Michael's the DeKock kid right? Or his dad? Stefan will end up being a weak-willed incompetent jerk. In sub path cause he doesn't fit into the Femdom set-up & in dom path cause you can't allow another guy to circumvent the whole "only worthwhile man" thing the MC has going in every harem novel.
There's already a scene back in previous versions where She says he shouldn't be sure of his position:
cyn "Be quiet! Your lack of patience and wisdom only makes me that much more curious about him! Don't assume your future is set Stefan...it's not."
cyn "Any son of Cole and Callista is important to me...for obvious reasons."
cyn "And Delilah, I trust you have not gotten too...close to anyone? And especially...you haven't fucked [pname]?"
de "No Mother, of course not!"
This was probably an early clue to many ppl thinking that Cole was related to the Dekocks.
I still think there's more than meets the eye here though, since the pier scene seemed intentionally vague about stating the guy as the father...
So what Cynthia thinks she knows about MC's parentage might not be the truth
Anyway, the answer you'll get here is about whether cousin incest counts & whether the dev included that when saying no incest.
Oh, where's that info from??
Also, another thought I've had after learning about Astrid: Seth's condition seems to be a rare genetic condition & now we have 2 ppl with that condition. I wondered if they shared a parent or 2.
Also, Astrid & Kane cannot share a parent if there will be anything sexual between them, so hope not.

And if Astrid & Seth share a parent, that means Kane cannot be related to him either

Also I think the relationship charts are fan-made. Basically they are updated as we get more info I think. Releasing a chart with info not yet in-game would be huuuge spoilers. It was confirmed in this chapter but I think the old chart I saw (I haven't seen ch7 version of the chart) wasn't sure of it, hence my views on it being outdated (junko romance is such a narrow path).
Alexander was obsessed with
Callista. Given his bestfriend knocked up his lover, I'd argue he'd prefer a child of Callista not related to Cole if such an option was available. Sure he's dead & might not have known about Seth & all that, but still, I don't agree with the less valueable theory.
After all it's Callista. I don't think any man she has a child with can be called of no consequence. Just look at her importance in the story.
Sure the genetic condition can be a factor, but limiting Callista's blood to one person would make the stakes higher.
So storywise it makes more sense if Kane was Callista's only blood-related child & she didn't get knocked up by another guy after leaving.
Also the hacker, most likely nadia, saying only the MC's blood can unlock the bracelet. (Though MC atm thought Seth& Olivia was Callista's blood too

Here's pros for a wild theory:
Anyway, it's all pretty vague.
I still think the 3 characters being not blood related would make for a better story.
I think 3 unrelated but raised together siblings would make the best storyline, & the key to the gambit should be only 1, no back-ups.
So Seth shouldn't be MC's back-up, but have another role in the gambit(Olivia too).
I think the 3 should be evenly unrelated, & not that MC & Seth are related but not Olivia.
Seth-Kane convo:
p "Yeah, I trust your gut if you think so.
So unless neither of you is Mom's...she's not a biological mother to one of you. Did she say who?"
scene e6sdress12 with mediumdissolve
bro "No, and I don't believe she knows. I personally suspect she's not Mom's real daughter...given her rapid rise and situation compared to us."
bro "And that might impact you too...just think about it logically. You're not related the same way to one of us by default."
If Kane had seen Callista pregnant with Seth he wouldn't question who the unrelated child was. So it means Kane isn't sure if either Seth or Olivia is Callista's child, making the argument that he saw Callista pregnant void.
Olivia-Elena convo:
sis "He's not? How do you know for sure?"
ec "I just confirmed it with Veronica Karlsson. There is no doubt about this fact. She would not lie to me about something like this..."
sis "But how? And does he know?"
ec "No."
sis "Wow."
Olivia-Seth convo:
bro "But wait...what about [pname]? And Mom? That means that at least one of us isn't her biological child either.
Which one of us isn't?"
sis "(
He's...he's right! I was so shocked...didn't even think of it when told...) I...I don't know. I'll try and find out."
If either Kane or Olivia saw Callista pregnant with Seth, they'd have that confirmed. Yet all 3 are looking it from every angle. Ergo, they are not sure Seth is Callista's son by birth.