For those who are curious here is a diff file for the differences between the script files from 0.5General and 0.5GeneralB:
diff script.rpy script_B.rpy
< ec "The company told her nothing. But, if she's seen a picture of Klara Karlsson, she wouldn't need much intellecual acumen to deduce your true origin."
> ec "The company told her nothing. But, if she's seen a picture of Klara Karlsson, she wouldn't need much intellectual acumen to deduce your true origin."
< p "I think your favorite puinishment is the lounge chair and sitting on one prisoner, while watching a second one tormented in the gibbet cage."
> p "I think your favorite punishment is the lounge chair and sitting on one prisoner, while watching a second one tormented in the gibbet cage."
< a "Ok Celeste, I think I'm going to play with his ass a little, some basic spanking. I'll need a little friend to help me out. I have a lot of things saved up for special occassions."
> a "Ok Celeste, I think I'm going to play with his ass a little, some basic spanking. I'll need a little friend to help me out. I have a lot of things saved up for special occasions."
> if sisevil >= 4:
> $ sis_team += 1
> if sisgood >= 4:
> $ sis_team += 1
< jump jdyacht
> if clfuck:
> jump jdyacht
> else:
> jump fashionrest
< clau "Hope you can handle my body [pname]! I'm super skinnny so I think you'll be ok!"
> clau "Hope you can handle my body [pname]! I'm super skinny so I think you'll be ok!"
< chan "I wanted to be absolutely sure that I could justify my recommedation to your scrutiny if necessary."
> chan "I wanted to be absolutely sure that I could justify my recommendation to your scrutiny if necessary."
< if sisgood >= 4:
> if helpseth:
< if sisevil >= 4:
< $ sis_team -= 1
< if sisevil >= 4:
> if fuckseth:
< if sisgood >= 4:
< $ sis_team -= 1
< stop seven fadeout 3
> stop seven fadeout 3
< play eight "music/evilend3.mp3" fadein 3
> play eight "<from 10 to 35>music/evilend3.mp3" fadein 2
< stop eight fadeout 3
> stop eight fadeout 2