Good point. I'm on 0.7.FinalB
is that the latest?
I edited my previous. Will repost here:
Also, what's your Alessa Scale at? if <= -3 the scenes should play regardless of your decision.
I think what the problem is (or the actual confusion) is that once you have SubK5, Alessa will never actually take you off that rank (or Tess won' even if you reject her, your rank stays the same...which naturally then affects the Day 6 evaluation in the throne chamber and subsequently the Day 7 scene with Alyssa.
I'm redownloading now from Patreon (yes 7b is last but there may have been a few edits without increasing the suffix)...just in case there have been a couple of little changes since late last year. However, I do actually think what I put above is actually intended...even if it is a little ...'odd'. I might mention to Tess once 0.8.2 Final is out as to whwther or not staying on SubK+ is actually intended...and basically, that's Alessa screwing you over (I imagine this is actually the case).
On line 15869 of Ep6, that's the start of the Day6 evaluation. So basically, as said above, you never revert to stay At SubK5 which affects everything going forward. Would perhaps be 'better' if when rejecting her the rank changes, but can see (froma logical in-game perspective) why it wouldn't. Alessa is a bitch lol.
When rejecting Alessa (with Alyssa), all SubK ranks are set to false and then she 'does' revert you back to K5, regardless of what SubK+ rank you had the day before. So yeah, pretty sure it's all working as intended.