
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
since the game is now in unity will it be easier to uncensor? using rei patcher also makes it easier to translate into almost any language (machine translation)
No, if anything, it will be more difficult. That said, there ARE tools to do this for Unity, the key is whether they work on this specific game.

Stop pissing people off. Has the previous incident been completely forgotten by everyone here?
By the number of times game 24 on the repository gets asked about as far as translation, yes, they have or they weren't here when someone decided to pull that with Icevail.

Oh alright, my bad.

122 pages? You can read the latest messages & check around if it there is any link before going around requesting for anything.
If you're following JSK for years you'd know when he releases his game & in what format he does so. The game was released yesterday, this thread is an active one & one or two messages shows the condition the game is in.
I don't know about you but I've seen people on the internet that are lazy enough to read any caption or messages if something is posted. Same questions being asked a million times.
Need we be reminded of how many times people have asked about 24 since Icevail made it clear, right in this thread, he would not translate it. That right there is all the proof of people not willing to read they need.

Are there still any chances that no. 18 and no. 24 will be fully translated in english (im checking the repo link regulary)?
or are they considered done projects and the translators moved on to the next new games?

Not demanding for anything, just asking.
A chance, yes, but 24 will not be done by Icevail since people decided poking the bear was a good idea. We are waiting on someone else for that one.

Who cannot wait for uncensoured version?
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How badly ingrained was it? I've seen reports that it is baked into the art itself, which is almost impossible without an artist to redraw the assets.

Translation progress so far.

Main menu - 100% Translated
Options - 100% Translated
Status Window - 100% Translated
Battle UI (Story Mode)- 95% Translated (skill descriptions as MT, once I go through those, its 100%)
Win only Scenario (Story Mode) - 100% Translated
Endings - Start & Ending Dialogue 100% Translated
After Rape Dialogue (Story Mode - Nagisa Only) - 100% Translated
After Rape Dialogue (Story Mode - Alicia Only) - 100% Translated

I might have missed something when hunting for the scenes, will investigate for possible misses.

Note; I am not responsible for in game bugs, nor I know how to fix those.
If texts appears at "wrong places" its not my fault.

For example, completing rape scenario shows at the result screen as if you just did the love scenario.
It should read Rape End, but for some reason Love End shows up there. :ROFLMAO:
I'll let you know if I spot something missed, if you're interested in fixing it. If you want to just leave it as it is, I won't say anything.

Hello, I am new to this forum, I am sorry if my english is not good, I will be brief, I see that there are many games that are not translated yet and I want to cooperate, a couple of hours ago I downloaded the Senami Rio game, and translated a part but I would like those who have a good command of the english language to help me with the texts that are bad, who can help me I leave the game in MF, if you like you can send me an email with the texts that are bad, again I apologize for my poor englishIf you like, you can send me a message with the texts that I should change or if you prefer, you can edit them to your liking, any questions I am at your service.

I'll take a look in a little while. As long as it is some form of English, even broken, I can help. I'm just not confident in my ability to read it in the original Japanese. Spoken, yes, but written I am still learning and not far enough into it yet.

Can't blame you, those lazy selfish asses brought it on themselves. It's a pity that everyone suffer due to the fault of some, but every man has it's limit.

p.s. Guys, this is not the first time this kind of situation is happening. Maybe it's time to understand that the least thing you can do using someone's FREE work is to show some gratitude and don't piss off people with lazy, stupid questions over and over and over again. In most cases you'll find what your looking for quicker by reading few last pages. Just respect everyone's time and efforts.
Yep, and those who dwells in the background silently waiting for it to be released got paid dearly for it, like me.

Guess no more APKs, huh? One can only hope.
Indeed, I'm getting real tired real fast of the lack of gratitude and I'm not even a contributor, though it does still impact me when things like the 24 incident happen. Because of that, we don't get to see Icevail's great translation skills applied to that game. I can't say much about the APK part because I don't play in APK, but this is getting ridiculous and the same applies to both situations, treat these people with the gratitude they deserve for taking time out of their lives entirely by choice to do these things.

View attachment 1306518

Well, now I know why the wind was so foul today.
There is a shitstorm brewing.
I get the feeling APK requests are going to skyrocket. Brace for impact, everyone.

Is it possible to ban those who keep asking for the apk? The apk will be available when someone wants to make it, until then can y'all STFU.
No rules have been broken, so no, we can only hope, futilely, that they will eventually give up on the request and either wait patiently or find something else to do.

I noticed something weird with the newest game. After a while... it just crashes / closes on its own. Anyone else experienced this? I´m pretty sure JSK will release an update for this title, so I´m not gonna lose sleep over this
I expected bugs, this is his first Unity work after all.

Well yes, everyone suffers cause f95 do nothing to prevent such childish behavior. Sometimes I think it's time to ban people for asking links and excessive laziness and rudeness, like on ulmf.
They literally can't, nobody is breaking any rules by behaving the way you are suggesting that this site bans.

Now that's just spiteful. Not making more would've been clear enough methinks.

Ah, yes, very reasonable. What's next? Banning for disagreeing with you? Banning for being negative in any way? Tell me mein Führer!

Sometimes you just ought to ignore people being idiots or impatient. As someone else stated they're not even being assholish or personal. It came of as rude at worst as far as I could see.
No, if Cyber thinks these people are undeserving because of their ungratefulness, it is his call.

As for your other reply in this comment, I agree totally, we should keep it as is and just let the users ignore idiots. There is an ignore function for a reason.

It's not about someone disagreeing with me, I don't give a shoot about that. It's about simple respect to others time and work. If one doesn't understand this basic things then yes, the line should be drawn by upper force (forum rules, moderator).
The thing is guys making stuff are few and consumers are many. It's very frustrates creators seeing people can't do easiest shit. And so instead of creating or living their life (yes, they are living beings too) they feel obligation to answer those repeatable demands and questions again and again and big shock!, frustration accumulates. And when it's over the head we end up in situations like this.
I'm not a supporter of bans either but for some individuals it's the only way to make a point, sadly. It's an easy math, you know, just treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Ah yes, the "just ignore people being idiots" argument. Let's say you and a bunch of people are sitting on a tree branch. And there's this one "idiot" who starts chopping a stick you're all sitting on. Hell, I would at least try to take away his axe. But you, apparently, would say "Eh, just ignore that idiot". Do I need to say what outcome awaits you and others in this case?
You do realize that this will come down on EVERYONE, right? It won't just be this thread and it won't just be unreasonable requests for links, it will be the whole site and ALL requests, including legitimate ones like when a link goes down. This would also cover legitimate questioning of the status of links or other things related to it, so no more asking for new links when old ones die, no more questioning for status updates, that basically takes away 90% of the reason to even have a comment section. I get it, there are idiots out there with entitlement issues, but let's not punish the many for the actions of the few when there are perfectly valid ways to act against the few directly.

Hey there, just reporting a small bug I found only in your uncensored. One of the girls, in one scene, has a slightly darker skin tone under her nose. Looks like she has a 5pm beard LMAO. Screenshoot under spoiler

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Could just be shadowing, I don't see much difference anyway.

My example is not about measuring damage done by "idiots". It's about the fact that "idiots" being ignored in the first place and thus allowed to deal damage, whatever this damage may be.
Everyone is working at their own good will here, you can't just show in and demand stuff. Messages like "apk", "link", "give me something something" or "I want bla bla" sound like asking to you or maybe considered respectful, polite, mature? They sure sound like demand to me. If one's english is that bad that only few demanding words can be squeeze out, then machine translate what you want to ask or better do some thread reading.
The funny thing, content they are looking for in most cases located few posts above theirs or a few pages back, but they never bother to look for it. Even more funnier is that they would waste less of their own time by searching for themselves. And even more, they would find useful info for the future, like some links, who's translating, who's uncensoring, who's making apks, etc.
So, is it really so hard to do some reading? No my friend, this is a pure laziness and disrespect and there is no excuse for it. Why such people expect good treatment and offend when being pointed on their flaws? My guess is either they are complete egoists or not mature enough. So maybe we should at least point that such behavior is inappropriate if they want to get anything at all from those who willing to share, don't you think?
That doesn't mean banning it, banning is going WAY too far in a case like this.

I'm calm like a stone. All this conversation is not to make Cyber back or something... I don't even play jsk games on phone.
It's just that this kind of attitude makes me sad and guys trying to defend such people's behavior amaze me not in a good way, that's it.
We aren't defending it, we are opposing overreaction to it, there's a difference.

Me_Lisa Actually the problem is that banning them for something that trivial is disproportional. Your demand is completely off the scale. I thought my first line made clear to what this kind of overreaction alludes...

I don't know if it's possible but temporary restrictions would be reasonable. Like being prevented from posting if you're (percieved as) obnoxiously annoying. That would be more than enough and fittting to boot. Although I still say it's a nonproblem to begin with and you two are overblowing it.
Or people could just use the ignore function built into the forum already.

Dude was ready to bail on everybody because a single person asked a question. I know peeps here wanted an APKs, but really, have some self respect. Then he ran off with all his APKs. Pretty clear how he feels about even the people here complimenting him 24/7 if he'd fuck you all over a random comment from a single rando at any time.

A better example would be everybody who wanted APKs were on the branch, and Cyber cut it and made you all fall because a couple people weren't white knighting them enough for their ego. Place the blame on the person who dropped you all in a heartbeart over a single comment from a random person. Y'all deserve better. Being respectful/grateful is one thing, needing to suck somebody off 24/7 and/or control everybody and everything around them just to not have them bail on you is another. That shit is a toxic relationship lol.

You're not going to be able to control every single person in the thread to prevent something like that from happening again. The only thing that could improve the situation is if Cyber or whoever gets their shit together and grows a thicker skin. That's just reality, sorry. Some people aren't cut out for dealing with this kind of stuff.

In a perfect world we could prevent all jackasses from posting, but that's not happening. There will always be people who don't use the search function, there will always be people who don't read the OP, there will always be people who post a question that's already been asked 50 times. People who want to post games/translations/whatever need to be able to deal with that.
It was Cyber's repository of Cyber's work converting SWF to APK and Cyber's call to make, it's as simple as that. We supproters of Cyber are sad to see him go and take his repository with him, but if he wants to do that, so be it. This is exactly like the previous Icevail situation, people played with fire in a dry forest we were all in and now we all got burned for it. This was entirely a volunteer effort, if you can't give gratitude where it is due, then you are not deserving of profiting off that effort, through enjoyment, in Cyber's eyes and I totally agree with that. If I must sacrifice a resource he controls, so be it. Cyber is not to blame, the idiot with the match, or should I say the one comment that set him off, is. All it takes is one single spark to light a mighty inferno.

Also, no, in a perfect world, the idiots just wouldn't make comments like that to begin with, what you're thinking of is a dystopian nightmare, which is massively different.

no one is willing to pick up the torch for 24? and i'm guesisng 25 isn't translated yet.
There was somebody that we haven't heard from for a while with 24 and 25 was being done by Icevail.

Each person has their breaking point.
There is only so much one can take before the powder keg explodes.
Doesn't matter how thick skin one has, everyone has their limit.
Exactly, and Cyber reached his, though Cyber's proverbial powder keg being a nuclear bomb was unexpected.

Welp I can no longer download the ones from Android anymore, idk if someone can try and resolve that though hopefully i s'pose
The APK repository is now gone, someone pissed off Cyber Eclipse and the APK repository got nuked by Cyber himself. There will be no more APKs from that source, the only hope is for a random volunteer and hopefully people don't piss off said volunteer like they did Cyber, either. It's getting more than a bit ridiculous at this point.


Aug 10, 2017
Help/Walkthrough for new game: Kouhai and Senpai

Having sex with one or both of them(after winning 3 times)->Rape Ending
Force them to have sex with each other only(after winning 3 times)->Voyeur Ending
IN PROGRESS->Love Ending

When one of them has a cock, they will use it on the other if they are in a disabled position. Examples of disabled positions:
->Knocked down+Restrained
->No HP
->During kick Restrained

They sometimes respond to events happening in game. For example, after getting knocked down, the kouhai might note that the senpai keep lusting after the man. These will probably provide a hint to the lovers ending.

Forcing them to have sex with each other counts as a win. If you let them attack you with lust attacks, it does not.
Rape End: Rape both girls at least once each. Unlocks Extra Mode 1.
Yuri End: Both girls have sex with each other as futas. Do not have sex with them yourself.
Love End: Rape both girls at least once each and make them both cum. Unlocks Extra Mode 2.
Dialogue choices don't matter. You can make the girls cum by going max speed until blushing and finishing on max speed.

Ngl, the threesome format and the addition of futa was a welcome surprise. It's a shame the next game will probably go back to the tried and true formula. I imagine the work involved with animating an extra person probably isn't worth it either.


Jul 21, 2020
Thanks Icevail.
Concerning the game itself, what's your opinion on it? More particulary: the engine change. Anything that made it better or worse?


New Member
Jul 27, 2020
Hey guys, just a fellow fappener passing through. I wanted to mention our fellow foreign cold brothers & sisters still have links to the apks at I believe hentai Chan (it comes up Russian I believe)


Jan 24, 2019
Could just be shadowing, I don't see much difference anyway.
If you want, I can post a screenshot to the demosaic version of the game comparing the two of them. Is extremely subtle, but it's probably something relative to the alpha channel of some assets not being 100% transparent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
It was Cyber's repository of Cyber's work converting SWF to APK and Cyber's call to make, it's as simple as that. We supproters of Cyber are sad to see him go and take his repository with him, but if he wants to do that, so be it. This is exactly like the previous Icevail situation, people played with fire in a dry forest we were all in and now we all got burned for it. This was entirely a volunteer effort, if you can't give gratitude where it is due, then you are not deserving of profiting off that effort, through enjoyment, in Cyber's eyes and I totally agree with that. If I must sacrifice a resource he controls, so be it. Cyber is not to blame, the idiot with the match, or should I say the one comment that set him off, is. All it takes is one single spark to light a mighty inferno.

Also, no, in a perfect world, the idiots just wouldn't make comments like that to begin with, what you're thinking of is a dystopian nightmare, which is massively different.
Yes, people are free to bail whenever they want, and people are also free to call them out on their childish behavior. The "I'll take my ball and go home" shit because one person did I thing I didn't like, lol. If you can read Cyber's messages about "no APK for anybody" or his exit message and not think he was trying to bait a brigade/white knight scenario, I dunno what to say to you (or anybody else thinking that) because that's exactly what we got here isn't it? Weird how it worked out so well for something that wasn't meant to do that. It's almost as if it was planned.

I've already had somebody else try to simplify and take my messages out of context before, read some more posts in the thread before you repeat that strawman shit of: "if you can't give gratitude where it is due, then you are not deserving of profiting off that effort" at me please. I'll just assume you skipped that and aren't intentionally trying to be dishonest. I have no problem with showing gratitude for starters, not going to repeat the rest, it's already posted.

You know what I meant, or if you really wanna be silly with this and pull an "Akshully" on me, I could say controlling people and/or preventing them from making comments to begin with could be much worse. There are people with neurological issues, mental disorders, etc, that might be incapable of the kind of restraint that you think everybody is capable of in this scenario. If you wanna say those people would/should need to be "fixed" or removed or that they shouldn't exist or whatever to have a perfect world...well, then we're potentially getting into some eugenics or similar shit, lol. There's the whole "Who are you to say those people aren't allowed in a perfect world?", etc, etc. Who decides who's perfect enough for perfect land? Who decides what's considered suffering? Potentially also getting into taking away free will to make people behave. That's a whole can of worms.

Feels a wee bit easier/more realistic and much less invasive to teach people to deal with stress than removing all stress to me. Maybe I'm weird.

Deleted member 224902

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
Alright, there has been a disaster since I've left.
Let me point out some things before you misunderstand my intentions for taking my repository down.

The constant APK request did not anger me at all. Sure, that one comment pissed me off. It seemed rude when the guy asked for it. I was pissed off that I wanted to abandon the work but I did say, that I made that comment because I was half-asleep. That abandonment of work was only for 25 which I later decided that I will actually continue.

That single APK request comment was not the reason I took my repository down but the comments after that blamed me for flipping out & compared me with a particular word... That's what made me lose my patience. I will not mention who & which comment. Find it yourself. The one who made that comment still hasn't realised his own fault.

I've seen some comments after my departure that seemed as if they are entitled to my android works. Listen, these are my works & I can do whatever the FUCK I want.

I love JSKs work but always wanted to play it on my phone & looked for android ports in the web. PornoApk were the ones I first stumbled upon but after playing it for some while I realised these APKs are dangerous for your phone & could steal your data. After installing them they would ask for your storage permission & you need to wait 10 seconds before you can play the game. They will also constantly eat away your storage without your knowledge. I had to do something. So I looked for ways to port them to android. After getting an unsigned APK on GitHub & using reference from these android ports, I made my first APK. Since then I created all the others & eventually released them to public after I had a stable condition with the files.

APK creation is NOT easy that you can demand for in just a few hours after its release. Especially Unity when you don't have project files. If you want to port unity games then you either must have the game project files or completely learn unity & use the assets then remake the whole game from scratch. Flash porting was easy as I had a base APK to make new ones.

I was researching ways to port it to android & found some impatient idiots that can't even read about the condition the port is in before going around spam requesting. I was already frustrated not being able to release it this time.

If you think I shouldn't have flipped out over a newbie, then let me tell you I've seen enough lazy people in the internet that uses old account to request for something & when they're rejected, they make a new account and ask for it again & expect newbie polite treatment from people.

Well that settles my points. Now for the conclusion.
Will I forgive & move on?
I guess I can but I need time.
Will I ever forgive & release the link again in the future?
The possibility isn't 0.

For now I'm not bothering with this thread. I might someday comeback. Until then sayonara!


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
If you want, I can post a screenshot to the demosaic version of the game comparing the two of them. Is extremely subtle, but it's probably something relative to the alpha channel of some assets not being 100% transparent.
You said right below the nose, but all I really see is the nose line. I do see where there is some white above the nose, but that is definitely intended.

Yes, people are free to bail whenever they want, and people are also free to call them out on their childish behavior. The "I'll take my ball and go home" shit because one person did I thing I didn't like, lol. If you can read Cyber's messages about "no APK for anybody" or his exit message and not think he was trying to bait a brigade/white knight scenario, I dunno what to say to you (or anybody else thinking that) because that's exactly what we got here isn't it? Weird how it worked out so well for something that wasn't meant to do that. It's almost as if it was planned.

I've already had somebody else try to simplify and take my messages out of context before, read some more posts in the thread before you repeat that strawman shit of: "if you can't give gratitude where it is due, then you are not deserving of profiting off that effort" at me please. I'll just assume you skipped that and aren't intentionally trying to be dishonest. I have no problem with showing gratitude for starters, not going to repeat the rest, it's already posted.

You know what I meant, or if you really wanna be silly with this and pull an "Akshully" on me, I could say controlling people and/or preventing them from making comments to begin with could be much worse. There are people with neurological issues, mental disorders, etc, that might be incapable of the kind of restraint that you think everybody is capable of in this scenario. If you wanna say those people would/should need to be "fixed" or removed or that they shouldn't exist or whatever to have a perfect world...well, then we're potentially getting into some eugenics or similar shit, lol. There's the whole "Who are you to say those people aren't allowed in a perfect world?", etc, etc. Who decides who's perfect enough for perfect land? Who decides what's considered suffering? Potentially also getting into taking away free will to make people behave. That's a whole can of worms.

Feels a wee bit easier/more realistic and much less invasive to teach people to deal with stress than removing all stress to me. Maybe I'm weird.
If people want to poke the bear, they should expect to get hurt by said bear when the poking angers it. In this case, the poking was the comment, the bear was Cyber, and the hurting was nuking the repository. Actions have consequences and that was the consequence of pissing off Cyber. There is no message being taken out of context here, I am simply stating it like it is. It was Cyber's repository and his word is law in regards to it, well, except where actual laws come in, but that's unrelated. There is no childish behavior, people who don't feel grateful for something should not receive the thing they are showing they are ungrateful for. He didn't need to bait a brigade scenario because, guess what, this isn't the first time an ungrateful user has done something like what pissed Cyber off, it happen in regards to Icevail and the translation of game 24 on the main repository as well and we are more than willing to defend them from similar being repeated already, which is exactly what happened. If anybody baited a brigade scenario, it's the ungrateful user who decided to piss off Cyber.

There is no strawman or dishonesty here and I skipped nothing, as you should have been able to tell by the massive wall of replies that is my comment, replies to comments dating all the way back to just before the beginning of the issue. This is just history repeating itself because either the person didn't learn after what happened to Icevail or the person wasn't here when that happened. I never said YOU have a problem showing gratitude, but people who do something to piss of the volunteers in this thread certainly do because showing ungratefulness is how you piss them off in the first place. I'm sure there's more than one way besides being ungrateful, but I would rather not find out what those ways are.

I never said everyone was capable of that kind of restraint, why do you think I repeatedly mentioned the whole ignore function in my exchanges with Me_Lisa and Cross Zero? It's there for a reason. I don't care about having a perfect world, one like that simply can't exist unless there are perfect beings to inhabit it, not the imperfect ones that are humans, and as I said to Me_Lisa, removing imperfect people would be a dystopian nightmare reminiscent of "1984," a notion I despise.

The stress isn't the issue here, it is efforts going underappreciated.

Alright, there has been a disaster since I've left.
Let me point out some things before you misunderstand my intentions for taking my repository down.

The constant APK request did not anger me at all. Sure, that one comment pissed me off. It seemed rude when the guy asked for it. I was pissed off that I wanted to abandon the work but I did say, that I made that comment because I was half-asleep. That abandonment of work was only for 25 which I later decided that I will actually continue.

That single APK request comment was not the reason I took my repository down but the comments after that blamed me for flipping out & compared me with a particular word... That's what made me lose my patience. I will not mention who & which comment. Find it yourself. The one who made that comment still hasn't realised his own fault.

I've seen some comments after my departure that seemed as if they are entitled to my android works. Listen, these are my works & I can do whatever the FUCK I want.

I love JSKs work but always wanted to play it on my phone & looked for android ports in the web. PornoApk were the ones I first stumbled upon but after playing it for some while I realised these APKs are dangerous for your phone & could steal your data. After installing them they would ask for your storage permission & you need to wait 10 seconds before you can play the game. They will also constantly eat away your storage without your knowledge. I had to do something. So I looked for ways to port them to android. After getting an unsigned APK on GitHub & using reference from these android ports, I made my first APK. Since then I created all the others & eventually released them to public after I had a stable condition with the files.

APK creation is NOT easy that you can demand for in just a few hours after its release. Especially Unity when you don't have project files. If you want to port unity games then you either must have the game project files or completely learn unity & use the assets then remake the whole game from scratch. Flash porting was easy as I had a base APK to make new ones.

I was researching ways to port it to android & found some impatient idiots that can't even read about the condition the port is in before going around spam requesting. I was already frustrated not being able to release it this time.

If you think I shouldn't have flipped out over a newbie, then let me tell you I've seen enough lazy people in the internet that uses old account to request for something & when they're rejected, they make a new account and ask for it again & expect newbie polite treatment from people.

Well that settles my points. Now for the conclusion.
Will I forgive & move on?
I guess I can but I need time.
Will I ever forgive & release the link again in the future?
The possibility isn't 0.

For now I'm not bothering with this thread. I might someday comeback. Until then sayonara!
Take all the time you need and, if you ever decide to just not come back, you have my full support. These are your creations and you and you alone have the final say. That said, if you forgive and return, I will always be waiting. I may not have used the APKs because all my devices have tiny screens that just aren't big enough for my liking, plus I'm usually in public when I'm using an Android device since I have my PC at home, but I still appreciate all you did for this thread.


New Member
Jul 20, 2021
A chance, yes, but 24 will not be done by Icevail since people decided poking the bear was a good idea. We are waiting on someone else for that one.
You already gave up on him. Thats sad. I still believe in him. He isn't that weak to be defeated by trolls. There are so many people patiently and graciously waiting for a translation. He won't let them down. He will realize that he is stronger than that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Yeah let's just put some trigger warnings in the OP so we can avoid this happening again. Isn't the OP active in the thread? We can add to it whenever needed. "Don't ask about APKs" or whatever sets people off. Isn't a great idea to assume everybody reads every message in the thread or recent messages, the OP is pretty unforgivable to avoid though.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I've been playing off the uncensored link provided by XinChi and this new game is great. I didn't do any of the ending stuff as I stopped right as I entered a futa segment, the "Rental C" option, but the game has a nice pace to it and isn't too difficult despite now facing two opponents with two different action bars and timings. I first got the overhead view of the blonde getting ready to fuck the other girl with her newly acquired dick. Looked like she was enjoying it, too, but that could have been the hypnosis I pulled just before hitting the "Rental C" option.

You already gave up on him. Thats sad. I still believe in him. He isn't that weak to be defeated by trolls. There are so many people patiently and graciously waiting for a translation. He won't let them down. He will realize that he is stronger than that.
If you mean Icevail not translating 24, I didn't give up. If there was even a remote chance, I would welcome it, but it was Icevail himself who said in no uncertain terms he would not translate 24. This isn't about a lack of faith, when someone outright says they won't, that's all there is to it.

Yeah let's just put some trigger warnings in the OP so we can avoid this happening again. Isn't the OP active in the thread? We can add to it whenever needed. "Don't ask about APKs" or whatever sets people off. Isn't a great idea to assume everybody reads every message in the thread or recent messages, the OP is pretty unforgivable to avoid though.
Not enough people read the OP for that to be effective, that's why people constantly need the OP pointed out to them for links to the main repository. The same can be said about practically every thread, unfortunately. It is common practice to skip all the way to asking for whatever they are looking for.
Last edited:


Jul 17, 2020
Each person has their breaking point.
There is only so much one can take before the powder keg explodes.
Doesn't matter how thick skin one has, everyone has their limit.
Yeah I know that, it's just kinda unfair that I have pay because of others action while I had nothing to do with it. :^(


Jul 17, 2020
No, if anything, it will be more difficult. That said, there ARE tools to do this for Unity, the key is whether they work on this specific game.

By the number of times game 24 on the repository gets asked about as far as translation, yes, they have or they weren't here when someone decided to pull that with Icevail.

Need we be reminded of how many times people have asked about 24 since Icevail made it clear, right in this thread, he would not translate it. That right there is all the proof of people not willing to read they need.

A chance, yes, but 24 will not be done by Icevail since people decided poking the bear was a good idea. We are waiting on someone else for that one.

How badly ingrained was it? I've seen reports that it is baked into the art itself, which is almost impossible without an artist to redraw the assets.

I'll let you know if I spot something missed, if you're interested in fixing it. If you want to just leave it as it is, I won't say anything.

I'll take a look in a little while. As long as it is some form of English, even broken, I can help. I'm just not confident in my ability to read it in the original Japanese. Spoken, yes, but written I am still learning and not far enough into it yet.

Indeed, I'm getting real tired real fast of the lack of gratitude and I'm not even a contributor, though it does still impact me when things like the 24 incident happen. Because of that, we don't get to see Icevail's great translation skills applied to that game. I can't say much about the APK part because I don't play in APK, but this is getting ridiculous and the same applies to both situations, treat these people with the gratitude they deserve for taking time out of their lives entirely by choice to do these things.

I get the feeling APK requests are going to skyrocket. Brace for impact, everyone.

No rules have been broken, so no, we can only hope, futilely, that they will eventually give up on the request and either wait patiently or find something else to do.

I expected bugs, this is his first Unity work after all.

They literally can't, nobody is breaking any rules by behaving the way you are suggesting that this site bans.

No, if Cyber thinks these people are undeserving because of their ungratefulness, it is his call.

As for your other reply in this comment, I agree totally, we should keep it as is and just let the users ignore idiots. There is an ignore function for a reason.

You do realize that this will come down on EVERYONE, right? It won't just be this thread and it won't just be unreasonable requests for links, it will be the whole site and ALL requests, including legitimate ones like when a link goes down. This would also cover legitimate questioning of the status of links or other things related to it, so no more asking for new links when old ones die, no more questioning for status updates, that basically takes away 90% of the reason to even have a comment section. I get it, there are idiots out there with entitlement issues, but let's not punish the many for the actions of the few when there are perfectly valid ways to act against the few directly.

Could just be shadowing, I don't see much difference anyway.

That doesn't mean banning it, banning is going WAY too far in a case like this.

We aren't defending it, we are opposing overreaction to it, there's a difference.

Or people could just use the ignore function built into the forum already.

It was Cyber's repository of Cyber's work converting SWF to APK and Cyber's call to make, it's as simple as that. We supproters of Cyber are sad to see him go and take his repository with him, but if he wants to do that, so be it. This is exactly like the previous Icevail situation, people played with fire in a dry forest we were all in and now we all got burned for it. This was entirely a volunteer effort, if you can't give gratitude where it is due, then you are not deserving of profiting off that effort, through enjoyment, in Cyber's eyes and I totally agree with that. If I must sacrifice a resource he controls, so be it. Cyber is not to blame, the idiot with the match, or should I say the one comment that set him off, is. All it takes is one single spark to light a mighty inferno.

Also, no, in a perfect world, the idiots just wouldn't make comments like that to begin with, what you're thinking of is a dystopian nightmare, which is massively different.

There was somebody that we haven't heard from for a while with 24 and 25 was being done by Icevail.

Exactly, and Cyber reached his, though Cyber's proverbial powder keg being a nuclear bomb was unexpected.

The APK repository is now gone, someone pissed off Cyber Eclipse and the APK repository got nuked by Cyber himself. There will be no more APKs from that source, the only hope is for a random volunteer and hopefully people don't piss off said volunteer like they did Cyber, either. It's getting more than a bit ridiculous at this point.
Could you bring up to speed about the incident, since I'm not constantly on f95 I would like to know the details of what happened exactly up until now, please?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Could you bring up to speed about the incident, since I'm not constantly on f95 I would like to know the details of what happened exactly up until now, please?
Cyber pretty well summed it up above, but basically people were being ungrateful for his efforts, just like what happened with Icevail a while back that caused Icevail to refuse translating 24, though the details are abit different. Cyber took offense and removed access to the APK repository and left the thread for a bit, then he came back with a summary of the events and to explain what may or may not happen now as a result. He is leaving for a while and may or may not come back. He also mentioned noticing several entitled commenters after he announced he was leaving originally, which I am sure is making him lean toward not forgiving people and not resuming whatever he wants to here. The person who set him off still has not made any attempt to fix the issue, not that it can be fixed, that's Cyber's call to make. I'll quote below, might be easier to explain with his words.

Alright, there has been a disaster since I've left.
Let me point out some things before you misunderstand my intentions for taking my repository down.

The constant APK request did not anger me at all. Sure, that one comment pissed me off. It seemed rude when the guy asked for it. I was pissed off that I wanted to abandon the work but I did say, that I made that comment because I was half-asleep. That abandonment of work was only for 25 which I later decided that I will actually continue.

That single APK request comment was not the reason I took my repository down but the comments after that blamed me for flipping out & compared me with a particular word... That's what made me lose my patience. I will not mention who & which comment. Find it yourself. The one who made that comment still hasn't realised his own fault.

I've seen some comments after my departure that seemed as if they are entitled to my android works. Listen, these are my works & I can do whatever the FUCK I want.

I love JSKs work but always wanted to play it on my phone & looked for android ports in the web. PornoApk were the ones I first stumbled upon but after playing it for some while I realised these APKs are dangerous for your phone & could steal your data. After installing them they would ask for your storage permission & you need to wait 10 seconds before you can play the game. They will also constantly eat away your storage without your knowledge. I had to do something. So I looked for ways to port them to android. After getting an unsigned APK on GitHub & using reference from these android ports, I made my first APK. Since then I created all the others & eventually released them to public after I had a stable condition with the files.

APK creation is NOT easy that you can demand for in just a few hours after its release. Especially Unity when you don't have project files. If you want to port unity games then you either must have the game project files or completely learn unity & use the assets then remake the whole game from scratch. Flash porting was easy as I had a base APK to make new ones.

I was researching ways to port it to android & found some impatient idiots that can't even read about the condition the port is in before going around spam requesting. I was already frustrated not being able to release it this time.

If you think I shouldn't have flipped out over a newbie, then let me tell you I've seen enough lazy people in the internet that uses old account to request for something & when they're rejected, they make a new account and ask for it again & expect newbie polite treatment from people.

Well that settles my points. Now for the conclusion.
Will I forgive & move on?
I guess I can but I need time.
Will I ever forgive & release the link again in the future?
The possibility isn't 0.

For now I'm not bothering with this thread. I might someday comeback. Until then sayonara!
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New Member
Oct 6, 2019
Alright, there has been a disaster since I've left.
Let me point out some things before you misunderstand my intentions for taking my repository down.

The constant APK request did not anger me at all. Sure, that one comment pissed me off. It seemed rude when the guy asked for it. I was pissed off that I wanted to abandon the work but I did say, that I made that comment because I was half-asleep. That abandonment of work was only for 25 which I later decided that I will actually continue.

That single APK request comment was not the reason I took my repository down but the comments after that blamed me for flipping out & compared me with a particular word... That's what made me lose my patience. I will not mention who & which comment. Find it yourself. The one who made that comment still hasn't realised his own fault.

I've seen some comments after my departure that seemed as if they are entitled to my android works. Listen, these are my works & I can do whatever the FUCK I want.

I love JSKs work but always wanted to play it on my phone & looked for android ports in the web. PornoApk were the ones I first stumbled upon but after playing it for some while I realised these APKs are dangerous for your phone & could steal your data. After installing them they would ask for your storage permission & you need to wait 10 seconds before you can play the game. They will also constantly eat away your storage without your knowledge. I had to do something. So I looked for ways to port them to android. After getting an unsigned APK on GitHub & using reference from these android ports, I made my first APK. Since then I created all the others & eventually released them to public after I had a stable condition with the files.

APK creation is NOT easy that you can demand for in just a few hours after its release. Especially Unity when you don't have project files. If you want to port unity games then you either must have the game project files or completely learn unity & use the assets then remake the whole game from scratch. Flash porting was easy as I had a base APK to make new ones.

I was researching ways to port it to android & found some impatient idiots that can't even read about the condition the port is in before going around spam requesting. I was already frustrated not being able to release it this time.

If you think I shouldn't have flipped out over a newbie, then let me tell you I've seen enough lazy people in the internet that uses old account to request for something & when they're rejected, they make a new account and ask for it again & expect newbie polite treatment from people.

Well that settles my points. Now for the conclusion.
Will I forgive & move on?
I guess I can but I need time.
Will I ever forgive & release the link again in the future?
The possibility isn't 0.

For now I'm not bothering with this thread. I might someday comeback. Until then sayonara!
Take your time! You have done enough for this community. Hope to see you post the link later this year.


Jul 17, 2020
Cyber pretty well summed it up above, but basically people were being ungrateful for his efforts, just like what happened with Icevail a while back that caused Icevail to refuse translating 24, though the details are abit different. Cyber took offense and removed access to the APK repository and left the thread for a bit, then he came back with a summary of the events and to explain what may or may not happen now as a result. He is leaving for a while and may or may not come back. He also mentioned noticing several entitled commenters after he announced he was leaving originally, which I am sure is making him lean toward not forgiving people and not resuming whatever he wants to here. The person who set him off still has not made any attempt to fix the issue, not that it can be fixed, that's Cyber's call to make. I'll quote below, might be easier to explain with his words.
Thanks for the info, didn't notice Cyber already stated his reason.
So did a similar thing happened with Icevail?

Because all I know is that he won't do the 24th game for some reason.
If it's in this thread, could you point me in the right direction?


Aug 8, 2017
Thanks for the info, didn't notice Cyber already stated his reason.
So did a similar thing happened with Icevail?

Because all I know is that he won't do the 24th game for some reason.
If it's in this thread, could you point me in the right direction?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
Thanks for the info, didn't notice Cyber already stated his reason.
So did a similar thing happened with Icevail?

Because all I know is that he won't do the 24th game for some reason.
If it's in this thread, could you point me in the right direction?
I don't like loli games, yet I was going to make partial for it, excluding the lewd bits.
Someone in their infinite wisdom decided it was good idea to lash out for me not doing the lewd parts for that reason.
1 day before it was supposed to be released.

Since I can't punish just that individual, I am left with no other choice than punish everyone, in order to get my point cross.
Pissing off one of the few translators this community has, comes with its repercussions.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, or in this case, helps you fap.

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