I've also had another crazy (or maybe not so) thought. Following on from the above:
Why would the world's best botanist continue doing something he knew was untennable...
Tess has now set a precedent with the
KiyomiDoor flag being 4 episodes earlier affecting something in 08. So:
Suppose the world can be saved...
ky "Otto. I'm sorry, but I can't just stand by and let this happen. We need to work on a solution that keeps him here."
ky "His work is best done right on this spot...and this is more important than anything else."
scene e8js29 with mediumdissolve
otto "You realize if I don't try to return with Cole...peace might be gone right away as it is..."
ky "Maybe. But a little extra undisturbed work for him...even a single day...a few days...a week...might make all the difference."
ky "Even an extra small window of time here could result in a breakthrough..."
scene e8js30 with mediumdissolve
Suppose that extra week (or longer if ignore my previous comments about Cole probably being rescued a week later anyway)....is actually the key to saving the planet and Veronica has made another (very rare) miscalculation. That scene is flagged with
ColeHome if you have
KiyomiDoor flag set. If in the story...Cole was always going to be rescued imminently...why the need for a flag in that scene specifically? Yes, the flag could relate to something else I guess in Part 2 perhaps...but maybe it might be used much...much later...an end world state where we fix everything for a brighter future?
Remember: Choice at temple with Olivia.
"Self Sacrifice" Flag
=Utu: Šamaš (Sumerian Utu) is the god of the sun. He brings light and warmth to the land...or...
"I can't answer" Flag =
Enki: Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú), crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud), and one of the Anunnaki
No idea myself, when given chance I always do save her....lemme check script.