lmao Thanks to
Souleater for the OP. I already have the translated game & shit, but following the translation link on the OP, I found out I've been a member of Fuwanovel since 2013
. Been a while since I took the Eushully games out for a spin (i've got 11 of them). Never got Slave Princess of Darkness to work on my win7 x64 rig though.The Nekohan website going tits up was bad for Eushully fans, but once the admins started messing around with the site layout & shit, it was a question of time.
The AGE issue with the constant warnings is a Eushully anti-piracy thing. Using Applocale can fix it, setting your clock to Japanese time can fix it too I think. Or maybe it's setting your location to japan in regional settings AND the clock thing, I forget. Best way is to find the AGE patch, that way, since you already have the .ISO, years from now, if you choose to replay, you're not tearing your hair out finding a fix.
Happy New Year ppl, I come bearing gifts: how about a 99% save? lets you play new game+ right away I think.
[edit]Thanks to Girlcelly for my original dl
[edit2] VNR, a java based Visual Novel Reader is a good way to bypass AGE crap for untranslated projects as well. I've just found out the old version is tits up since the orig dev let the servers slide. There's a new version with working servers a google away. Reads most visual novels, but you have to experiment, read tutorials & whatnot for games not in the DB.
[edit3] funny as hell how many age messages pop up in this thread when the OP clearly states to use the *INCLUDED* AGE patch. WTF happened? was it smart phones? or was the stupidity & laziness always there? I taught myself all the text hooker shit cuz I wanted to understand what I was playing before the translators even had a stab at it. Granted, there is no better gaming xp than being able to read in your native language within the game itself, but if you're a fan, you'll find a way.