Anybody looking forward to any potential meetings/ battles.
Im looking to two really, Kane meeting his mother
Especially if my theory about Callista's involvement in the Gambit turns out to be correct instead of yours.
Following the same vein, I'm looking forward to MC learning about Olivia at the same time (her prior knowledge of the gambit, not the her being a Karlsson part), or atleast in a very short time frame.
Add in stuff about Seth (whatever that is) & I'd love to see how the MC's mindstate is after all this.
Edit: Actually what I'm looking forward to the most is when Olivia comes clean to the MC. Hope we get some good choices to react. Maybe something along the lines of "I always knew, or atleast suspected. I'm not stupid you know & you're not the only one who can act"

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree