
Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
Don't share this kink at all, but it seems slave dom (even pretty harsh stuff) itself for some people is a kink. So I would speculate that it's your personal distaste for it causing you to mentally conclude it's "nothing to do with actual kinks" versus what it might objectively mean for other people. I've learned that some people just like what they like.
It's interesting to speculate or try to understand why this is the case (personally, I think it has something to do with a desire for 'purity' in one's kinks), but it is also the conclusion I've reached. People have their tastes, they like what they like, and that's pretty much it.

Just like for me, I can't easily consider lolidom a kink because of my visceral reaction, but I intellectually accept that for others, it's a kink that some enjoy.
That's an interesting comment. I like shota content because I'm turned on by the idea of adult females taking advantage of young boys, but if I think about it in a more dispassionate light, then it also revolts me deeply. I've wondered if that is the case also with those who like lolidom or similar loli content -- do you see a difference between your 'pervy' self and your ethical self at play, or can you integrate both? I'd be curious to know what people who are into these kinks think of that.

I would say about 50% of my kink scenes are things I don't like personally, but I do them given the flow of the narrative/story/characters. I know most devs tend to write their own personal kinks quite a bit, but I kind of don't actually...biggest examples at least in traditional femdom are pegging and watersports. I have no personal interest in either, but a lot of people enjoy them.
Out of curiosity, does it displease you that so many of the kinks in the story aren't your kinks? (It would be possible to say that exploring a character's kinks is interesting even if they aren't ours; it's like an author exploring the mind of a character who is a psychopath or a serial killer even if the author isn't either and is revolted by both.)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
It's interesting to speculate or try to understand why this is the case (personally, I think it has something to do with a desire for 'purity' in one's kinks), but it is also the conclusion I've reached. People have their tastes, they like what they like, and that's pretty much it.

That's an interesting comment. I like shota content because I'm turned on by the idea of adult females taking advantage of young boys, but if I think about it in a more dispassionate light, then it also revolts me deeply. I've wondered if that is the case also with those who like lolidom or similar loli content -- do you see a difference between your 'pervy' self and your ethical self at play, or can you integrate both? I'd be curious to know what people who are into these kinks think of that.

Out of curiosity, does it displease you that so many of the kinks in the story aren't your kinks? (It would be possible to say that exploring a character's kinks is interesting even if they aren't ours; it's like an author exploring the mind of a character who is a psychopath or a serial killer even if the author isn't either and is revolted by both.)
I'm not too concerned which kinks are in/out of the story in terms of my own personal desires. I know some devs have their desired kinks and write a story around them, while I'd say I am more story focused, and the kinks are wrapping around it instead. This is why I'm not so flexible on my plot outline, but much more flexible on specific kinks in scenes (if it matches the vibe/sensibilities of certain characters/story beats). I'm almost always open to kink suggestions and will consider anything if it seems to match the narrative, but on the other hand, I'd never listen to suggestions for character motivations, desires, and story elements. I feel like some players are getting true enjoyment from some theory crafting too, and being able to throw in subtle hints here and there I think make it more fun for a certain subset of players.

I'm actually curious if devs ever get off on their own work, because generally for me, I don't much at all. I'm too into the workflow to get the same experience players do. Recently, I have only literally...err...enjoyed a specific monthly Patron set and I personally didn't render it, my assistant Anais did so I think that mattered as I wasn't working on it all the time, etc.

To give a few examples, I have a personal kink (maybe kind of unique) of having numerous subs immobilized in various ways serving as living furniture/dolls and such. Random examples are: statutes, "living art" displayed on the walls, a hanging chandelier with 5-6 men hanging upside down, a bathroom "mat" when I get out of the shower and they have to just have their face sticking out of the floor (just their face as their body is under the floor) as I stand there on them drying off, a table, lamp, a makeshift "shower decoration" where I pull down on an attached lever near/on his body and the water comes and I just shower in front of his still body, attached literally to an exercise machine and I can get in shape while they are just inches away but unable to move, and so on. And I have done a little of that in game, but I don't sense it's quite right to focus on it for the story at all too much. Since they can't really move much, is it really that interesting beyond just casual shots of it with random people sometimes? (I really don't know) My favorite scene in 0.5 in some ways was just the fireplace scene with the two guys stacked as "tables." For me, I kind of like that and feel I'm more into casual ignoring being more sadistic than active say whipping, paddling, etc.

I actually wanted to have the Board room meeting in 0.3 with all the women sitting on living chairs, but that would have meant like 14-15 characters in the scene, and my computer at the time could never pull it off.

Another example is very loving femdom, which is actually more alike my own personality for a boyfriend, true lover in real life. (And I admit I almost have in my head two tiers of men -- the one (or maybe another one or two) I like, and everyone else) I also think it magnifies the value of that one sub even more if I have others that I casually ignore. But on some level, I imagine it to be kind of boring for a lot of players in this type of story? I am not sure I can write it in an exciting way because it would be really soft/fluffy/romantic which I would like, but not sure most would. But I am experimenting with it a little in 0.6 with one character and we'll see how it plays I guess.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
I'm not too concerned which kinks are in/out of the story in terms of my own personal desires. I know some devs have their desired kinks and write a story around them, while I'd say I am more story focused, and the kinks are wrapping around it instead. This is why I'm not so flexible on my plot outline, but much more flexible on specific kinks in scenes (if it matches the vibe/sensibilities of certain characters/story beats).
So what is to you the point of having kinks in the story at all? Do they embellish the story, or show us aspects of the characters that you find interesting and want to focus on or draw attention to? Or are they, as it were, just part of the atmosphere?

(I am actually quite interested in the narrative potential of sex in general, including kinks. There are literary genres based on certain aspects of life -- the 'war story' jumps to mind -- in which this aspect plays a major role by itself, comparable to story/plot and characterization. I've always wondered if sex could be like that, rather than simply a pleasant thing, like a butterfly or a sunset, to look at and describe in fiction.)
I'm almost always open to kink suggestions and will consider anything if it seems to match the narrative, but on the other hand, I'd never listen to suggestions for character motivations, desires, and story elements. I feel like some players are getting true enjoyment from some theory crafting too, and being able to throw in subtle hints here and there I think make it more fun for a certain subset of players.
Skimming through the thread, I think you're right, and it is quite heartwarming to see people in what is often described as a 'fap forum' actually finding real enjoyment and interest in other aspects of a certain work. (Which is not to say that I dislike the 'fap aspects' at all -- quite the opposite; it's just that they are not everything.) Creating a good narrative demands skill, and it is always good to see this skill being appreciated.
I'm actually curious if devs ever get off on their own work, because generally for me, I don't much at all. I'm too into the workflow to get the same experience players do. Recently, I have only literally...err...enjoyed a specific monthly Patron set and I personally didn't render it, my assistant Anais did so I think that mattered as I wasn't working on it all the time, etc.
Since, alas, my plans to become a dev have gone awry, I cannot talk from personal experience there. Having written a couple of tales, and having had a couple of ideas that I liked, I can say it is perfectly possible to become quite aroused while developing them -- so even a session you start as work may end up becoming, err, enjoyable. But I'd be curious about other real devs think. (I get the impression that the devs who worked on projects like Femdom Hotel, Peniban Quest, Estate: Dominate, Dominant Witches (to a lesser extent), Femdom City: Mantis, etc., must have, ahn, enjoyed them as well; they put so much effort into making them so adoringly enjoyable!... But I don't know that for a fact.)
To give a few examples, I have a personal kink (maybe kind of unique) of having numerous subs immobilized in various ways serving as living furniture/dolls and such. Random examples are: statutes, "living art" displayed on the walls, a hanging chandelier with 5-6 men hanging upside down, a bathroom "mat" when I get out of the shower and they have to just have their face sticking out of the floor (just their face as their body is under the floor) as I stand there on them drying off, a table, lamp, a makeshift "shower decoration" where I pull down on an attached lever near/on his body and the water comes and I just shower in front of his still body, attached literally to an exercise machine and I can get in shape while they are just inches away but unable to move, and so on. And I have done a little of that in game, but I don't sense it's quite right to focus on it for the story at all too much. Since they can't really move much, is it really that interesting beyond just casual shots of it with random people sometimes? (I really don't know) My favorite scene in 0.5 in some ways was just the fireplace scene with the two guys stacked as "tables." For me, I kind of like that and feel I'm more into casual ignoring being more sadistic than active say whipping, paddling, etc.
Interesting. The aspect of reducing men to objects (objectification in its truest sense) is certainly quite appealing; but it seems you like the ignoring aspect more than the utilitarian one. (Would you enjoy the feeling of the men's faces in your bathroom "mat" more than the unfairness of not paying any attention to them, for instance? Would the enjoyment come from a feeling of "power" -- I don't have to attend to these objects! -- or from a "sensuality" -- I use them to feel better? I'm honestly just curious.)

I remember a hentai (?) I read once in Italian ages ago, about an island of dominant females (the island itself was shaped like a stiletto-heeled boot), with lots of scenes of men in this kind of situation: faces on the floor with women walking all over them, men used as decorative elements in big ballrooms, or immobilized upside down with their penises dangling out to be used as coat hangers... it was fascinating. A pity I don't have it anymore.
I actually wanted to have the Board room meeting in 0.3 with all the women sitting on living chairs, but that would have meant like 14-15 characters in the scene, and my computer at the time could never pull it off.
One can dream, though! :)

Another example is very loving femdom, which is actually more alike my own personality for a boyfriend, true lover in real life. (And I admit I almost have in my head two tiers of men -- the one (or maybe another one or two) I like, and everyone else) I also think it magnifies the value of that one sub even more if I have others that I casually ignore. But on some level, I imagine it to be kind of boring for a lot of players in this type of story? I am not sure I can write it in an exciting way because it would be really soft/fluffy/romantic which I would like, but not sure most would. But I am experimenting with it a little in 0.6 with one character and we'll see how it plays I guess.
I've never met a sadistic woman IRL (ah life!), but I have met a sadistic man (who was so mild-mannered -- he's a pediatrician and quite good with children -- I'd never imagined what kind of preferences he had), and he said something similar. It seems that the view of 'love' (or 'bond' or 'knot' or however you see the connection you have to the people in your life) as something ... specific, not very flexible, is not true. In fact, if we can have different kinds of interests in other people -- we like/love some as romantic partners, others as friends, others as relatives, others as colleagues and/or subordinates -- then why not have two tiers for men in one's mind?)

Frankly, I don't think soft/fluffy/romantic is something most people would dislike; it's a genre, let's say the "romcom of femdom," which can be done quite well by itself. Personally, I have very extreme tastes; and yet one of the stories I enjoyed the most from F95 was Thinking of You, which is quite soft. And I remember the dev of Femdom Wives saying that he wanted to capture 'the magic of those softcore femdom stories' which he remembered having red in the old days of Usenet, and which sparked such wild thoughts in his imagination... I remember feeling like that about similar stories, too, and I think there are many others around here who likewise enjoy such stories.

What I think often happens is that people who are into more extreme things are also more verbal about them around here (and I suspect on Patreon), because they don't have many other places (especially not IRL) where they can express this interest without creeping other people out.
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Aug 28, 2020
Trust Tess to come up with some wickedly delicious ideas about forniphilia, among other things. I also remember you talking about a golf course with human tees in Discord- really creative. While I have never heard of human chandeliers before, a quick search showed something like this
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I am a big fan of the softdom genre, more than other extreme tastes. However, I do agree with asehpe that enjoyers of extreme femdom are more vocal in forums. It is much easier to talk about gentledom with IRL partners than extreme things.
I don't think anybody will grossly disagree with one or two of the characters showing interest in gentledom ( Junko and maybe somebody else?), but you are much more versed with the likes and dislikes of your Patrons to make a knowledgeable decision.
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Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
This is one of the threads I low-key dread visiting, its always either about something sensitive which is 50/50 to match my liking [its rewarding when it does, but painful when its not] or it may be something about the game which is better left unsaid, and in the worst case it may be someone complaining about a feature I like [especially the slightly extreme femdom parts], and a series of debates about those features. Sigh... And then there is the occasional naysayer who just insults the dev, those are the worst! Oh and the worstest of all is when from time to time Tess herself loses mood or drive to continue the game....I must admit its almost always something suspenseful... lol.

The long-ass comments are also quite scary: "what kind of bear-poking will this one be" - I wonder. But usually everything turns out fine.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
I'm not too concerned which kinks are in/out of the story in terms of my own personal desires. I know some devs have their desired kinks and write a story around them, while I'd say I am more story focused, and the kinks are wrapping around it instead. This is why I'm not so flexible on my plot outline, but much more flexible on specific kinks in scenes (if it matches the vibe/sensibilities of certain characters/story beats). I'm almost always open to kink suggestions and will consider anything if it seems to match the narrative, but on the other hand, I'd never listen to suggestions for character motivations, desires, and story elements. I feel like some players are getting true enjoyment from some theory crafting too, and being able to throw in subtle hints here and there I think make it more fun for a certain subset of players.

I'm actually curious if devs ever get off on their own work, because generally for me, I don't much at all. I'm too into the workflow to get the same experience players do. Recently, I have only literally...err...enjoyed a specific monthly Patron set and I personally didn't render it, my assistant Anais did so I think that mattered as I wasn't working on it all the time, etc.

To give a few examples, I have a personal kink (maybe kind of unique) of having numerous subs immobilized in various ways serving as living furniture/dolls and such. Random examples are: statutes, "living art" displayed on the walls, a hanging chandelier with 5-6 men hanging upside down, a bathroom "mat" when I get out of the shower and they have to just have their face sticking out of the floor (just their face as their body is under the floor) as I stand there on them drying off, a table, lamp, a makeshift "shower decoration" where I pull down on an attached lever near/on his body and the water comes and I just shower in front of his still body, attached literally to an exercise machine and I can get in shape while they are just inches away but unable to move, and so on. And I have done a little of that in game, but I don't sense it's quite right to focus on it for the story at all too much. Since they can't really move much, is it really that interesting beyond just casual shots of it with random people sometimes? (I really don't know) My favorite scene in 0.5 in some ways was just the fireplace scene with the two guys stacked as "tables." For me, I kind of like that and feel I'm more into casual ignoring being more sadistic than active say whipping, paddling, etc.

I actually wanted to have the Board room meeting in 0.3 with all the women sitting on living chairs, but that would have meant like 14-15 characters in the scene, and my computer at the time could never pull it off.

Another example is very loving femdom, which is actually more alike my own personality for a boyfriend, true lover in real life. (And I admit I almost have in my head two tiers of men -- the one (or maybe another one or two) I like, and everyone else) I also think it magnifies the value of that one sub even more if I have others that I casually ignore. But on some level, I imagine it to be kind of boring for a lot of players in this type of story? I am not sure I can write it in an exciting way because it would be really soft/fluffy/romantic which I would like, but not sure most would. But I am experimenting with it a little in 0.6 with one character and we'll see how it plays I guess.
After female toilets, I must admit I love female furniture. So many amazing creations out there.

Even though I'm here mainly for maledom evil you have totally made me enjoy his evil sister dominating both sexes and greatly appreciate that option.

One question about that, is there any women that fell to rock bottom? As I'm curious what the hell they must have done when this world is more in their favor than males.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
One question about that, is there any women that fell to rock bottom? As I'm curious what the hell they must have done when this world is more in their favor than males.
Interesting question. I'm not at all into maledom, but I'd be curious to know the answer. (I imagine that, since in the old, more patriarchal days, it was also perfectly possible and not uncommon for men to fall really, really way down the social scale -- becoming destitute, or even being enslaved --, the same should be possible in the KG world.)


Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
I am really sorry if my post offended you in any way. I am in no way or form kink-shaming anyone about their particular tastes. I know people have their likes and dislikes and I am all for it. I just wanted to tell that I personally love softdom but that being or not being in Karlssons Gambit doesn't undermine that this game is already brilliant. So again I apologize if you were hurt by my post.
Wha? What post?

Ps: I swear I didn't even saw your post when I wrote what I wrote above, haha...omg, this is like the twillight zone lol. Btw your comment now that I read it didn't offend me at all, why would it? Was it targeted at me???
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Aug 28, 2020
Wha? What post?

Ps: I swear I didn't even saw your post when I wrote what I wrote above, haha...omg, this is like the twillight zone lol. Btw your comment now that I read it didn't offend me at all, why would it? Was it targeted at me???
No, it wasn't targeted at you at all. I just assumed since your post came right after I had mentioned me being a fan of softdom over extreme stuff. Misunderstanding on my part.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
After female toilets, I must admit I love female furniture. So many amazing creations out there.

Even though I'm here mainly for maledom evil you have totally made me enjoy his evil sister dominating both sexes and greatly appreciate that option.

One question about that, is there any women that fell to rock bottom? As I'm curious what the hell they must have done when this world is more in their favor than males.
You are seeing the world so far from the perspective of Kane (who would not see much yet) and Olivia (who is not in charge of female prisoners in their own program...perhaps yet) but there are K1 to K10 women as well. With that in mind, if one really thinks deep and logically, perhaps there is a future job for Kane that might make sense deeper in the story. Especially in a bigger picture with working with someone else. Not hinting beyond that :)

Some of the other characters already encountered were priors in a way (Katsumi as a K4, and Kiyomi, Sonya, Patricia, Nurse Reyes in the training scene in 0.3 where Kane can get branded if you pay close attention to their dialogue about their own past and compare their own poor backgrounds compared to the "spoiled/silver spoon" girls Chanel and Delilah). But perhaps one difference is how many more females can "make it" and why that is so...perhaps there is some tinge of female favoritism given the current people in power at the company, etc.

Minor spoiler in 0.6 about Kane meeting a woman that comes with Olivia...

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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
Trust Tess to come up with some wickedly delicious ideas about forniphilia, among other things. I also remember you talking about a golf course with human tees in Discord- really creative. While I have never heard of human chandeliers before, a quick search showed something like this
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I am a big fan of the softdom genre, more than other extreme tastes. However, I do agree with asehpe that enjoyers of extreme femdom are more vocal in forums. It is much easier to talk about gentledom with IRL partners than extreme things.
I don't think anybody will grossly disagree with one or two of the characters showing interest in gentledom ( Junko and maybe somebody else?), but you are much more versed with the likes and dislikes of your Patrons to make a knowledgeable decision.
Yes, I am actually almost a scratch golfer and play a few times a month, and played volleyball, golf, and tennis pretty well in school, so I enjoy some fantasies in my mind with subs in those three sports sometimes, haha! Golf of course is easy to imagine with tees, sand traps, being a caddy, golf cart related stuff.

I actually imagined a scene with golf where Dominique and Alessandra would take Olivia golfing and they wipe their cleats/shoes etc and also use "tees" and other demeaning things very casually, but I can't seem to find good enough assets to pull it off.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
You are seeing the world so far from the perspective of Kane (who would not see much yet) and Olivia (who is not in charge of female prisoners in their own program...perhaps yet) but there are K1 to K10 women as well. With that in mind, if one really thinks deep and logically, perhaps there is a future job for Kane that might make sense deeper in the story. Especially in a bigger picture with working with someone else. Not hinting beyond that :)

Some of the other characters already encountered were priors in a way (Katsumi as a K4, and Kiyomi, Sonya, Patricia, Nurse Reyes in the training scene in 0.3 where Kane can get branded if you pay close attention to their dialogue about their own past and compare their own poor backgrounds compared to the "spoiled/silver spoon" girls Chanel and Delilah). But perhaps one difference is how many more females can "make it" and why that is so...perhaps there is some tinge of female favoritism given the current people in power at the company, etc.

Minor spoiler in 0.6 about Kane meeting a woman that comes with Olivia...

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...And just like that I'm even more excited
Thank you for your time and intriguing response. :)
it Looks like I'm due for a replay.


Nov 22, 2021
Hello Mistress Tess, do you have any ETA for the new update ? Might be a little early still, I'm not sure how close to completion you are. Thx :)


May 12, 2017
This is a fantastic game for many reasons and deserves all of the praise I've read in this thread and the reviews. But one aspect that doesn't get enough attention is the outfits. In a lot of VNs, the characters wear the same damn thing every day. If we're lucky, they'll also have one bikini and one nice dress for the obligatory fancy restaurant scene. It's really impressive how the women in this game wear one hot outfit after another.

Also, the varied backgrounds add a lot to the world-building and immersion. That underwater base!


New Member
Apr 10, 2018
I remember a hentai (?) I read once in Italian ages ago, about an island of dominant females (the island itself was shaped like a stiletto-heeled boot), with lots of scenes of men in this kind of situation: faces on the floor with women walking all over them, men used as decorative elements in big ballrooms, or immobilized upside down with their penises dangling out to be used as coat hangers... it was fascinating. A pity I don't have it anymore.
It is Il Luna Park by Anmo Night (Italian rewrited, Frogger) , [ ] , Original topic Comic for Masochist Only 3 (Japanese), I have waited for months English Translete to better understanding the story but it hasn't published. Actually story fiction has Similar Sides with Karlsson's Gambit, The Awasome Game:)) According to me ıt is in the top 3 femdom comics others are Blake-Stronge - Roy's Femdom peril, SleepyGimp - Family Values :)
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Sep 2, 2019
Hey Tess, nothing super important to say here. Just wanted to say that your dedication to the game is incredible. So many femdom games have developers that give up halfway through with a half baked idea or one that was genuinely good, but just given up on. Your responses that are not only informative, but also just interesting on your sexual and general philosophy was also pretty interesting to read about. As a sub whos into the pretty hardcore stuff, but also like real connection that still relates to femdom but is a more real thing, the content has been great. Lots to explore, and clear time and dedication were put in. Even though I have experimented and dabbled with it with partners, and can get into it if I really try, domming isnt really my thing, so I haven't 100% explored those paths, but I do think its really cool of you to incorporate both pathways, making it feel like a real game instead of just a porn game. Best of both worlds and all that. Especially with stuff like watersports that you don't have a great interest in, but put in the effort to incorporate it anyways. Finally, I was reading about your interest in more "soft" things, particularly with Alessandra, and your interest in adding it into the game. I can't speak for every player or sub player following the game, but I personally would be interested in it, if that helps make the decision on how much time and effort you want to dedicate to that pathway. I also think that despite how important and great it is that you listen to the fanbase, and make a game that people are happy with, as well as yourself, it is your game, and if you were interested in making that pathway, even if its not the most popular one, I'd say do what makes you passionate about the game. From another developer, id probably just want something I'm super into, put honestly with the dedication you have to not only the game but the communication with the playerbase, I personally (and im sure at least some others) would want you to make the game you are happiest with, even if its not the hottest or most popular kink or romance being shown. Hope it wasnt too rambly, just wanted to show some vocal support, as I feel like with the free content im getting, you were owed that much. Even as a sub I never pay for any type of patreon stuff, even outside of porn, but I think I may soon show my support on your patreon just from the sheer amount of dedication and effort you put into the game, as well as your team, I don't wanna give 0 credit to the people you are working with for this great game, sounds like they are really putting in some effort alongside you! Thanks for the fantastic game, again hope this wasn't too much of a long ramble.

P.S. (Edit)I touched on it briefly, but just once again have to thank you for not being the 100th femdom developer to be deceitful, greedy, and lazy when it comes to their game. At this point, even if you took a 6 month hiatus until the next update, id appreciate that more just because I know that I can trust you aren't just feeding everyone another set of lies to keep the money coming in without doing any actual work.
4.50 star(s) 164 Votes