Really worried now that this project is seemingly grinding to a halt.
I know some on here have accused Stoper of milking but I for one don't agree with that opinion.
Personally, I think he's just got "Project Fatigue".
This VN started 4 years ago, and what was then an exciting and challenging idea has now become a burden to him. It's grown so much that it is virtually impossible for one man to do everything. In my opinion he's become bogged down with the daily drudgery of having to work at it and this has led to him becoming jaded as his early enthusiasm has faded, as it naturally would.
If this is the case, then I know how he feels. I write erotic stories and have since 2014. Early on I was churning out several a year but now I struggle to produce one. I have around 40 stories at varying degrees of completion but find I now lack the motivation to write. I also get fed up of trying to move along a single story, so working on the principle that a change is as good as a rest, I tend to flit from one to another, trying to get back some spark of enthusiasm to at least finish one of them. Unfortunately Stoper doesn't even have that distraction.
Or maybe he does!
I remember quite a while ago, I believe it was after V0.35, when he announced he was going to take a break and do the illustrations for Paola, a story by Dante (?). The outcry concerning this was long and hard and he quickly changed his mind and said he would continue to work on JOHN.
With the lengthening time between updates, It does make me wonder if he is still doing work for others on the side?
I guess we'll never know.
So I will, like you all, look forward to seeing the latest version drop sometime in the future. And then pray that he will continue on to the end.
(I just hope I live that long to see it!)