My one cup of coffee at 4am analysis and differences between 0.8TPartI & 0.8.1FinalA:
Typos/grammatical fixes:
I didn't count them, but a lot.
Removed variable (from initialization):
this is a mistake TessSadist, it was removed from initialization but it's still referenced in-game):
(someone needs to alert her on this bug issue imho)
Added variable:
sethrefusejk (this is used and set to True in the bro menu choice during Astrid's "(I'm not sure I want do this...I'll turn Astrid down.)". This currently changes only two dialogue lines total...two.
Minor conditional changes that only alter some dialogue:
Scene added that contains a menu choice with submenu for what was missing after the current menu choice: "(I'll take a risk and tell Erica I'm willing to go see Delilah and Celeste with Zach...maybe I can help either or both of us there.)"
New static images referenced:
New animations referenced (which are coded in the scripts a bit wonky, they should be declared as images in the initialization file to be proper imo) that replace previous static images:
Easter egg scene added (only for Sub paths... no Easter egg for Doms) -
Tess' (now infamous) ending Episode scene added
That's it folks, a complete summary of differences from my hungover, very early-morning analysis. The script itself has already been ported for SanchoMod but I can't test for integrity until the whole enchilada is available (preferably in compressed form). This is me simply reading every single line of code, not from actual "play time".
here's another bug... but it's a no harm no foul issue. See my note in orange below: