They won't be able to share it, because version 1.8 and prior have been banned from F95 (it countains loli inside).

Why would you want 1.8 instead of 2.0 anyway? Is there something that you don't like in 2.0 that you'd like to see changed, oe fixed?


May 4, 2018
They won't be able to share it, because version 1.8 and prior have been banned from F95 (it countains loli inside).

Why would you want 1.8 instead of 2.0 anyway? Is there something that you don't like in 2.0 that you'd like to see changed, oe fixed?
I see!

It's mostly that there are too many 'buggy' scenes, atleast early on in the game. And as i'm trying to learn how to play the game i have to restart quite often as i try to get more effective at starting over from a clean slate.

If the game gets a 'cleaner' feel and becomes less visually buggy im fine with playing this version. - So just to clarify, there is nothing about the old version that I would like more than this new one, except for some messy textures or scenes where text can jump around or where the text sometimes is half in the scene, and the other half is placed in the 'borders' of the game.
Does anyone btw know if there are any good 'novice' guides that I could use to get a good basic grasp of the game?

Thanks for all of the hard work!


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I see!

It's mostly that there are too many 'buggy' scenes, atleast early on in the game. And as i'm trying to learn how to play the game i have to restart quite often as i try to get more effective at starting over from a clean slate.

If the game gets a 'cleaner' feel and becomes less visually buggy im fine with playing this version. - So just to clarify, there is nothing about the old version that I would like more than this new one, except for some messy textures or scenes where text can jump around or where the text sometimes is half in the scene, and the other half is placed in the 'borders' of the game.
Does anyone btw know if there are any good 'novice' guides that I could use to get a good basic grasp of the game?

Thanks for all of the hard work!
The bugs you are quoting are actually a simple oversight. You can fix it very simply with "Paint" (and I'm not kidding). Go into game/content/pics/bg, then take the images "kamira_street", "Taurus_street" and "necropolis_street". Their size are about 1000x750, change their size to 800x600.

Done, everything is fixed. ;)


Dec 6, 2016
Does anyone btw know if there are any good 'novice' guides that I could use to get a good basic grasp of the game?
The release notes in the game folder are actually a guide of sorts explaining some incredibly important concepts, as well as providing a beginner's guide to what you should do when you've purchased your slave.

Other than that, there's a wiki that explains the core concepts but not all of it is applicable to the current version since its a vastly improved one. There are in-game tooltips that might explain some things, albeit fairly poorly such as how to raise temperament, what different items do for the slaves and whatnot.

If all else fails, just TheKingCobra and ask a question, I'll see if I can't whip up the answer. If not, I'm sure others will be happy to help.



Jul 14, 2017
i had an earlier post that should give any new player the basic first steps to not fail on any slave since it was a reply about temperament. The wiki has all the info you need as well, it has a guide for playing one of the harder chars which translates over to any other char you may choose to play. but ill put some basic tips here

- use 3 rules at all times i recommend cook, maid, deny orgasm, and deny masturbation as your first 3 (can use all 4 if you want).
- as your slave becomes more obedient switch into in this order bath slave, make alarm, and vaginal vibes (assuming not virgin) if virgin keep cook or make her lose virginity. Other usefull rules are force humilty since it lowers pride ( you will probably have to force rules to get them to do this which i why i dont use it uneless they enough obedience to obey it since force rules lowers mood and sigificantly increases despair when its beiing applied so if shey obeys on her own the negatives dont take effect but if she disobeys they do.)

- despair is bad it lowers nature and she will try to run away.
- use the wiki to help with what raises and lowers what but don't be afraid to do something and see what attributes it changes (you don't always get an attribute change each time you train)
- if it has a negative to temperament and nature you prolly want to avoid it until you know how to manage those two attributes (check wiki it has all you need)
- make sure beauty is high enough to reach the required rank in your slave ( the rank that the guild shows i believe is the max she can obtain, i never use this. your better off looking at her actual beauty stat:
ugly = F
plain =D
Cute is =C
pretty =B
Beautiful =A
exquisite = S
- Things like scars lower her beauty score so you may get something like a slave from the guild that says its C+ and you need her for a C+ order but you pick her up her actually beauty is ugly because she has scars just spend the 25 sparks at the techospheer a have the scars removed she will go back to her max beauty

- you can do this if you give scars during punishments as well although you shouldnt need to punish them that way ever since public use and public toilet get the job done just fine . (if that doesnt work let get raped by a dog as a punishment )
- don't over punish but don't under punish
- Figure out what your slaves likes, the faster you know what activites boost her mood and which rewards boost her mood the most the eaiser it is to get them devoted ( devoted makes training a cake walk)
- promising rewards or treats fulfills the acheivment that she has gained for being good and allows you to then use a cheap 1 point reward the next day. this is super useful for slaves who get a lot of hapiness from getting gifts or if you are dong a lot of phiscal training and need to keep her cals in the positive since you can give her a sweet treat. This also work for weight loss you can get the cals in the - and counter the mood decreases with a rank 1 sweet treat.
- don't spoil your slave if you do use the put in place chat option. over rewarding or underpunishing will spoil your slaves things like fresh food count twords
your reward score.
- one trick is to give a reward when you have a green 5 next to achievements (if they have been good or bad) give a reward when they have one action point left and then do a new skill you haven't used to get move positive achievement and end the day to help keep spoilage down.
- don't use the same reward over and over change it up, when you can do erotic rewards use sensual massage once over few days or you will spoil the slave (you get an extra action point for this one) but petting and the others don't seem to do that. (these lower lust but have a huge impact on devotion and happiness)
- haughty and arrogant slaves spoil faster and are harder to build obedience get a leather collar and train enema in the beginning to help lower pride and build obedience. naked walk and shameful podium lower pride as well when they misbehave.
- when lowering pride make sure you keep an eye on your slaves traits since Pride Temperament and Nature are connected. The more pride they have the less Nature and Temperament they need to stay sane. If they get the Sanity trait then increase temperament and nature. The total they need to equal is 3 if it drops below that they go insane. ( i dont know how much each rank is worth but i assume for nature and tempermant the lowest (red) is worth 0 and goes up by 1 each rank and for pride the lowest (green) is 0 and goes up by 1 for each rank.
- if you hit the lowest rank of nature they go insane doesn't matter if the numbers add up turn her into a farm animal or take her to the butcher. (hot springs, golden cage, petting, vibes seem to raise nature.)
- only reward once a day but punish every time they have 4 to 5 negative and do it at least once a day if they are in the negative.

- you should be explaining their position every day till it tells you they understand their position this helps with obedience
- use encourage to help with mood. it will stop working at somepoint but you shouldn't need to use that much to begin with if you are training your slave properly. You may run accross a difficult slave in the happiness department just remember different rewards work better on different slaves and pride plays a big part here. sometimes its worth over spoiling just enough (where it just barely gives them 1 spoilage) and them putting them back in their place so they stay happy till you can get pride down enough or they get enough devotion to be happy.
- If your still struggling with happiness you use active sex to give the slave multiple orgasms (down side is its plays out like a mini game and they need accept the sex request)
- high lust is good and bad if its high for too long they become unhappy (only possible with deny orgasm or deny masturbation or if they are arroused really easy and you don't do enough sex interactions with them that lower lust). The good part is it makes them happy when they orgasm and it seems to help increases devoition (i havent tested this)
- keep your slaves happy give them a sun dress asap, the first positive 5 achievement promise a gift then second time make gift sun dress this has a huge impact on their mood.(you wait till the seconday time to avoid spoilage but if too many days pass she will not trust you and has negative impact on devtion gains and will make her disobedient.)
- fresh food is similar to a small reward take it away if you cant get spoilage to drop but it greatly helps with mood so use as much as you can.

- some sex skills are linked check wiki to find out which ones
- certain skills raise endurance as well a temperament like dancing, the higher your endurance the more action points. 3 should be enough for a D or C rank slave 4 should suffice for B and anything after that i recommend maxing endurance. Martial arts traning supposedly raises temperament as well i haven't tested it i usually take them to Colosseum after they hit B ranks since it raises both Nature and Temperament for practice fights as well as builds endurance (very useful for when you want to train a gladiatrix).

- always take a new slave to the technospheere and have them checked out (even from the guild) often they are pregnant and that's bad since the slave can be taken away and if pregnant by a fog fiend they will die. Get the stethoscope when you can and get your medical skill up it will tell you when they need to visit here(your assistants level i think can be used for this. Normal pregnancy isn't always given or it takes a few days ot show up.) I recomend just makeing this a habit regardless since if your new to the game you wont have the funds or skills to sue the stethoscope

for making sparks for a new player who doesn't know the game real well yet do D rank guild requests but avoid gladiatrix, pony girl, witch doctor. Concubines take a bit of extra time but are still doable in a reasonable amount if you use the linked sex skills.
an alternative way to get started is to buy a slave for from the auction house one of ones start off at 20 sparks and then train them into whatever to one of the city residents (see the wiki on minor houses) or to a shop once again see the wiki for their requirements. selling to the minor houses raises your brand which is one of the objectives. Once again if your new to the game and are just trying to figure everything out i recommend sticking with guild requests till your ready to increase your brand and start unlocking A and S rank buyers. As your brand increases so does the amount for selling your slave at auction which is a viable way to play as well It really is down to prefrence once you understand how to quickly train a slave to whatever rank you need them at.

- don't be afraid to invest in the barn once you have some sparks saved or if you accidentally broke a slaves mind it will nearly pay your rent if you have a cow chicken and farmhand and are overfeeding them (mature are best for cow and chicken but any slave will work till you have more sparks then you know what to do with.)
- max stamina increases food production

The barn can be source of income and at the very least allow you to cut costs and turn broken slaves into something useful. If i remember correctly you dont need a farmhand for the barn to work but you wont get max gains by overfeeding. Mature is best cow or chicken. Mature gives more mince for pigs but young and virgin or loli will give virgin meat. ( no idea on the price difference i haven't done much with pigs)

There is good guid for combat on the wiki and what each weapon does. The basic concetp is that each block stance with have an attack type that either doubles your damage gives the attack a buff or gives the defender a debuff. T do massive amouts of damage on the harder stuff in the fogs you will want to stack several debuffs of the same color and then use a learned skill of that debuffs color on aturn where the defenders has the same color. so if they are evading (green) and you have two green debuffs (this only happens with correct weapon setup) and you use a skill that is a green attack that also inflicts double damage you end up getitng a x8 multiplier to your damage i think you can get more then that with right set up. I havent done much with combat system yet but even just makeing sure you can give a debuff of each color then cyle buffs on your self or hit for double damage seems to be effective for anything in the Colosseum and most of the easier things in the fogs.

in the Central Forum in White Town there are 4 quests that give very useful items. i recomend checkng these out when you have enough sparks to traina slave that you wont make any profit on but will a uniqie item to make your live easier the wiki has more info on this.

think i covered what you should need to not fail on pretty much any slave (i have trained slaves that most would just mince or not take on). if i did not cover something ask ill add it to here and sorry its not better organized.

EDIT: it should be laid out better now i can still add some tips for the harder slave specilizaions but all that info is on the wiki (which needs to be updated in some areas)
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Dec 6, 2016
i had an earlier post that should give any new player the basic first steps to not fail on any slave since it was a reply about temperament. The wiki has all the info you need as well, it has a guide for playing one of the harder chars which translates over to any other char you may choose to play. but ill put some basic tips here

use 3 rules at all times i recommend cook, maid, deny orgasm, and deny masturbation as your first 3 (can use all 4 if you want).
I'm four more beers in than I was last time so my apologies in advance. The 3 rules thing is entirely valid, on my current playthrough as Johnny (Nerd in this version) I've found great success using "force humility" (builds obedience quicker, the only negative effect is lowering pride, which I'll talk about later on in this post.), "bath slave" (only negative is it decreases her arousal) and finally, "force rules".. Which counts as a rule. Don't question it. Other really good rules are "vaginal vibes" (builds arousal which you can use to reward her sexually, or use the active sex option for.. sex. Also raises empathy.) Behave: Alarm is also decent but not necessary.
make sure beauty is high enough to reach the required rank in your slave
don't over punish but don't under punish
By this he means the number next to the reward or guild thing under the slave portrait. If she has a "2" you want to use the second option. You can hover over the little arrows on the punishment icons to see what number it is, generally, it's in the list order. One exception to this is the "award free time". That list is out of order.
don't spoil your slave if you do use the put in place chat option
Spoilage occurs by not punishing her, by rewarding her too much (more than twice on Classical/Hardcore which is what I play and I don't remember the lower difficulties). Spoilage also occurs if you allow her fresh food before she is devoted if you allow her to sleep in your bed before she is devoted, and a few other things cause spoilage.
use the encourage to help with mood
If you do this too often it'll stop helping. I usually use it every few days, the important thing is to keep track of your slaves' stats. (You can click on the stats in the left-hand menu when you click on the book to train her to see the numbers).
haughty and arrogant slaves spoil faster and are harder to build obedience get a leather collar and train enema, in the beginning, to help lower pride and build obedience.
naked walk and shameful podium lower pride as well when they misbehave.
I'm going to add in a huge caveat here. If you lower pride too quickly, your slave might break. Which means she's useless except for, pretty much, one quest in the game. I recommend you stay away from prideful slaves in the beginning. They take longer to train, they can break if you're not careful, it's just not worth it.
keep your slaves happy give them a sun dress asap, the first positive 5 achievement promise a gift then second time make gift sun dress this has a huge impact on their mood.
My own strategy is to give them the dress once they are obedient and I don't need the anal tail anymore. Also remember that you want to give it to them as a reward since you can also buy it at the boutique.
fresh food is similar to a small reward take it away if you cant get spoilage to drop but it greatly helps with mood so use as much as you can.
I disagree since I find it easier to build obedience and have a slave feel alright than it is getting rid of too much spoilage.
don't be afraid to invest in the barn once you have some sparks saved or if you accidentally broke a slaves mind it will nearly pay your rent if you have a cow chicken and farmhand and are overfeeding them (mature are best for cow and chicken but any slave will work till you have more sparks then you know what to do with.)
Another caveat is that you need (I think) to have a manager of the barn. The manager needs to be devoted enough to be your assistant (which you'll know she is if you get a button with an upwards green arrow and downwards red arrow in the right-hand sidebar).
always take a new slave to the technospheere and have them checked out (even from the guild) often they are pregnant and that's bad since the slave can be taken away and if pregnant by a fog fiend they will die.
If you have enough doctor skills you can buy a stethoscope at the Guild Hall and you'll get a red icon in the bottom left-hand corner of her portrait when your slaver thinks something is amiss.
certain skills raise endurance as well a temperament like dancing, the higher your endurance the more action points. 3 should be enough for a d rank slave 4 should suffice for c and anything after that i recommend maxing endurance.
I usually only go for B if the slave is staying for a while. If I'm only going to make money by selling her to the real estate agency (for which you need B+ Etiquette, B+ Clerical work overall rank D+, which means two more skills need to be B+) I won't bother getting a slave below A+ endurance. With A+ endurance I can easily sell that slave on the maximum difficulty in about 10-19 days. She buys them for 750 and I don't think there's an actual limit to how many she'll accept. So there's a tip from me on how to make quick and easy money early game. Sell them to the real estate agency.
think i covered what you should need to not fail on pretty much any slave (i have trained slaves that most would just mince or not take on). if i did not cover something ask ill add it to here and sorry its not better organized.
Thanks for making this post! As you can see I've added a bit of my own advice and stuff and things to it.

I'd like to add that in the beginning, you might want to just buy slaves that cost 20 sparks. Profit margins and all that. The absolute best money is selling slaves at the guildhall during the auctions. I believe B+ slaves are the best bang for your buck. Speaking in terms of time to train versus return on investment. But in the early game, go to the residences and see what they want (spoiler: most, except for the outcasts, want assistants as D+ slaves). You'll get 500+ with lower profit margins than the real estate agency because you'll need to spend money on getting their style and exoticism up. You do that by getting them piercings, tattoos, clothes.. Stuff like that. The reason you want to sell to the residences is that you get increased reputation with their faction, which, after a single sold slave, allows you to buy a house in their quarter. After enough you've gained enough rep you can then become a patrician of their house. However, choosing a house will exclude the others. Or something. I've only ever become a patrician in White Town (Cuz it's Effing White Town, Ballestreet and all that). Also, everything that's not quoted in this post is my own opinion and disclaimers etc. I think.

I feel like I'm rambling about something and I should probably stop. Also if Grammarly doesn't clean this post up so it's readable, God help you and I'm sorry. Here, have a :coffee:


Jul 14, 2017
ill update the post to be more specific and reflect your comments and thanks for pointing it all out its all good information.i dont know how to break up the quotes so this will have to do.

good advice on encourage
if you need the encourage option to the point it stops working your doing something wrong (think i have had to use 4 times at most before they start being happy and i can keep them there) and if your keep explaining their position you should be getting faster obidence gains with then gets you into the slave being clam or higher and then you dont need to use that option any more its not meant to used so you can abuse the slave into obedience since to get the obidence gains needed and ever get the ranks needed past B you need devotion.

thanks for brining this up i forgot to put this important bit in
pride nature and impermanent are connected so if you lower pride you may need to raise temperment or nature the total number to keep them from breaking is on the wiki (dont lower pride if they have the pink sanity trait in the lower left corner of their page)

yep totally forgot about this but
i have max doctor skills and the stereoscope it doesn't always tell you if they are pregnant(or perhaps im not waiting long enough for it to tell me). it will tell you if they are ill or have been impregnated by a fogfiend. the point is to make it a habit and do it early on.

There are so many ways to make sparks pick one that suits your play style
D rank slaves from the guild hall is easy early money. if your more focused on your brand then your method will better since at sompoint you do want to work on your brand. (i find haveing a set focus or goal givin by the guild on what specilization to make a slave for new players will help them figure out the mechanics and not get distracted by the many shiney squirrels in the game.)
at some point you want to get into the higher rank slaves and haveing more endurace make life way easier(the hot springs are your best friend for nature improvement at a cost of 1 action point) since gettting any skills past B takes time. this is why i suggest droping cooking and housekeeping as rules when have enough obedience. i was turning in B+ guild contracts with an A- for a return of about 3k to 3.5k sparks in 4 to 5 decades (40 to 50 days). end game you will be making S+ slaves that sell for around 10K.

im pretty sure the barn will operate with out a farmhand it just allows you to overfeed the animals thus producing more milk and eggs so definitely get a farmhand in there and devotion is a minor thing to get from a slave since any slave over c rank needs this and should be the goal of every slave you train hats not being trained for a quick turn around.

as a side note i have my standard of living almost maxed and have 3 slaves in cryo wiht a farm hand and jsut a cow and chicken slave (both are mature slaves for max output) i only pay 50 to 60 sparks a decade in rent so if you keep your stuff on impovrished and dont have any in cryo you can actually gain money by just skipping days although i havent tested to confirm this i aslo dont have a pig for making mince which is a good opton for plain or ugly slaves with low int or those that are clsoe to breaking you can just abuse them and break them to make them part of the solution instead of the problem.


May 4, 2019
Some Things i still not understand: some want a Assistant ( Secretary and Escort) D+ or higher.
My Girl is C- , well dressed but they dont want her, i dont understand why not. ( Not Ill, Sanity or so )
Someone have an Idea ?


Jul 14, 2017
Some Things i still not understand: some want a Assistant ( Secretary and Escort) D+ or higher.
My Girl is C- , well dressed but they dont want her, i dont understand why not. ( Not Ill, Sanity or so )
Someone have an Idea ?
you need to have the base skills B+ so Secretary and escort need to be B+ if you want an A+ rank slave they need to A+
(this is all you need for a guild request)
there is a style requirement for minor houses. go to the salon and do a full workup on her for 9 sparks and hve them clean her as well (id save and see if they buy her after this if not load since once they say no once they wont take her ever). If they dont then buy her one of the dresses that increases style the gown is a good option as well as the boots and lace gloves seem to work for what your trying to do.
the wiki mentions a what sounded like mood stat but i cant seem to find it on the wiki now but i though it might be refering to either style or empathy
try to make her stylish.
her etiquette plays a role in her style as well.

EDIT: found the wiki description hope this helps. i think the charm requirement is talking about style not sure.
.[Jack HF]
Each district has a where you can find people buying branded slaves ranging from D+ rank to B+ rank. These buyers have a Specialization requirement and a Charm requirement. Failing a Charm requirement will result in the resident rejecting the slave forever. Sell her to someone else, maybe after training her up some more. Selling to minor residents also grants you reputation in that quarter, which means that once you've sold to a few of them, (as further detailed in the section) you'll get access to the nobles of that quarter.
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May 4, 2019
you need to have the base skills B+ so Secretary and escort need to be B+ if you want an A+ rank slave they need to A+
(this is all you need for a guild request)
there is a style requirement for minor houses. go to the salon and do a full workup on her for 9 sparks and hve them clean her as well (id save and see if they buy her after this if not load since once they say no once they wont take her ever). If they dont then buy her one of the dresses that increases style the gown is a good option as well as the boots and lace gloves seem to work for what your trying to do.
the wiki mentions a what sounded like mood stat but i cant seem to find it on the wiki now but i though it might be refering to either style or empathy
try to make her stylish.
her etiquette plays a role in her style as well.

EDIT: found the wiki description hope this helps. i think the charm requirement is talking about style not sure.
.[Jack HF]
Each district has a where you can find people buying branded slaves ranging from D+ rank to B+ rank. These buyers have a Specialization requirement and a Charm requirement. Failing a Charm requirement will result in the resident rejecting the slave forever. Sell her to someone else, maybe after training her up some more. Selling to minor residents also grants you reputation in that quarter, which means that once you've sold to a few of them, (as further detailed in the section) you'll get access to the nobles of that quarter.
First of all thx for your help.
OMG and i thought to sell a D+ was easy, i dont want to cheat.
And realy... to sell a D+ she needs to be B+ ?????
Sure possible but than i surely run out of money.
Btw, i started with the "Story Mod" and Easy. :)

Deleted member 1710852

Can someone tell me what does Cardinal means with perversions in the audience with the pope quest? I trained an A+ slave for him but he keeps saying he cant take her? I didnt train her fetishism and xenophily skills and trained all the others.


Jul 14, 2017
First of all thx for your help.
OMG and i thought to sell a D+ was easy, i dont want to cheat.
And realy... to sell a D+ she needs to be B+ ?????
Sure possible but than i surely run out of money.
Btw, i started with the "Story Mod" and Easy. :)
just the skills for the specialization need to be at least B+ and they need that until you want to make A rank or S rank so a D+ slave assistant will need B+ etiquette and clerical but her overall rank only needs to be D+ the same goes for C or B rank after that you need to keep the specialization skills at the same rank of the slave but by then you need to have so many S+ skills to get the rank it shouldn't be an issue

if your just starting out you it will be easier to do guild requests.


Jul 14, 2017
Can someone tell me what does Cardinal means with perversions in the audience with the pope quest? I trained an A+ slave for him but he keeps saying he cant take her? I didnt train her fetishism and xenophily skills and trained all the others.
it sounds like you need the fetish sex skills but im not sure if your talking about one of the nobles or your refering to one of the trade square quests.
EDIT: this might be what your talking about and this is what he needs
Cardinal Mujlon Rank A+ Teal
Secretary S+ Green
Intellect A Teal
Oral Pleasure B Blue
Penetration A Teal
Petting B Blue

Deleted member 1710852

2019-10-26 01_51_48-Jack-o-nine-tails v2.0 (Beta version 2) - no loli.png

Yes thats the quest I am talking about. However I still dont know what i did wrong maybe there are some skills he doesnt want? Since he says "no perversions" in the quest dialog.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
seem to me all pics mods gone.This game need cool pics packs
It really doesn't. There has never been more images than in 2.0, even will all previous packs combined (most importantly, they were mostly censored in previous images packs). If you have a trouble with the lack of randomness of pictures showing when selecting a scene, there's a patch for that, posted it a few pages earlier, but if you can't find it just ask me and I'll provide it again.


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
View attachment 440696

Yes thats the quest I am talking about. However I still dont know what i did wrong maybe there are some skills he doesnt want? Since he says "no perversions" in the quest dialog.
I had the same problem back in version 1.7.3! But I think there was a hidden condition that I missed. But I did everything like you did (isn't the girl supposed to be virgin too? and he won't ever take her if you tried to give her to him and he refuses once, I believe)

Deleted member 1710852

I had the same problem back in version 1.7.3! But I think there was a hidden condition that I missed. But I did everything like you did (isn't the girl supposed to be virgin too? and he won't ever take her if you tried to give her to him and he refuses once, I believe)
There are no indications that he wants a virgin, here I am adding the quest information. 2019-10-26 02_11_32-Jack-o-nine-tails v2.0 (Beta version 2) - no loli.png


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
There are no indications that he wants a virgin, here I am adding the quest information. View attachment 440719
Some guys in this thread reach patrician in a matter of days, in 2.0. So it's definitely possible to finish this quest. It's just that both you and I don't know how ^^ Hope someone else will else (actually, I was blocked before that quest, with the guy that asks a loli for his anemas, but whatever)


Jul 14, 2017
it may be referring to arousal rate or possibly the psy stat on that same page. thats the only thing i can see with debug info (if you have the crown you can see this stat). I haven't really messed my own brand much so i havent attempted this yet even though it wouldnt take much for me to get to this point.
here is what is assumed in the wiki

* "Ability to love. Without any perversions". Probably means all sex skills at A except Fetish and Xenophilia

if this is the case then you may be over trained in the sex skills. this doesn't make sense either sine you need one or two maxed sex skills to hit A rank otherwise it would have to be done with notoriety

EDIT: try getting her empathy up to caring or nurturing.
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3.90 star(s) 65 Votes