I would ask for some reasonable restraint on commenting on specific other people (versus discussion of their points which is totally ok) and also please try and have respect for people having different fetishes as well. I certainly don't mind criticism of the actual game itself as maybe I can improve in the future and I'm not wired that way as a sensitive person. I take everything into account, and have made some changes based on feedback already. (some examples being I took our flashes from 0.1 that bothered a few people, added a text box version for contrast sensitivity, and changed four scenes from 0.1/0.2 based on trusted feedback, etc.)
I just have a few comments real quick:
1) Regarding the neck break, that's actually a legit critique and I did think about that while writing it and whether I should have made it last longer. But in the end I felt that 99% of the audience would not really care and frankly you take say Star Wars and you hear every explosion, laser, and so forth in the middle of a vacuum in outer space and most people know for a fact that is nonsense but it flows well with the story and makes it more enjoyable so they just suspend their disbelief. I also figure if I killed him by say having Kiyomi step on his neck or suffocate him (the other options I considered) or frankly any method without perfect realism, then I could have had the same problems and/or with any other killing method from anyone with that personal knowledge all the way to say a professional CIA/NSA/NRO "wetworks" operative that could point out all my lack of realism there in precise detail. At some point, I can't worry about every scene that way to that level of realism. Mostly, I was trying to establish her character and Seth's current location/situation (and even her initial reaction to him as they definitely interact again later) as she's more important later in the plot and I really didn't feel extra violence would add to my goal for that scene. (no sexual goal at all with that scene -- at least for me)
2) The boat scene was definitely not intended to be sexual, but rather to establish the callous nature of one of the characters (also to show the nature of absolute power and the value of human life within that context, a lesson all too real in the actual world and our own history over and over) and to foreshadow many other facets of her personality down the road. It is by very strategic design she is actually the way she is on the outside, but I have laced at least 5-6 lines from her already that belie deeper things about her. It's also foolish to take her as she is, and Dominique herself has clearly stated Juliette is not the one she fears the most. I'm much more worried about setting up the narrative threads of the plot right now rather than purely sexual scenes. I am comfortable that down the road when tracks split much more cleanly, I will be able to really narrow focus for different things that way.
3) I'll be pretty up front about this too: there are a few characters that are much more in line with softer femdom for sure that become more apparent if you go that direction, but the world itself is full of potential for great good and evil. That necessitates some level of extreme behavior in both scales so to speak because that conflict in this kind of environment is what interests me and I think a story is better with some element of real danger (yes all three main characters can in fact possibly die in this game later with endings) so yeah, it's not a parade of sexual scenes over and over. I really wanted a story with the potential for incredible courage, bravery, and good from the main character(s)...but also the opposite as well. Luckily, there are plenty of games out there that are sex scenes one after another, and I enjoy a lot of them too!
4) The plot after 0.4 will absolutely split into much more defined tracks which will make updates much bigger but likely a little slower (I am assuming I upgrade my computer at this point, which helps offset my current potato but I don't know yet) but that is all I really want to say on that for now. Some little tiny details from even as far back as 0.1 (in fact, I worry I gave away a massive spoiler with just one render in 0.1 already) actually may make more sense when further revelations are shown later in the story.
Anyway, just take it easy and enjoy what you enjoy! I enjoy writing the current story, so that's what I'm doing. Be loving and accepting of all!