
Oct 6, 2019
Me_Lisa Actually the problem is that banning them for something that trivial is disproportional. Your demand is completely off the scale. I thought my first line made clear to what this kind of overreaction alludes...

I don't know if it's possible but temporary restrictions would be reasonable. Like being prevented from posting if you're (percieved as) obnoxiously annoying. That would be more than enough and fittting to boot. Although I still say it's a nonproblem to begin with and you two are overblowing it.
You are definitely misinterpret my words... I said that sometimes, in a moments like this one, I think about it. But that's just me, thinking loud. I'm not demanding or calling to ban everyone for a slightest wrongdoing, that would be just ridiculous. If that was the case then we all should be banned for all this spam. And when I said a line should be drawn I mean that some sort of rules should exist to prevent such behavior, I thought that was obvious.
I'm calling not to approve laziness and disrespect, because such dramas will keep happening, that's my point. I hope we cleared each other's view on this matter.


Oct 6, 2019
Dude was ready to bail on everybody because a single person asked a question. I know peeps here wanted an APKs, but really, have some self respect. Then he ran off with all his APKs. Pretty clear how he feels about even the people here complimenting him 24/7 if he'd fuck you all over a random comment from a single rando at any time.

A better example would be everybody who wanted APKs were on the branch, and Cyber cut it and made you all fall because a couple people weren't white knighting them enough for their ego. Place the blame on the person who dropped you all in a heartbeart over a single comment from a random person. Y'all deserve better. Being respectful/grateful is one thing, needing to suck somebody off 24/7 and/or control everybody and everything around them just to not have them bail on you is another. That shit is a toxic relationship lol.

You're not going to be able to control every single person in the thread to prevent something like that from happening again. The only thing that could improve the situation is if Cyber or whoever gets their shit together and grows a thicker skin. That's just reality, sorry. Some people aren't cut out for dealing with this kind of stuff.

In a perfect world we could prevent all jackasses from posting, but that's not happening. There will always be people who don't use the search function, there will always be people who don't read the OP, there will always be people who post a question that's already been asked 50 times. People who want to post games/translations/whatever need to be able to deal with that.
Whatever man, think what you want. But if you take free goods created by others and think that putting like or a thanks message is sucking off, well, good for you. Then no need to be salty when everything goes down. You reap what you sow, cheers.


Oct 6, 2019
I'm done arguing with you guys, we are definitely having hard time hearing each other here, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Whatever man, think what you want. But if you take free goods created by others and think that putting like or a thanks message is sucking off, well, good for you. Then no need to be salty when everything goes down. You reap what you sow, cheers.
If that's all that happened, I wouldn't be commenting. You're conveniently leaving out all the parts of message that make the dude look bad and are trying to strawman my shit, nice try, lol. If you need to take what I said that far out of context and make shit up about my stance to talk to me about this, maybe your stance isn't so hot, huh? You don't see me saying shit about the other people working on anything here do you?

I'm not hating on anybody for complimenting or thanking somebody for putting out work for others. I have a problem with the way the dude seemed to be trying to bait people into white knighting him, the way he bailed on everybody over a single random comment, and the way some people are blindly defending him instead of admitting: "Hey, maybe that guy wasn't acting great either", just because they so desperately want their APKs, lol.

It's okay to be upset that you might have to wait longer for something or might not get it at all, it's also okay to be upset with all the people who caused that to happen. ALL the people, not just the people that are convenient for YOU to be upset at. I'm just more realistic about the situation and understand that it's not possible to control everybody and everything and that that relationship wasn't going to last unless the dude gets his head on straight. If you need some perfect utopia for things to work out where everybody in the world acts exactly how you want, shit isn't going to last. Reality isn't so convenient is all.

Case in point: See what happened here. All the positive comments, one question they didn't like, they bailed. Positivity alone did shit in the scenario, and would continue doing shit as long as the dude was ready to bail over anything. What's more realistic, preventing any question or message in the thread that might set the guy off, or him growing a thicker skin or just ignoring shit?

Anyways, people can change/improve, it doesn't have to be a huge deal. Unless the person has some ego problem and they refuse to admit they made a mistake or something. Everybody does embarrassing shit sometimes, great learning experience. Sometimes people need support, sometimes they need criticism. The dude was getting dozens of positive comments and he bailed on everybody in a childish way after one message he didn't like. Sounds like he needed criticism to me.
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Jul 17, 2020
If that's all that happened, I wouldn't be commenting. You're conveniently leaving out all the parts of message that make the dude look bad and are trying to strawman my shit, nice try, lol. If you need to take what I said that far out of context and make shit up about my stance to talk to me about this, maybe your stance isn't so hot, huh? You don't see me saying shit about the other people working on anything here do you?

I'm not hating on anybody for complimenting or thanking somebody for putting out work for others. I have a problem with the way the dude seemed to be trying to bait people into white knighting him, the way he bailed on everybody over a single random comment, and the way some people are blindly defending him instead of admitting: "Hey, maybe that guy wasn't acting great either", just because they so desperately want their APKs, lol.

It's okay to be upset that you might have to wait longer for something or might not get it at all, it's also okay to be upset with all the people who caused that to happen. ALL the people, not just the people that are convenient for YOU to be upset at. I'm just more realistic about the situation and understand that it's not possible to control everybody and everything and that that relationship wasn't going to last unless the dude gets his head on straight. If you need some perfect utopia for things to work out where everybody in the world acts exactly how you want, shit isn't going to last. Reality isn't so convenient is all.

Case in point: See what happened here. All the positive comments, one question they didn't like, they bailed. Positivity alone did shit in the scenario, and would continue doing shit as long as the dude was ready to bail over anything. What's more realistic, preventing any question or message in the thread that might set the guy off, or him growing a thicker skin or just ignoring shit?

Anyways, people can change/improve, it doesn't have to be a huge deal. Unless the person has some ego problem and they refuse to admit they made a mistake or something. Everybody does embarrassing shit sometimes, great learning experience. Sometimes people need support, sometimes they need criticism. The dude was getting dozens of positive comments and he bailed on everybody in a childish way after one message he didn't like. Sounds like he needed criticism to me.
I think they care more about negativity than positivity, like youtubers they might get a lot of nice comments but if they see one bad they take it too personal or something, so like you said it's better to ignore and grow a thick skin because haters gonna, troller gonna troll and yes mans gonna yes.


Jul 17, 2020
I think they care more about negativity than positivity, like youtubers they might get a lot of nice comments but if they see one bad they take it too personal or something, so like you said it's better to ignore and grow a thick skin because haters gonna, troller gonna troll and yes mans gonna yes.
So yeah people need to be cool headed and not rage out because someone said something they don't like.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
no one is willing to pick up the torch for 24? and i'm guesisng 25 isn't translated yet.
I am currently working on 25 (Senpai&Kouhai), its taking longer since I have to go through all routes manually, pick all choices and paths from each, then do a thorough search of those lines within this clusterfuck of a MT and fix those.


Its going to take longer, since I've never done unity translation before, grown used to do JSK translation in another format.
Week or something at least with the limited free time I have my hands before I can offer anything besides previews.
I did post the current status of the translation earlier.

Leave it to me.png
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Oct 6, 2019
If that's all that happened, I wouldn't be commenting. You're conveniently leaving out all the parts of message that make the dude look bad and are trying to strawman my shit, nice try, lol. If you need to take what I said that far out of context and make shit up about my stance to talk to me about this, maybe your stance isn't so hot, huh? You don't see me saying shit about the other people working on anything here do you?

I'm not hating on anybody for complimenting or thanking somebody for putting out work for others. I have a problem with the way the dude seemed to be trying to bait people into white knighting him, the way he bailed on everybody over a single random comment, and the way some people are blindly defending him instead of admitting: "Hey, maybe that guy wasn't acting great either", just because they so desperately want their APKs, lol.

It's okay to be upset that you might have to wait longer for something or might not get it at all, it's also okay to be upset with all the people who caused that to happen. ALL the people, not just the people that are convenient for YOU to be upset at. I'm just more realistic about the situation and understand that it's not possible to control everybody and everything and that that relationship wasn't going to last unless the dude gets his head on straight. If you need some perfect utopia for things to work out where everybody in the world acts exactly how you want, shit isn't going to last. Reality isn't so convenient is all.

Case in point: See what happened here. All the positive comments, one question they didn't like, they bailed. Positivity alone did shit in the scenario, and would continue doing shit as long as the dude was ready to bail over anything. What's more realistic, preventing any question or message in the thread that might set the guy off, or him growing a thicker skin or just ignoring shit?

Anyways, people can change/improve, it doesn't have to be a huge deal. Unless the person has some ego problem and they refuse to admit they made a mistake or something. Everybody does embarrassing shit sometimes, great learning experience. Sometimes people need support, sometimes they need criticism. The dude was getting dozens of positive comments and he bailed on everybody in a childish way after one message he didn't like. Sounds like he needed criticism to me.
I answered on your message as I saw fit. But if you crave for my attention that much, I'll make an exception just this ones. You see, I were tired of pointless argues and we clearly have opposite opinions on this matter. And arguing with someone with completely opposite view is pretty pointless and mostly leads to nowhere.

But lets cut to the chase. What you fail to understand is that he is looking bad in your eyes, not in mine. Why?
The reason is simple - you can't blame free content devs for leaving for whatever reason or quitting their work at any point and even for deleting all their stuff, because:

1. They owe you jack shit before they start their work.
2. They work voluntarily, not taking your money. Not owing you anything.
3. They deliver absolutely free content. And yet, they don't owe you a dime.
4. They decide to end their work for whatever reason. And yes, you guessed it... they owe you nothing.

You focus your attention and trying to focus mine on the fact that he's gone for some particular reason and how bad it is. But I'm cool with that. Should anyone else leave or even delete the whole repository, I won't judge them, they are in their own rights. Most people understand this. And most are grateful for their work, even if they're lurking in the shadows.

So instead of concentrating on your assumption that Cyber trying to bait people into white knighting him (for me it's just ridiculous as I don't see this at all in his posts, sorry) rather ask why is he leaving. Maybe we're not seeing the whole picture here and something going on behind the scenes, in pm. Or maybe those few last posts where the last drop of his patience and he exploded. Personally I can understand him in this case. I don't develop anything here and my butt is on fire from those lazy ass comments.

That's all. I have no more time or desire to discuss this issue further.
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New Member
Jul 20, 2021
Hiya peeps! Long time lurker here and I created this account today just to put my two cents in. I want to ignore the argument and wanted to say that I got the majority of JSK APKs on my USB, just waiting to be shared, but I do not know if I can.

I really want to contribute in some way as I do not know how to code/translate. Although this is my time to shine as the resident hoarder, I do not know how to publicly share my stash of APKs and could only send through email.

Thank you for your help,

P.S. I don't want to add fuel to the fire so instead, I am trying to point the conversation towards a more productive path.
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Oct 27, 2019
Help/Walkthrough for new game: Kouhai and Senpai

Having sex with one or both of them(after winning 3 times)->Rape Ending
Force them to have sex with each other only(after winning 3 times)->Voyeur Ending
IN PROGRESS->Love Ending

When one of them has a cock, they will use it on the other if they are in a disabled position. Examples of disabled positions:
->Knocked down+Restrained
->No HP
->During kick Restrained

They sometimes respond to events happening in game. For example, after getting knocked down, the kouhai might note that the senpai keep lusting after the man. These will probably provide a hint to the lovers ending.

Forcing them to have sex with each other counts as a win. If you let them attack you with lust attacks, it does not.
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New Member
Jul 20, 2021
Help/Walkthrough for new game: Kouhai and Senpai

Having sex with one or both of them(after winning 3 times)->Rape Ending
Force them to have sex with each other only(after winning 3 times)->Voyeur Ending
IN PROGRESS->Love Ending

When one of them has a cock, they will use it on the other if they are in a disabled position. Examples of disabled positions:
->Knocked down+Restrained
->No HP
->During kick Restrained

They sometimes respond to events happening in game. For example, after getting knocked down, the kouhai might note that the senpai keep lusting after the man. These will probably provide a hint to the lovers ending.

Forcing them to have sex with each other counts as a win. If you let them attack you with lust attacks, it does not.
I completely forgot I could contribute in this way. Well, I usually don't have time so I guess others could do it this way instead.

Btw, if this is true, then thank you for the guide, InnocentShadow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
Seems like JSK updated the game, it now includes MAC version, needless to say, my translation won't help those whom use that platform to play the game with, as I work on windows platform, so I can't help those with mac at hand.

I will check if my translation has any issues with the updated version of the game or not, if there are no issues, then there won't be delays, if there are, its just a day or two at worst.

And needless to say, the translation will still work with the release version of the game, if you some reason or another won't choose to update the game.


Basically, I have to play through the game, again.
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Oct 18, 2017
Welp I can no longer download the ones from Android anymore, idk if someone can try and resolve that though hopefully i s'pose
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