I just started, i havent done any quests XD and ive checked out this "Aura", dnt really understand it. Tried following instructions given by a user in previous post but my slave ends up being a doll. Which isnt bad if I knew who I could sell my slave to to make a reasonable amount of $$, I understand at the beginning of the game I have to develop my skills so id rather not spend $$ on getting a slave fancy cloths or anything extravagant since il just be selling her quickly.
This Game is relay not so easy to understand at the beginning.
I had a lot of questions as i started and stil find may new things.
Perhaps the best way to try someting out ist to start with a custome game and use the names "Thor" than "Hulk" than "BruceLee"
This gives you 31500 Money. If you want to go the way as in StoryMode change your skills to the same as for example "Jack".
Now you have the same "Story" but much more money.
First thing to do move to another House, you can do this in the "Real Estade Office"
Second, go to the Fog, you will automticly meet a Girl with C+ Skill and take her with you.
She is a great Asistant or you can sell her easy.
I think the easy way to rais your skills is to work for the slavery Guild they give you good Girls that are easy to train and learn how it works.
Importend : If they want ( for exampel ) a Assistat D-
her Assistant - Skills ( Secretay + Escord ) this Skills have to be D+ better C-.
You can find the requiremend always her :
And the WIKI :
You must be registered to see the links
So i hope this will help a little, good luck