
Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
Well, I've finished a few playthroughs, and looked at the walkthrough once. First obvious comment: Chap. 2 is even better than Chap. 1, in all kinds of senses: suspense is kept high, the stakes are raised, and more is revealed about every character, suggesting something more akin to a psychological study of people under the prism of power than to the post-apocalyptic power struggle story that I had first thought might emerge from it. I had feared that the final message would be simply, to quote a writer I like, "bare your teeth, and bite, if you have to, or else you may lose your whole mouth." There is a lot of that in the game; but it may be that we will be offered an insight into the doubts, motivations, and inner struggles of every character, from a non-naive perspective. Very well done, Tess. You have dug some quite impressive holes as your foundation here; I am curious to see the ideas you will fill them with.

The narrative of the game thus far suggests that one has to know what one wants and understand what one needs to do in order to obtain it; the point is hammered in several interactions throughout both chapters (e.g., Elena's conversation with Kane in her car; Patricia's two conversations with him on the outside stairway). It suggests a "golden mean" approach to power, equidistant from the extremes of untrammeled domination and unconditional submission. The extremes of course have obvious shortcomings (the former: ultimate pointlessness and consequent unbearable lightness; the latter: ultimate ego dissolution and consequent unnecessary self-erasure; Hegel's master-slave dynamics suggest both are simply aspects of the same fate, namely, suicide). This approach is also visible in the walkthrough, where one sees that what for lack of a better word one could call the "interesting" choices (those that lead to more philosophical/psychological exposition and exploration, or to less cliché'd events for the MCs) tend to be those that don't maximize specific variables (Sub, Dom, Good, Evil, Slave, etc.). It is good to to see Sub/Dom and Good/Evil treated independently, by the way, but interestingly, the game also seems to subtly imply a connection between these two axes (e.g. in the existence of Slave as an independent variable between them; if I understand the walkthrough correctly, it seems that the only way to get K6 status [= more power / Dom ] is to keep Slave at 0, which implies not having to sprint or jog during the run, which implies acquiring SelfishEater by keeping the good food for ourselves [more Evil]). Still, if my life experience has taught me anything of interest, it is that the "golden mean" middle path has serious intrinsic problems of its own, and it will be interesting to see if the game touches upon them and what kind of conclusion it will draw from them.

The meat of the game so far is in the little pieces of information it delivers about the main goal and the main characters, and how it teases us for more to come. This makes the pacing seem nervous, full of suspense, which, in this kind of narrative, is perhaps exactly the goal. And it makes us wonder about the extent to which we know the characters we already think we know. (To quote from a work of fiction I like very much, "How could I ever hope to know a man... from three commands alone? I... I never even knew the hearts of those who served me well...")

A few more comments, suggestions, and ramblings are perhaps best put inside a spoiler tag, so as not to affect the experience of those who haven't yet played this game. I'll do this in a separate post. Here, I'll add a few remarks on a few details of minor or no importance, just on the off chance that Tess also cares about details.

- Alessandra Karlsson's name is spelt a couple of times as "Allesandra" with two "l"s and one "s" in Chap. 1 (e.g., in the computer text on the Karlssons that Kane reads in the storage room where he meets his friend Jake), but only as Alessandra in Chap. 2. This should probably be made consistent.

- I had once mentioned that it seemed weird for Alessandra to bring Olivia to her home just to tell her that she was busy so they would have to talk the following day. Chap. 2 suggests a possible solution: Alessandra is clearly evaluating Olivia all the time, so maybe something could be done to suggest that the point of bringing Olivia in at that time was precisely to make her judge the kidnapper servant so Alessandra could begin to understand what kind of person Olivia was even before making the job offer. (Alessandra could imply in a conversation with this servant, after she leaves Olivia, that "things went as planned" or that he "followed her orders well").

- Looking at the walkthrough, it turns out that, in the facesitting sequence, if Patricia chooses to let loose some gas into Kane's mouth, his Sub and Slave variables are increased. But this seems inconsistent with the overarching rule of making variables depend on the player's (MC's, Kane's) choices: it was, after all, Patricia's choice to do this, not Kane's. Unless this has some internal meaning (e.g., as a way of showing that, in life, sometimes our "variables" are indeed affected by factors outside of our control?), maybe it would be better to have Patricia ask Kane (this could still be done in a domineering way, e.g. "Ah... I seem to have a little surprise... Would you like to get it?" + Yes/No choice screen; if No, then his variables aren't changed but Patricia goes "What? So let me punish you!" and again falls on his face).

- In the Patricia worship sequence, Kane's tongue often looks impossibly long; in one case, about twice as long as his nose, which I think is impossible. It might be better, if at all possible, to redraw this part of the pictures. (Really not a big deal, but I thought about mentioning it anyway.)

Now, on some comments/ramblings/suggestions/hypotheses concerning the characters and plot (in spoiler tags, so as to protect anyone who hasn't played the game yet)...

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Did anyone manage to fail the test? Failed in my first run through,
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but then tweaked 2 decisions to make my MC a little bit less pathetic. ;)

Some posts here convinced me though to go with my fail MC as my main (honest) one. Let's see where that will end. :unsure:
When I play honestly, I also get K4, but I don't find that bad, since it would please me to see the MC get the "worst possible fate," which to me is kinda the best fate as far as my subby tendencies go. When I play as a moral agent, I end up getting K5, and when I went for what looked like the more interesting/intriguing options, I got one spontaneous K6. Reading the walkthrough, those results made sense in hindsight. I have some guesses about where this is going... I want to see if they end up being right.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
The worst part about this game is that it is not done. That is to say, I want to keep on playing and I eagerly look forward to the next installment. The setting seems almost perfect for a dom protagonist route. I'm normally not too much into the extremes: neither dom nor sub, but having to struggle to attain a dominant role make it quite appealing. I wonder if there would be any game setting that would make playing a submissive role palatable to me. Well I'm not completely sure I fully agree with what I have said above. I'm only sure of the fact that I want to play episode 3 :)

Also, it took me a while to notice that the Kane mentioned in the comments is the protagonist. :p
And also, I enjoyed reading asehpe 's comments.
Oh and I read the walkthrough after 2 playthroughs and was surprised about how inefficient my actions had been o_O I got 1 K4 by trying to be a good friend and stuff (sharing knowledge; encouraging Zach and giving away food) and then a K6 by accepting the deal and being selfish during the test.

Well… good luck!


Nov 27, 2019
it was, after all, Patricia's choice to do this, not Kane's.
I wrote a few times, how I like that game. For me it's definitely in the top 3 of all femdom games I played.

I'm just curious about one thing. The only part i did not like about the Chapter 2 is that you can somehow choose what Patricia is doing with you.
It is like 'topping from the bottom' and it brakes a bit the immersion of the game. Instead of playing a few characters, you become the godly narrator of the story.
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Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
This is one of the very rare cases where I find the plot more interesting than most of the h-scenes ( not a big fan of hardcore femdom). Pretty good writing in this one.
At first I didn't agree, now I'm more inclined to agree: the plot is definitely grabbing my attention. And I do like hardcore femdom.

Kitty is a personal favorite of mine (I just like how she looks to be honest and not sure if men see her like I do - probably can guess that with very first image of opening screen when you open the game), but given her backstory and personality, she may be more tailored to subs but I'm honestly not sure yet!
Kitty/Katherine is a little bit of a mystery for me so far. In the neutral/dom route she gives the MC (I still find it hard to call him "Kane," I had a completely different name in mind when I first played Chap. 1) that blowjob and is so eager to please Elena, but in the sub (K4) route she is deliciously dominant. This makes her look a little like Patricia, but the motivation is not as clear in Kitty's case as in Patricia's. But she (and her sister Kiyomi) are both very pretty in a way that appeals to my heart (while Patricia, for instance, does not), so I am really curious about her. (The other side character that I'd like to know more about now is Junko -- maybe also related? I know it's a bit of a racist cliché to say that all oriental characters must be related, but hey, family ties seem to be quite important in Karlsson's Gambit.)

And here, the frequency and amount of choices, and the feeling that most of them matter in varying ways we still only partially understand makes this whole experience very engaging. We actually have a whole lot to consider as a player. Between managing our sub/dom and good/evil traits, trying to gain favor with specific characters, choosing who to trust, how much information to disclose and to whom, making potentially route altering choices, trying to figure out who we can afford to help and how much, there's a lot of variables to keep in mind, and I'm loving it...
This is indeed an uncommon feature in visual novels as a whole. Even though I don't think that fewer choices are bad per se (if the story is engaging, I don't mind having a book-like experience, quite the opposite actually), but the presence of choices is something unique to VNs and should be explored for all it's worth to make narratives more interesting and allow a more immersive experience. Thus far, Karlsson's Gambit has been impressively good in this respect. (It's even interesting how the options themselves often end up being unexpected large chunks of text, with many suble hints and presuppositions.)

In the first version, I was going pretty hard on the sub route most likely because I've been conditioned to always jump at the most submissive options available in desperate hope to get some femdom in a game. But now that I've relaxed a bit and feel reassured I'm not going to have to try too hard to get dominated by the women in the game, I'm actually finding it more fun to try and resist a little, to try and figure out how to play this very intriguing and dangerous game, maybe to try and show enough backbone to help someone along the way... I'm still pretty submissive and obedient and got the K4 ranking, and I still plan on trying out the really extreme submissive options even if I won't get them the first playthrough, but for now I've realized I should respect the girls in this game and their manipulations and dominant nature enough to actually give them a shot at breaking me, instead of just trying to break myself in advance before they can even have a go at me... So my general attitude now is more of trying to steel myself for hardships and stick to my moral guns as much as I can while also trying to be intelligent about things and figure out as much as I can, but still, being mostly honest about my principles and trying to help those around me if I can...
That's is pretty much what I like to call my "moral agent" playthrough (except that I reserve the more exciting, i.e. extreme, femdom content for my more "honest" playthrough). The game seems so far structured in such a way that doing that -- getting the "middle ground" -- makes the play more interesting, or at least generates less cliché'd outcomes and events. But one thing I wonder about is the final impact on this world as a whole, though. It would appear at first that the only way the MC could actually affect the way this world is more than unfair to most of its inhabitants is to acquire as much power as possible while remaining good (and then perhaps pairing with Dominique); perhaps then he could actually change things for the better. At the same time, though, we don't know enough yet about the actual situation of the world, how it got to be that way (and Alexander Karlsson's role in all that), so things could be more complicated than that. Also, I'm intrigued by the possibility that the MC could be fairly or even very submissive, and still end up in a position to change this world for the better. How could that happen, I wonder?

As I see it, there would be four "easy" endpoints for MC, via maximization of variable pairs: Dom/Good (MC ends up with a lot of power and can/does change the world for the better; call it the "Messiah" ending); Dom/Evil (MC ends up with a lot of power and can/does change the world for the worse, because he enjoys the pain and destruction; call it the "Antichrist" ending); Sub/Good (MC ends up with little or no power, but does his best to improve his situation and that of those he cares about around him; call it the "Good Samaritan" ending); and Sub/Evil (MC ends up with little or no power, but does his best to improve his situation and torture/destroy those at his level or lower because he enjoys the pain and destruction; call it the "Potiphar's wife" ending). If at all possible, a Sub route that leads to the improvement of the world would seem to be one of the Good Samaritan endings, perhaps via butterfly effect, perhaps indirectly via MC's influence on someone with more power (say, Dominique). But I keep wondering if there is some other possibility I'm missing...

I really like all the different characters, and how the sisters and Elena and the rest each have their own personalities, ambitions and agendas. I like for example Dominique and the position she's in, where she does actually have a conscience and some good intentions, but has to basically walk a tight rope between not being able to show too much leniency and not wanting to be needlessly cruel. But then, I also like Juliette, who seems probably the most sadistic so far, the one who actually just enjoys dominating and torturing people for its own sake... I'm dreading and eagerly anticipating meeting her in person...
And yet, Dominique does not seem so phased out by the very cruel rules of the world she inhabits. Perhaps growing up there means accepting as natural certain things that would outrage us (I note Olivia's options or reactions never seemed to include actually feeling empathy or compassion about the obvious injustices against servants and prisoners; she at best mitigates said injustices from a position of power). As for Juliette, she does seem to be the most sadistic so far, but Veronica is kind of intriguing in that respect, and also there seems to be a hidden coldness to Alessandra's demeanor, both things that make me wonder if we aren't perhaps judging Juliette a little too quickly. IIRC, didn't Dominique say Juliette wasn't the sister she was most afraid of?

Also, special shout out to Kitty. I don't know how big she'll be in the story, but I already love her. Just that tiny moment of her thinking "too easy" when our brother was looking at her boobs got me excited - I may have mentioned this before, but the idea of a woman manipulating a man and him falling for her seduction without realizing the malicious intent behind it always gets me going, so just little moments like that are enough to fire me up.
I hadn't noticed that, but now that you point it out, it indeed seems quite relevant. Hm... I already liked her, and now you made me like her more.

Okay one thing I worry about a bit is that my sexual preferrence could result in my MC be seen as too weak and somewhat useless in the end. Hope there will be options to show that being loyal and submissive to the Mistresses is actually also a valuable attribute.
Being loyal and submissive might really please say one person and actually create a closer and loving relationship while with another it might make the person treat you even worse. I don't think one behavior fits all so to speak with different types of people. Usefulness can also apply to that character's goals for example meaning that if you are actively helping her with her own goals, that may even outweigh for one person your sexual preference (sub/dom whatever) and you may be treated differently. I just hope I can juggle all this! It's challenging!
As the possibilities increase in the process of creating something new, one is often overwhelmed by all the possibilities, and how they interact with one's creative intent. It is challenging, but that's what makes the responses interesting and intriguing! It is easy to have an equation like "submissive = worthless character" (which I think is what Frosty above is a bit concerned with), based on the assumption that giving up one's agency implies losing all claim to relevance or importance, or even complexity. As a psychologist once explained to me, the tendency to oversimplify subs is... incorrect. And, in this game,
what would the point of the Good/Evil variable be if lack of agency was all there was to being (very) submissive? Submissives, being human, are also intriguing and multi-sided; translating this characteristic into interesting situations and arcs is challenging, but in a good way, in the way that exercising your muscles can be challenging but is ultimately rewarding. I wish you luck!

From what I have seen, in femdom path you have to be pathetic and get humiliated, pretty disappointing. Well I guess I'll have to wait for a game in which MC is true alfa, but still enjoy submiting to his mistress.
Tho it's still a nice game.
But how could he be a true alpha in a world in which femdom determines non-sexual situations such as working assignments as well? You'd have to separate your real-world alpha-ness from your in-the-bedroom sexual submissiveness, would you not? Or are you talking about a different world?

One very minor example is if you are suffering pain during a shock scene in 0.2, you can crawl towards Patricia. If you try and crawl, Juliette likes that (even though it was useless there) and if not, she didn't. So despite her outward extreme behavior, perhaps she wants a strong MC quite a bit...she even says something about that during her scene with Gary about wishing she had a real man around and you can even glean something from her from comments about her own father possibly.
Hm, I hadn't noticed that, and this gives me hope that Juliette may be much more complicated than a cartoon villainness. Let's see how she evolves as her personality and secrets unfold in the game.

Being into femdom doesn't make you automatically generally submissive. I am not submissive to men at all, and a woman needs to trigger some sexual reaction from me to be in charge. Both sides are real representations of me and this is probably also true for a lot of other guys with similar mind sets.
I think it's ultimately even more complicated than that: submissiveness and/or dominance can be triggered by situations rather than simply by the people you're interacting with. I tend to be mild-mannered in my interactions with people, especially strangers, but if you get me into an "explaining" or "discussion" situation (yes, as you all may have noticed, I love long-winded speeches) I can become rather dominant and even downright sadistic in the way I downplay my interlocutor's viewpoints and corner him/her, even when said interlocutor is a woman I am submissively attracted to. It takes some conscious energy for me not to "dominate" a room when the topic is something I really know well: even if the others also know the topic, they'd better think really fast, or they'll be mercilessly left behind. When I get into a (sexual or non-sexual) submissive situation, sometimes even with the very same person, I am often surprised by how different I suddenly become. It's almost eerie.

Agreed and never said I act the opposite. Would say I generally just act normally towards people in real life. Also, at least in my experience, in real life you are mostly seen as what many would call an Alpha, because of your position and abilities you have. While in contrast, if you have behave like a typical "internet Alpha" in real life, you are then seen simply as a douche bag. ;)
That is quite astute, and in perfect agreement with my experience as well. Kudos!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
I wrote a few times, how I like that game. For me it's definitely in the top 3 of all femdom games I played.

I'm just curious about one thing. The only part i did not like about the Chapter 2 is that you can somehow choose what Patricia is doing with you.
It is like 'topping from the bottom' and it brakes a bit the immersion of the game. Instead of playing a few characters, you become the godly narrator of the story.
I was just going to for
Well, I've finished a few playthroughs, and looked at the walkthrough once. First obvious comment: Chap. 2 is even better than Chap. 1, in all kinds of senses: suspense is kept high, the stakes are raised, and more is revealed about every character, suggesting something more akin to a psychological study of people under the prism of power than to the post-apocalyptic power struggle story that I had first thought might emerge from it. I had feared that the final message would be simply, to quote a writer I like, "bare your teeth, and bite, if you have to, or else you may lose your whole mouth." There is a lot of that in the game; but it may be that we will be offered an insight into the doubts, motivations, and inner struggles of every character, from a non-naive perspective. Very well done, Tess. You have dug some quite impressive holes as your foundation here; I am curious to see the ideas you will fill them with.

The narrative of the game thus far suggests that one has to know what one wants and understand what one needs to do in order to obtain it; the point is hammered in several interactions throughout both chapters (e.g., Elena's conversation with Kane in her car; Patricia's two conversations with him on the outside stairway). It suggests a "golden mean" approach to power, equidistant from the extremes of untrammeled domination and unconditional submission. The extremes of course have obvious shortcomings (the former: ultimate pointlessness and consequent unbearable lightness; the latter: ultimate ego dissolution and consequent unnecessary self-erasure; Hegel's master-slave dynamics suggest both are simply aspects of the same fate, namely, suicide). This approach is also visible in the walkthrough, where one sees that what for lack of a better word one could call the "interesting" choices (those that lead to more philosophical/psychological exposition and exploration, or to less cliché'd events for the MCs) tend to be those that don't maximize specific variables (Sub, Dom, Good, Evil, Slave, etc.). It is good to to see Sub/Dom and Good/Evil treated independently, by the way, but interestingly, the game also seems to subtly imply a connection between these two axes (e.g. in the existence of Slave as an independent variable between them; if I understand the walkthrough correctly, it seems that the only way to get K6 status [= more power / Dom ] is to keep Slave at 0, which implies not having to sprint or jog during the run, which implies acquiring SelfishEater by keeping the good food for ourselves [more Evil]). Still, if my life experience has taught me anything of interest, it is that the "golden mean" middle path has serious intrinsic problems of its own, and it will be interesting to see if the game touches upon them and what kind of conclusion it will draw from them.

The meat of the game so far is in the little pieces of information it delivers about the main goal and the main characters, and how it teases us for more to come. This makes the pacing seem nervous, full of suspense, which, in this kind of narrative, is perhaps exactly the goal. And it makes us wonder about the extent to which we know the characters we already think we know. (To quote from a work of fiction I like very much, "How could I ever hope to know a man... from three commands alone? I... I never even knew the hearts of those who served me well...")

A few more comments, suggestions, and ramblings are perhaps best put inside a spoiler tag, so as not to affect the experience of those who haven't yet played this game. I'll do this in a separate post. Here, I'll add a few remarks on a few details of minor or no importance, just on the off chance that Tess also cares about details.

- Alessandra Karlsson's name is spelt a couple of times as "Allesandra" with two "l"s and one "s" in Chap. 1 (e.g., in the computer text on the Karlssons that Kane reads in the storage room where he meets his friend Jake), but only as Alessandra in Chap. 2. This should probably be made consistent.

- I had once mentioned that it seemed weird for Alessandra to bring Olivia to her home just to tell her that she was busy so they would have to talk the following day. Chap. 2 suggests a possible solution: Alessandra is clearly evaluating Olivia all the time, so maybe something could be done to suggest that the point of bringing Olivia in at that time was precisely to make her judge the kidnapper servant so Alessandra could begin to understand what kind of person Olivia was even before making the job offer. (Alessandra could imply in a conversation with this servant, after she leaves Olivia, that "things went as planned" or that he "followed her orders well").

- Looking at the walkthrough, it turns out that, in the facesitting sequence, if Patricia chooses to let loose some gas into Kane's mouth, his Sub and Slave variables are increased. But this seems inconsistent with the overarching rule of making variables depend on the player's (MC's, Kane's) choices: it was, after all, Patricia's choice to do this, not Kane's. Unless this has some internal meaning (e.g., as a way of showing that, in life, sometimes our "variables" are indeed affected by factors outside of our control?), maybe it would be better to have Patricia ask Kane (this could still be done in a domineering way, e.g. "Ah... I seem to have a little surprise... Would you like to get it?" + Yes/No choice screen; if No, then his variables aren't changed but Patricia goes "What? So let me punish you!" and again falls on his face).

- In the Patricia worship sequence, Kane's tongue often looks impossibly long; in one case, about twice as long as his nose, which I think is impossible. It might be better, if at all possible, to redraw this part of the pictures. (Really not a big deal, but I thought about mentioning it anyway.)

Now, on some comments/ramblings/suggestions/hypotheses concerning the characters and plot (in spoiler tags, so as to protect anyone who hasn't played the game yet)...

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When I play honestly, I also get K4, but I don't find that bad, since it would please me to see the MC get the "worst possible fate," which to me is kinda the best fate as far as my subby tendencies go. When I play as a moral agent, I end up getting K5, and when I went for what looked like the more interesting/intriguing options, I got one spontaneous K6. Reading the walkthrough, those results made sense in hindsight. I have some guesses about where this is going... I want to see if they end up being right.
Thanks for the detailed comments, you are definitely thinking about things the way I am thinking about them -- very detailed and with many permutations and possibilities. Even I haven't figured out all the specifics yet, but I kind of know where I am going.

Some minor comments about some plot things you said -- I will share the following food for thought, spoilers tag so be aware!

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Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
Thanks for the detailed comments, you are definitely thinking about things the way I am thinking about them -- very detailed and with many permutations and possibilities. Even I haven't figured out all the specifics yet, but I kind of know where I am going.
That's why writers write. :) After all, if everything was already neatly solved in all details in their minds, why would they ever feel the compelling need to spend so much time writing and rewriting and rewriting their stories?

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I do have a guess as to who Alexander was talking to when he died, but it's so early in the game that I'm probably wrong, so I'll wait and see. And also... if you don't mind me asking again... is there some way to download Callista's New Life? I really liked it. I noticed it is the song Alexander wanted to hear while talking to that mysterious person when he died. (I will of course understand if you, for instance, want it to be available only to your Patreon supporters.)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
That's why writers write. :) After all, if everything was already neatly solved in all details in their minds, why would they ever feel the compelling need to spend so much time writing and rewriting and rewriting their stories?

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I do have a guess as to who Alexander was talking to when he died, but it's so early in the game that I'm probably wrong, so I'll wait and see. And also... if you don't mind me asking again... is there some way to download Callista's New Life? I really liked it. I noticed it is the song Alexander wanted to hear while talking to that mysterious person when he died. (I will of course understand if you, for instance, want it to be available only to your Patreon supporters.)
If you go into the music folder in the game files, it's in there in the game files, it's called "thesong" All the music is in there, even a few I haven't used yet but know I will later.
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Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
If you go into the music folder in the game files, it's in there in the game files, it's called "thesong" All the music is in there, even a few I haven't used yet but know I will later.

EDIT: Now there is a problem I don't understand. Even though the file is labeled as .mp3, when I copy it out of the folder and try to play it with any mp3-capable app (including even Windows Media Player), all I get is an error message. VLC immediately stops. Audacity tells me to import it raw, and all I get by doing this is noise. Could it be that the actual format of the file is not .mp3, despite the extension? Do you people know how music files are handled in Renpy?
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
There is another pure version without any other background just piano but I don't think it's in the game files. I also have some songs in there not used, if you see the actual name "Karlsson's Gambit" as part of title that is mixed personally, but you have to play song to see that, not in file title.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
There is another pure version without any other background just piano but I don't think it's in the game files. I also have some songs in there not used, if you see the actual name "Karlsson's Gambit" as part of title that is mixed personally, but you have to play song to see that, not in file title.
OK, thanks! I assume you don't mind if I play with the music files a little (after I figure out how to open them -- as I said in the edit above, I'm having unexpected problems)?
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2019
OK, thanks! I assume you don't mind if I play with the music files a little (after I figure out how to open them -- as I said in the edit above, I'm having unexpected problems)?
They are generally royalty/copyright free music so go ahead and have fun! I only have about 2-3 I actually mixed and made different (it might say GG in playfile or Karlsson's Gambit) but go ahead with those too! I'm not sure about the music issue, I can open them on my computer just fine. :(
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